Chapter 13

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I knew this was happening. I didn't know what happened but my mom and dad had another big argument. However, this time my mom actually left the house. I don't know where she went and I really want her to come back but I don't think she will be coming back. Did I made the wrong decision? I hope I didn't cause my parents to get a divorce, I just want my mom and dad to be happy. 

Now that my mom has left, I am alone with my dad. This means he will try even harder in persuading me to take that Super Formula Lights offer. I mean I am not going to reject the offer, the only reason that I have rejected the offer was because I don't want my mom to get angry at my dad for letting me race. But that didn't seem to work so I guess I should take up that contract. But first I need to figure out what happened between my mom and dad.

Ethan: Dad, where did mom go?

Y/N: She left to take a break.

Ethan: From what?

Y/N: Just forget about it. I'll take good care of you.


This was bound to happen anyways. I knew one day one of us will not be able to take this anymore and one of us will leave. With the arguments we were constantly having, it was never healthy for this family and the family was going to break apart one day. I just can't believe that the day is today. I am devastated but for Ethan, I need to look fine or else he will start to feel emotional and scared. What's done is done, there was no fixing this relationship in the short term so I should focus on taking care of Ethan for now and just hope that one day Sana will come back.

I can tell Ethan was not happy about his mother leaving. It was completely my fault, I shouldn't have stood against her all the time when she wanted Ethan to do well in school. But this kid has talent and potential. Racing is in his DNA, he does deserve to drop out of school and focus on his racing career like I did and I don't think there was anything wrong of letting Ethan focus on what he is good at outside school. With this in mind, I decided to take the offer for him Yamada san and let Ethan race in Super Formula Lights next season.

Y/N: Ethan, I want you to take the Super Formula Lights offer.

Ethan: Why dad, but mom doesn't want me to do it.

Y/N: It's ok, I'll deal with your mom. 

Ethan POV

I wonder what my mom is doing right now and where she was. She has left for the whole day and I was pretty sure that she won't be coming back. She has left me to deal with my dad which I'm not against it but I also want my mom here. My dad has told me that he has accepted the offer for Super Formula Lights which I guess would've made me happy because it was my first step of my journey to Formula 1 but without my mom here, it means nothing to me. I am willing up to give up everything just so I could have my mom and my dad with me and a happy family. I guess that was too much to ask for.

Sana POV

After storming out of my family, I figured that I had no where to go because I didn't really have much money with me. I ended up where I started, home. Home was a place that I could stay as long as possible for free without having to argue to Y/N every single day. I was really sick of arguing with Y/N everyday. It was so tiring and annoying because all we do is argue about the exact same thing. We both needed a break, so I decided to head home to spend some time away from my problems with Y/N and Ethan. Hopefully spending time with my mom and dad would make me feel better.

Sana's Mom: Sana daring, why did you leave your family like that?

Sana: I just can't take it anymore. Too much arguments and we always argue about the same thing. It's like he doesn't care about me anymore and it was not healthy for Ethan. He needs a peaceful environment to grow up and with both of us there we can't provide a peaceful environment for him.

Sana's Mom: Have you ever thought about that Ethan might need a mother and a father during his childhood so he could grow up happily and healthily?

Sana: I did but if I stay there Y/N will always try and pick a fight. He's always talking how harsh I am being towards Ethan and not letting Ethan do what he likes.

Sana's Mom: Oh honey, marriage is difficult. You think me and your dad didn't have any arguments in the past? We even argued about you leaving for Korea. As I like to say, both sides are always at fault for an argument. You ever thought it might have been your fault too?

Sana: No it's always Y/N, he always pick the most random thing to bicker about.

Sana's Mom: Just think about it darling.

After what my mom just said, I had a deep thought about if I could have done any better in those arguments. I mean at the end of every fight, I always blame it on Y/N. Maybe my mom was right, I have never thought about that I might be at fault for constantly fighting as well. Maybe I was too harsh on Ethan and I should let him enjoy his childhood. Y/N might be right about Ethan being that one in a million of making it as a Formula 1 driver and I should really be more lenient on letting him go racing. Maybe the one who broke this family apart and not Y/N, but what's done is done and there's no going back from that. I think I am going to stay here for a while until the heat goes off. I haven't decided when I will head back home but for the sake of Ethan I think I will be staying here for the foreseeable future.

Will Sana ever return to Y/N and Ethan and what will happen to Y/N and Ethan now that Y/N is raising Ethan on his own? Continue reading to find out.

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