Chapter 5

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Ethan POV

This is a load of bull sh*it. Why am I not allowed to compete in any of my scheduled races for the upcoming month. I was supposed to head to Fuji Speedway today to compete in another karting race. But because of this stupid punishment, I will be staying home and studying and doing homework. This is really unfair, I bet grandma and grandpa never punished my mom and dad for not submitting their homework when they were young because they didn't even finish school.

Does my mom not know how big and how much karting means to me? The upcoming races is really important to me as the year is nearing it's end and Super Formula Lights teams are going to be scouting drivers from the Japanese karting series to see if they could scout some talents for the upcoming season. If I don't attend the upcoming races, I will seriously be on the back foot in terms of finding a drive and going up the ladder in the motorsport world.

Sometimes I really do hate my mom, she is always pushing me to focus on school and almost as if she was not allowing me to enter the world of motorsport. My dad on the other hand, he was really supportive on my racing career and he doesn't really care about me not doing well in school. I could tell that this punishment had my mom written all over it, and my dad was never alerted about this parent imposed racing ban before hand. You could tell by my dad's tone and shock when he heard my mom settle on that punishment, he didn't really like that but I guess he will have to side with my mother no matter what because that's marriage.

Because I am not allowed to go to the race this weekend, I spent my whole weekend sitting on my chair doing nothing. I was supposed to finish all my homework, which I have and supposed to continue my studies. I can't go out into the living room and play on the PS5 or watch TV because that would just make my mom angry and probably extend the punishment. I was currently daydreaming with my book opened on my desk until my mom decided to barge into my room.

Sana: Ethan, lunch is ready.

Ethan: Just leave it on my desk, I'll eat here so I could continue revising.

Sana: Good, also I want you to write a reflection about what you think you have done wrong this time and how would you become more organised in the future.

Ethan: Ugh, fine.

Sana: Don't give me that look. Now go.

Great, now I have to write a reflection as well. How many more types of punishment does she want to give me before she think it's enough. What do I even have to reflect about? I forgot to print my essay out and I will make sure I never forget to do it again. There's nothing I could reflect on about. This is just a load of bull sh*t.

Sana POV

If I am honest, I don't feel that well after punishing Ethan. I mean he is still my kid after all, but I just want him to do well. When I went into his room, I can see even he was pretending to be studying, he wasn't actually studying. While he might be physically here but his mind was definitely somewhere else. I actually feel bad for him, I can tell he really wanted to go to that race but I can't back out of the punishment now or else he wouldn't learn his lesson.

Also, to make things worse, I forced my husband to agree to this punishment. I know he doesn't want this punishment because he really want Ethan to focus on his racing and motorsport. But sometimes my husband can be too relaxed when dealing with Ethan's school problems.

Sana: Honey, was I too harsh on Ethan's punishment?

Y/N: Of course you were.

Sana: I just want him to learn his lesson.

Y/N: Honestly, there's a lot you could take away from that kid. Seriously what were you thinking? Phone, PS5, going out with friends? But no, you have to take away the thing that he is actually good at and the thing that I am always on top of.

Sana: I took away his phone last time and he didn't learn his lesson. And where were these good ideas when I was punishing him last night.

Y/N: Just admit it, you never want Ethan to do motor racing (pissed).

Sana: I just want him to also focus on school.

Y/N: Yeah right, you always jump on the first opportunity to make Ethan stay away from motor racing.

Sana: Oh I'm sorry for prioritising OUR kid's education over his hobbies.

Y/N: Motorsport can also be a career but sadly you never liked the idea of having a son who's a racing driver.

Sana: You know what? I don't want to talk to you.

Y/N: Good riddance.

Ugh, I can't believe I just had an argument with my husband about motor racing. Ever since Ethan started school, the amount of argument I had with my husband about whether Ethan should just solely focus on racing or not has increased. We both have different opinions on this, while he wants Ethan to have a career in racing, I want Ethan to do well in school so we always argue on which one is better for Ethan's future.

Ethan POV

From my room, I can hear my parents arguing. It wasn't the first time that they have argued. They always argue right after I get into trouble at school. Most of their arguments are about if I should focus and put more effort in school. I am really sick of these arguments, listening to these arguments actually made me mad because while I hate my mom for always trying to ruin my racing career, I still love her. I love both of my mom and dad equally and the last thing I want is for them to get a divorce.

Fifth chapter revised yay. I know it's exactly the same as the previous version but I am very lazy and didn't want to change that much.

So will Sana and Y/N get a divorce? Continue reading to find out. Things aren't looking good between Ethan and his parents.

Another update on this book. Now that I have more time to update my stories, I think all my books will get more frequent updates. So if you don't want to miss out on any chapters, please follow me and add this book to your library.

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