Chapter 19

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I really thought about my relationship with Ethan and the more I think about it the more I realised how much I ignore him for work. Especially ever since Shuhua joined the team, I have been leaving very early to work and coming back very late. No wonder why Ethan thought I was having an affair and cheating on Sana. Most of the days I leave for work before Ethan wakes up and comes back home after Ethan has went to bed meaning that I don't really have time to connect with my son. With that in mind, I decided to take a few weeks off so I could take Ethan to Spain.

Y/N: Ethan, guess what.

Ethan: What?

Y/N: I'm going to Spain with you now come on let's get ready, we're leaving for the airport in 20 minutes.

Ethan: Actually, I don't need you to go with me anymore. Uhhh...... I'm good going alone. Bye dad.

Well that was weird. I thought Ethan was looking forward going to Spain to visit the Campos Racing factory with me. Now it feels like he doesn't want me to go with him. It was a bit weird how he stuttered a little bit when he told me that he was going alone. I was suspecting he was going with someone that he doesn't want me to know about. With that, I followed Ethan to the airport to see what his little secret is.

Ethan POV

That was extremely close, my dad said he wanted to go to Spain with me. That would be the last thing I wanted right now because I actually preferred to spend some time with my mother instead of having my dad go with me. I think my dad was onto me anyways so as I arrived at the airport and met up with my mom I told her that we need to be quick and get into the restricted area of the airport as soon as possible before my dad gets a chance to see us.

Sana: Hey Ethan, are you ready to go.

Ethan: Let's get the check in done quickly, I think dad is onto me. He said he wanted to come with me so let's get this done before he finds us.

However, there was a lot of people queuing for check in and there was no way we could get through check in and security quickly now. The only thing I could do now is hope that my dad was busy with work and can't make it to the airport. My hopes were shattered when I heard my dad greet me whilst I was queuing for check in.

Y/N: Hey Ethan, why did you leave in such a hurry this morning?

Crap, now my mom is definitely going to see my dad and they are definitely going to argue again. I don't like this because they are most likely going to cause a scene at the airport right now.

Sana POV

I was wondering who was calling Ethan when we were queuing up at the airport. As I looked over, I saw someone who I never wanted to see in a million years. It was Y/N. What was he doing here? I quickly turned away hoping that he wouldn't see me.

Ethan: So funny story dad, mom is here.

Sana: Why are you here?

Y/N: What do you mean why am I here? I'm going to Spain with my son.

Sana: Oh so now you care about your son?

I was so mad at Y/N. First he sends Ethan to Spain alone and now he suddenly decided to go to Spain with Ethan for no particular reason. I can't believe him. Ethan told me he doesn't care and now he suddenly cares. I knew I wasn't ready to face Y/N again and I was trying so hard to not cause a scene at the airport but I really can't.

Sana: I can't believe what you did to Ethan.

Y/N: What's wrong with me going to Spain with Ethan? I'm his father after all.

Sana: You were about to send him to Spain alone. What kind of father does that?

Y/N: Well I didn't at last.

Sana: Yeah too late, I'm Ethan's mother and I am taking him to Spain.

People started looking at us weird as the the argument got more heated. This was why I didn't want to see Y/N, I knew I wasn't ready and in my mind everything he does is wrong. Once again we started an argument that could be avoided and this time it was in public as well, we both look like children when we are actually adults. I really wanted to stop this argument but the things he does just triggers me.

Ethan POV

I was very embarrassed by what my mom and dad were doing at the airport. They were arguing in public when they were supposed to be adults, my role model. It was annoying me so much because they were creating a scene and everyone was looking at us. I wanted to find somewhere to hide but I can't because we are queuing up and if I leave I will lose my position in the queue so I just stayed there pretending that I was not involved in the argument.

The arguing went on for very long and continued to after checkout. They were arguing who gets to take me to Spain when this could be solved by both of them taking me together so we could go on a trip like a happy family. However, with the amount of arguing going on between my parents this will not be a happy family trip. With that I have a better idea in mind, why don't I just go alone? Since that was what I was going to do before I dragged my mom into this trip.

Ethan: You know what, both of you should stop argue.

Sana: Ethan, who do you want to go to Spain with?

Y/N: Yeah Ethan, we'll let you decide. Just keep in mind that your mother didn't want you to have a career in racing and doesn't know anything about motorsport.

Sana: Oh my god, are you going to do this again? Every time you made me look like the bad guy in front of my son.

There they go again. I can tell that this argument will not be stopping anytime soon. It was so embarrassing and we are only attracting more attention, I had no choice but to make a decision very quickly.

Ethan: You know what, both of you don't deserve to go with me. You embarrassed me and I would rather go alone.

Y/N and Sana: Ethan, don't go. Wait up.

With that, I ran as fast as I could away from them before they could embarrass me even more. I entered the passport gate and boarded the flight on my own. I can't believe after all the convincing and patching my relationship up with mom still took me back to the original plan of going to Spain myself. I really hope just one day my mom and dad can stop arguing and go back to being a happy family.

More tension between Y/N and Sana, what is going to happen to Ethan when he arrives at Spain alone? Also, what is going to happen Y/N and Sana? Continue reading to find out.

Thank you very much for 900 reads on this book. All of your support gives me extra motivation to continue writing this book. Even though I don't update this book that frequently, I will update more frequently soon since Trust in Talent is coming to end.

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