Chapter 32

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Ethan POV

Obviously I was disappointed when my dad arrived home with Shuhua. Even though I am happy to see Shuhua again, I really wanted to spend some quality father and son time with my dad because it has been so long since I have spent some time with my dad which isn't on the race track. Anyways, Shuhua is here and personally I don't think it will change anything. I was trying my best to hide that I was disappointed because Shuhua was here, I think my dad figured out that I was acting a little bit off about something. I didn't tell him what it was but he asked nevertheless.

Y/N: Ethan, I bought your favourite okonomiyaki. 

Ethan: Great, let's eat. I'm hungry.

Y/N: What's wrong, you don't really look happy about it.

Ethan: Nothing, it's just I thought I would be spending some good father and son time together. 

Y/N: I wanted that too but we could spend some time together some other day. I had to invite Shuhua after I found out she was going to have dinner alone and it was quite late when we left. Shuhua is like family to me. Anyways, thanks for setting up the table. Let's eat.

Ethan: Fine let's eat.

I wasn't really happy about Shuhua joining, and after what my dad just said about Shuhua being part of the family just tipped me over the edge. It was too much, there was no way that Shuhua can be part of this family. My family consists of my mother Sana Minatozaki, my dad Y/N Chou and maybe my aunt Tzuyu. That's it, there will be no more new members to my family. There was no way I am allowing Shuhua to be part of my family. Sana will be my mother and Y/N will be my father forever, we will stay as a family like that forever even if my parents get a divorce. I don't care if mom and dad gets a divorce and my dad remarries, whoever my dad remarries will not be a part of the family. 

The Next Morning

I didn't sleep especially well last night which meant I woke up very early. This whole thing about my dad saying Shuhua was part of the family was really bugging me. I didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. However, I seriously don't know what my dad means Shuhua is part of the family, does he mean that Shuhua is going to be my step mother? She can't be, she was my age which is way too young for my dad and they already clarified that both of them have no secret relationship or anything like that. 

Ethan: Morning dad.

Y/N: Good morning Ethan. I'm glad you woke up early this morning. I'll take you to your mother's place and then I'll be off to work.

Ethan: Sure dad.

I didn't really want to talk to my dad about what he said last night. Therefore, we ate breakfast in a little bit of silence and after having breakfast I packed my things and my dad took me to my mother's place. It was my mother's turn to take care of me for the upcoming few days which was nice because I really like my mother and I really enjoy spending time with her. 

On the way to seeing my mother, I was debating whether to tell her about this Shuhua situation. Last time I told her about dad and Shuhua, she was acting very strange about it and wanted to know more about Shuhua. If I told her that dad said Shuhua was part of the family too, she will definitely freak out and kill dad. However, she also has the right to know about things like these because they are still legally married. As I arrived as my mom's place, I have decided to tell her all about it. I just hope she doesn't make a big deal about this. 

Y/N: Ok Ethan, we're here. Be nice to your mother.

Ethan: You sure you don't want to come in?

Y/N: I've got work sorry kid. Plus I don't think your mom would like to see me.

I took my stuff and went into my mom's house as my dad drove away to work. It still confuses me the amount of time he spends at the factory nowadays. I honestly don't know why is he always at the factory, especially he wasn't really talk about his work at the factory much. He used to love talking about work when I was smaller. Anyways, it was nice that I get to spend some time with my mother during this long break of the Formula 2 season. My mom doesn't have to work so at least she will always be home with me.

Ethan: Hey mom.

Sana: Hello Ethan, how have you been?

Ethan: Good, just focusing on my Formula 2 season.

Sana: Anything you want to share with me? Possibly about Y/N?

I knew it, my mom still cares about my dad. Whenever I visit her or stay with her, she always asks about my dad and how he was doing. I seriously don't get them at all, why can't she go back and find out herself? I have to be her messenger all the time. Even though I didn't really want to tell my mom about dad and Shuhua, I had to tell her. When I was young my mom taught me to never lie so I can't lie to my mother, it was the correct thing to do.

Ethan: Well there's something but I don't know if I should tell you.

Sana: It's ok just say it.

Ethan: Promise you won't freak out please.

Sana POV

It was my turn to take care of Ethan now which was always nice. Ever since me and Y/N separated, I always enjoyed having Ethan over with me. Now that he has joined Formula 2, he has spent more time away from now which means I get less information about how he is dealing and how his life was. Most importantly, he is able to tell me how was Y/N doing and what is happening to Y/N's life after I have left. 

Sana: Anything you want to share with me? Possibly about Y/N?

Ethan: Well there's something but I don't know if I should tell you.

Sana: It's ok just say it.

Ethan: Promise you won't freak out please.

I don't know what Ethan was about to say but he told me not to freak out. This doesn't sound good, nothing good ever happens to Y/N. I took a deep breath to calm myself and prepared to see what Ethan has to tell me about Y/N.

Ethan: Dad just brought a girl home and said that she was part of family.

Sana: WHAT!?

I'll just leave it here for cliffhanger haha. And yes guys, I'm back to updating my book. Sorry if I've been inactive in the past week, but I have been very busy with packing and preparing for school. Also, I didn't have a laptop so I can't write this chapter.

Anyways, thank you very much for reaching 1.5K reads when my laptop was under maintenance, it really cheered me up coming back to Wattpad and see this book has reached 1.5K reads. Please continue to support this book by voting on the chapters and keep reading until the end.

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