Chapter 26

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Ethan POV

I arrived home from USA without my dad. After getting the scolding from my dad I deliberately went home alone. I can't take it anymore, he keeps scolding me after losing the championship. I need to get away from him as soon as possible so I changed my flight to head home alone. If I had been on the same flight with my dad, he will definitely be scolding me throughout the whole flight back. I called my mom to pick me up from the airport because I can't stand my dad. I need to get away from my dad for a while and living with mom is the only possibility that I could take some time away from my dad. As I arrived at Osaka Kansai Airport, I met my mom at the arrival hall, I ran towards her and hugged her.

Ethan: Mom, I missed you.

Sana: Ethan, what happened? Why did you tell me to pick you up from the airport.

Ethan: Ugh dad, don't want to talk about it.

After meeting up with my mom, I went back to her place. Finally I get to spend some time with my mother. I don't care about the arrangement that my mom and dad have, I am staying with mom until I feel comfortable to leave. Staying with my dad and putting up with his constant scolding of what I'm doing wrong on the race track was too much for me to handle, now I finally understand why my mom left on that day.

Sana POV

I have no idea what has gone on with Ethan and Y/N, but it looks like Ethan doesn't want to be with Y/N anymore and I completely understand it. Sometimes, Y/N could be unbearable which is why I left him and Ethan behind and now it was Ethan's turn to leave Y/N. I could tell Ethan was much happier living with me for the time being, and even though Y/N has posted his concerns about Ethan checking in on him from time to time, I am not ready to send Ethan back to him just yet. I honestly don't really care about the arrangement me and Y/N had, if it is for the happiness of Ethan, I am willing to break this deal that I have with Y/N. 

Sana: Ethan, why do you not like dad anymore?

Ethan: What made you think that?

Sana: You didn't want to go home with him, told me to secretly pick you up at the airport. Not wanting to talk about your dad. What happened between you two? You used to like your dad and hate me back when you were younger.

Ethan: I know but dad doesn't care about me anymore. I didn't win the championship because of a crash and all he wanted to say was to point out my mistakes. He didn't even ask me if I was alright after the crash.

Sana: What you crashed!? Oh my god, are you ok?

Ethan: Now you see that would be a normal reaction of a parent seeing their child get in an accident, not start to scold at him or teach him a lesson. Also, thanks mom, I'm fine.

Sana: Well, you know your dad could be harsh sometimes.

For the next few weeks, Ethan stayed with me and we celebrated Christmas together. I could tell Ethan was happier staying with me, it looks like I really have patched up my relationship with Ethan even though I didn't do anything. Y/N keeps asking me if Ethan is fine and if he could bring Ethan home but I just kept ignoring him. I don't really think Ethan is ready to face Y/N again plus I really enjoy having Ethan around. He is such a good kid and a very positive thinking person, he really got the best of me with constantly trying to be happy and finding ways to keep a positive thinking. 


Ever since the Formula 3 finale, I haven't seen Ethan anymore. From what I know, he has moved in with his mother and is staying there for a while. I don't know why he was suddenly so mad about what I do. All I do is just want him to improve and be a better driver. When he was younger he used to listen to everything I say to him, all the lessons I taught him and he didn't seemed to mind the times that I was being harsh on him after mistakes he made on the track. However, it all changed, he didn't like the way I was being harsh towards him after the USA Grand Prix. I mean there was nothing I did wrong there, I am entitled to be harsh on my child. 

Over the past few days, I kept contacting Sana to see if Ethan is alright. I really want to see Ethan again. I kept reflecting on myself, maybe I was a bit too harsh on him. All the parenting websites that I read said that the more you push your child, the more they distant themselves. I really shouldn't be that harsh on Ethan sometimes. Sana keeps telling me that Ethan isn't ready to see me again and has been very happy living with Sana. 

It has been too long since Ethan left me. I mean this was his winter break and he could do whatever he wanted to. But normally he spends his winter break playing in the simulator of my factory and he didn't even pay a visit once ever since coming back from USA. I was starting to get nervous about his future, he is putting his motorsport future and Formula 1 dream at risk right now. If I'm honest, I am a bit disappointed at him and worried that he might not make the step up to Formula 2. However, that night as I arrived at my apartment after work, I received a letter addressed to Ethan.

As I opened the letter, it was from Campos Racing. The team that Ethan was racing with in the previous Formula 3 season. I know this was invading Ethan's privacy but he is my son after all so I am entitled to read letters addressed to him. I opened the letter and started to read it......

What is the letter addressed to Ethan about? Continue reading to find out.

Sorry for a bit of a short chapter, but I have been very busy preparing for the start of university. It's a new school year and there's just too much for me to do right now that I can't update as frequently as I wanted to. 

As always, please don't forget to vote for this chapter and share this book. Thank you very much for your previous support and please continue supporting this book, it means a lot to me.

I apologise for the less frequent updates in the coming future, but obviously I will put my school work as a priority. I promise that I will write whenever I have the time and will not put this book on hiatus.

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