Confessions (Tom)

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"God I hated today's interview", (y/n) groaned as she fell onto the bed in her hotel room.

Tom and her had to go to an promotion-interview about their upcoming film Kong Skull Island.

"Why", Tom asked looking at (y/n) while she was digging herself into the pillows.
"Because that woman was more interested in flirting with you than our actual project!"
"And what do you care about women flirting with me", Tom questioned her while crossing his arms.
"I don't care who flirts with you, but when we're doing a professional interview than keep it professional", (y/n) scoffed.
"You're jealous", Tom smirked.
"No I am not!"
"You are!"
"What do you want me to say? 'Oh Tom I love you so much. Fuck me right here and right now. Oh Tom I am so desperate for you'."
"I want you to admit you love me! (Y/n) do you think I am blind? I see the way you act around me. I see how jealous you are from other women talking to me. You're bad at hiding your feelings or lying about them. You love me, just admit. Stop being stubborn for one moment!"
"I don't love you!"
"Then stop pretending you are my girlfriend!"
With that said Tom left (y/n) alone in her room. 

He was right about her. She did love him. She never wants to admit her feelings. She's been hurt so many times by others that she was scared of losing Tom too as a friend. All the ones before Tom dumped her after she told them how she felt and that left a scar. (Y/n) knew Tom was aware of her feelings towards him, or he was bluffing, and that made her even more anxious. 

She couldn't help but feel jealous of women flirting with him on set, during interviews and other events. It made her feel bad and obsessed towards Tom. 

He was a good friend of hers since they started rehearsing and shooting. They would hang out a lot and they would tell each other how they feel since they both knew they could tell one another everything. But for this moment they, she, couldn't. 

Tom on the other hand was too stubborn and too scared to tell her he secretly loved her. He would find himself awake at night dreaming of (y/n), imagining her snuggled up in his arms, her soft skin connecting with his as they confess their love for one another.

At this moment Tom had enough of (y/n)'s games. It was clear to him she loved him or that she was at least attracted to him. He didn't understand why she was so stubborn to confess it.

(Y/n) was quite shocked of the way Tom reacted now. She had never seen him this irritated or angry, at her, before. She rested her head on her pillows and slowly cried herself too sleep.

Maybe Tom's right. She should tell him what she thinks and feels. 

Before it was too late, she walked over to Tom's room across the hallway. As she got up she realized she was still wearing her formal ware from the interview. (Y/n) knocked on his door. 
"Yes I am awake", she heard Tom shout from inside his room.

She heard him come over and he opened the door with a quick swing. It looks like he was expecting someone of the hotel standing behind his door, not (y/n).

"Are you alright", he asked her. It was obvious she had been crying. Her eyes were still reddish and watery. Tom instantly felt a wave of guilt flow over him as he realized it's probably because of his reaction.

(Y/n) stepped inside his room and sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked down at her feet and didn't say anything. Tom came sitting next to her and took the same position as her, looking at his feet. 

No word was said in the first five minutes, no one had the need to say anything. The only thing you could hear in the room was their breathing becoming sync with one another. 

"Tom", (y/n) softly started. He turned his head to look at her. Then she was quiet again.
"Look I am sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have said that-"
"No I shouldn't have become jealous. You have all the right to flirt with whoever you want, I am not your girlfriend."

Then there fell another silence between the two of them, but it wasn't an awkward one. 

"Why are you here (y/n)", Tom asked her. 
"I need to tell you the truth", she said.
"I am listening."
"Yes. I love you. I've loved you from the second we met."

Tom sighed, relieved to hear what he always wanted to hear. She finally told him what she felt.

Alright you could say that Tom could have taken the first step, that's true, he knew that.

He slowly laid his arms around (y/n) as she laid her head down on his shoulder.
"You were right from the beginning", she whispered on which Tom smiled.
"Well since we've decided to be honest, I love you too", he said as he pulled her closer to his body.
"You do?"
"And you blamed me for not being honest", she exclaimed.

They both laughed and fell over on their back on the bed, Tom still holding her in his arms.

She looked up at him and couldn't believe that they finally told one another they were in love. She also never would have expected someone like Tom would like her.

"Thank you for telling me", Tom said.
"Well I had to right? I mean. I am- I was afraid of losing you as a friend since that happened a lot when I tell someone I love them."
"You were afraid I would leave you?"
"Tom I can't lose you. I simply can't. You mean the world to me."
"Why would I leave the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with?"
"You mean that?"
"Yes (y/n), I do."

(Y/n) felt like she was in the seventh heaven and she cuddled Tom as hard as she could.

"Stay with me tonight", Tom whispered softly. (Y/n) looked up at him and nodded. Tom slowly went down and let his lips touch hers, slow becoming passionate.

(Y/n) braught herself on top and started kissing him more intense. His hands traveled over her body as hers stroked his face and hair.

He stopped at her ass and gave it some little squeezes on which (y/n) moaned a bit. He rolled them over so he was on top. Tom's kisses trailed along (Y/n)'s neck and slowly more down.

(Y/n) knew where this was leading to and she didn't find herself ready for it. Though she loved Tom and she's dreamed about it a lot, she was afraid of getting hurt or that she wouldn't please him.

Tom felt her insecurity and looked up.
"Are you alright", he asked.
"I- I don't know", she said honestly.
"Am I going to fast? We can stop and watch a film if you want?"

That idea didn't sound so bad for

"But now I have to dissapoint you."
"You'll never dissapoint me. Besides there will be many nights to come where we can make love", he said softly.
"I love you."
"And I you."

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