Double identities (Loki)

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I was running through the streets of New York. I was gonna be late for work. In the distance I could already see the big letters of the building I work in.

The Avengers Tower.

Yep, I worked for the world famous Avengers. Well, not the six heroes personally, but for SHIELD. Don't start thinking my job is super exciting. It hardly is. I mostly stay behind my desk all day doing paperwork. Nothing exciting happens in my departement.

I checked my watch and saw I was already ten minutes late. Curse oversleeping! Without thinking I wanted to cross the road. An arm stopped me from doing so and a car passed by.
"You're welcome", a low, soft male voice said. Cars continued driving by and I noticed we had a red light.
"I didn't need your saving", I spoke slightly irritated from his cockiness. What a douchebag. A rather handsome douchebag.
"Well if I didn't help you you'd be dead now. So I think you did", he gave me a smile. I scoffed. I looked at the light, wanting to cross this road and leave to work, leave this man. I'm already too late! The countdown said one minute left.

"What's your name", he asked me.
"(Y/n)", I answered stern. I don't wanna start a conversation. I didn't need a conversation. However I couldn't help but ask: "Yours?"
"Lo- Thomas. I'm Thomas", he introduced himself. 

Thirty seconds...

"In a rush", he continued asking me questions. He noticed my nervosity. I didn't have time for this. 
"Yes. You?"
"I have business to attend yes. But I'm not in such a rush as you."
I followed his gaze down my body. Was he checking me out? His gaze darkened when he looked at my chest. The light went green and I hastily crossed the road, leaving the man behind. I did not have time for this bullshit. 

I made my way through the crowds and finally entered the Avengers Tower. I scanned my batch that I already had put on my blazer and got through the security checks. When Tony Stark builds a tower he sure adds a lot of security defense mechanisms. Especially after 2012. 

I quickly sat down behind my desk and started working. Minutes turned into hours. This day couldn't go any slower. I checked the time on my computer. Nearly four pm. I sighed and leaned back. Come on, nearly there. I quickly finished up my work. I closed off my computer, took my stuff and left the building.

I exited through the big doors, taking a deep breath. I looked to my right. This couldn't be...

"So you're stalking me now", I asked him.
"I'm not sure stalking is the right term. I just happen to be here, what a coincidence", he gave me a smile. I gave him a suspicious look.
"While I'm here, I was wondering... You might wanna grab a drink?"

This man...

"Why should I trust you", I asked him, "I'm not the person to go out with a stranger-"
"I'm no stranger. I saved your life. It's the least you can do. Come on, one drink", he tried his best to convince me. As much as I hated to admit it, there was something intriguing about Thomas. Despite his cocky demeanor, there was a charm about him that was hard to resist. Against my better judgment, I agreed to grab a drink with him.

We walked to a nearby bar, having a small talk along the way. Despite my initial wariness, I found myself opening up to him surprisingly quickly. He had a way of making me feel comfortable, like I could trust him though I barely knew him.

As we settled into a booth at the bar, Thomas ordered us both a drink and leaned back, watching me with a curious expression.
"So how did you find me. It's quite hard to believe we happened to bump into each other so coincidental", I asked him. He chuckled.
"I noticed your SHIELD batch this morning. I had to see you again (y/n), so I took the risk and tried to find you after work. You know how the rest went."

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