It's the season to be loving (Prof. Hiddleston)

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He is far out of my reach
Yet also so close?
I can't be loving him
Even if he made a different choice

His eyes
They comfort me
They make me drown in their ocean
His ocean

If I was with him, I wouldn't need a blue sky
I could just look into his eyes
And forever be alive

"(Y/n) can you please answer my question", I heard him call my name.
"Sorry sir. Could you repeat it please", I asked him. He looked a bit disappointed and repeated his question. I couldn't answer and he asked someone else who could.

His eyes...

Outside were students running around. They got a break and headed outside. It was snowing, unusual for this time of year. I have always loved snow and couldn't get enough of it as a child. I looked outside and got lost in my thoughts. I saw no students, only a white covered landscape. Two people: him and I. We ran around, in the snow. I tripped and fell on top of him. His eyes, they looked through me and my soul. He smiled and rolled us over. No words were said, only emotions were expressed. His lips, turning red of the cold, attached themselves to mine. A kiss. A kiss I had longed for, for such a long time. Eyes closed, heartbeats becoming sync.

"That was the bell. You may go", I got out of my dream and packed my bag. I left the class and chatted with some friends.


What was going on her with her? She was looking outside all the time. I must admit, it was cute to see her being amazed by the snow. Sometimes she was writing something down, but I had the feeling it wasn't notes she was taking. I cleaned up my classroom and went to her desk. There was a note laying under her seat.

He is far out of my reach
Yet also so close?
I can't be loving him
Even if he made a different choice

His eyes
They comfort me
They make me drown in their ocean
His ocean

If I was with him, I wouldn't need a blue sky
I could just look into his eyes
And forever be alive

Who was she talking about? Could it be someone from her class? It must be right? Or could it be me-Thomas don't get any foolish ideas in your head. She would never fall in love with her teacher! Or would she? Could she? Should she?

I looked outside at the snow falling on the campus. I saw no students, only a white covered landscape. Two people: her and I. We ran around, in the snow. She falls and lands on top of me. I smiled and rolled us over. No words were said, only emotions were expressed. Her lips, turning red of the cold, attached themselves to mine. A kiss. A kiss I had longed for, for such a long time. Eyes closed, heartbeats becoming sync.

You're imagining things Thomas! Get yourself together!

That poem she wrote. Should I talk to her about that? I must find her.

I took my coat and bags and left my classroom. She was on her way outside, her head covered by her hat and her body hidden under a thick winter coat.


"(Y/n)!" I heard someone shut through the hallway. I turned around and found Tom running after me.
"Professor", I asked. He stopped running and panted, catching his breath.
"Can I help you", I asked him. he gave me a gentle smile and led me outside. We walked, without saying another word, to the little benches in the garden of the school. There was one under a tree, protected from the snow. We sat down and I waited for what he had to say.

"I was cleaning the classroom and I found something under your desk." He handed me the note with the poem I wrote about him during class.
"I don't want to be nosy, but who is this poem about?"

He knows....

"It's about someone I hold dear", I explained.
"Whoever he is, he is very lucky t have your love and the honour of you writing a poem about them", he said softly. He handed me the poem and gave me a gentle smile.
"Is this the reason why you wanted to speak with me", I asked him while putting the note in my jacket. He nodded and I got up.

I left him sitting on the bench. Suddenly I felt a cold pain stinging in my neck. I turned around and found him laughing.
"You did not-", I said while I gave him a death stare. I took some snow in my hand and made a snowball. I aimed and threw it right into his face! He cleaned it off and got up. In his eyes was ager, but also something playful. He approached me and made another snowball in his hands. He threw it back at me and now the war had begun!

We started throwing snowballs at one another and looked like two little kids playing around. He ran after me and I kept attacking him with ice and snow. I made a move and turned around. We collided and he fell on top of me.

No words were said, only eyes meeting.
"Your poem... It was about me, wasn't it?"

What should I tell him?

"What if it was?"
"Then I would be the luckiest man alive", he said softly. His hands caressed my cheeks. His lips were red from the cold. His eyes were blue. An ocean of love was in them and I was going to drown in it.

He leaned closer. His lips finally attached themselves to mine. My hands held his head, playing with his curls. Love and Passion for one another was shared. He moaned a little, his hand holding my neck. I broke the kiss, afraid of his reaction.

"I made a different choice (y/n). Please, give me the honour to have your love, to fullfill your desires, to be yours."
"There's nothing else in my life I would want more than to be with you."

Another kiss connected our lips, our love. This was finally reality. No longer a dream that made me lay awake at night.


Idk, winter might be over already, but it felt cute 😅🥰

hope you enjoyed it ❤️

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