New York 2012 (Loki)

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"The Avengers need to fight against an army of aliens that came down from the sky, through a portal that was opened by the Tesseract."

(Y/n) was in New York, watching the news on her television while the creatures ascended from the sky.

She could feel her powers burn inside her veins, the urge to fight growing as she watched the footage that was being released.

Suddenly her window broke. A tall, strong man flew through her window into her appartment. She immediately recognised the figure.

"Thor", she asked him as he got up.
"(Y/n) we need you out there", he told her, panicking.
"It's about time you showed up. I thought you forgot about me", she said jokingly. Thor rolled his eyes and started to look around. He opened her drawers and closets.
"What are you doing", she questioned him.
"Where's your gear. Come with me. We have an enemy and you're the only one that can fight him."
"Of course I am the only one strong enough. I am the Goddess of War remember", (y/n) smiled.

A white mist surrounded (y/n) and a white fighting gear, decorated with gold was on her body. Thor smiled and took her with him. He flew them over to the Stark tower and let her fall.

She looked around to analyse the situation and it didn't look great. She looked down and saw Captain America fight with Hawkeye and Black Widow against an army of creatures. Iron Man and the Hulk a bit further doing the same. Well, the Hulk mostly demolished a building, but it seemed to work. Thor took his hammer and went down to help Rogers, Romanoff ad Hawkeye.

A blast struck down next to (y/n) and she fell on the ground, covered with dust. She looked up and saw a green figure fly away. Without thinking she starts running after him.

She dodges out the way for another blast. She activates her golden shield and protects herself from being hit.
"I look like Cap", she jokes to herself as she hid behind her shield.

He flies further and goes back to the Tower. She follows him. The Avengers' attention went to (y/n) jumping from one building onto another to land on the Tower.

"That's your friend", Natasha asks Thor.
"Yes she is", he smiled. He starts to swing with his hammer and joins you on the rooftop.

"(Y/n)", he calls your name repeatedly. You didn't listen. The figure in front of you was too familiar.
"Don't go closer", Thor demands you. Still, you don't listen.

The man in front of you turns around as he heard Thor yell your name. (Y/N) took her shield and sphere and make herself ready for if he attacks.

He took his sphere and attacked (y/n) without hesitation. She took his arm and brought him down on his knees. For a brief second, she looked in his eyes. They were blue, not the warm green that she used to look at.

He kicks her stomach, and she stumbles backwards.
"Loki", she whines from pain. He gets back up and walks towards her. He grabs her throat and looks down on her.

"We've been in this position before, just not in this context", (y/n) says to distract him. He looks confused.
"I preferred the other time", and with that said she attacked him. This time he stumbles back. Meanwhile Thor had arrived back at the rooftop together with Natasha.

Natasha ran towards the machine that powered the Tesseract to open the portal. Selvig on the other hand was still under Loki's spell so he started to fight her.

Loki turned and aimed his sphere to Thor to blast him off the roof but missed. His eyes returned to (y/n).

From the second he looked at her his expressions grew desperate. She could see the pain he had to endure. She ran towards him without a second thought and threw herself in his arms.

"Loki", (y/n) asks herself as she pulls away from him.
"My queen."
"I guess this is why you left me."

He laid a hand to her cheek and slowly shaked his head. Meanwhile Thor took the opportunity to take the sphere and threw it to Natasha. She awakened Selvig and begged him to help her close the portal.

"As if I could ever leave you, my love", Loki whispered to (y/n).

(Y/n) looked around her, remembering why Thor brought her here, what she saw on the news.
"Loki, stop this madness. Come home with us", she cried. The Loki she knew, with who she fell in love, would never do this. Or was that all a fiction?

"I can't he'll kill me", Loki broke down. (Y/n) was completely confused.
"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?"
"Thanos", Loki answered.

(Y/n) didn't speak. She took Loki's face in her hands and tried to comfort him. Now she understood why he was doing this. She understood what was going on.

"Then help the Avengers defeat you and your army. Let Thanos believe you failed", (y/n) tried to make up a plan. Loki nodded and surrendered himself to Thor and (y/n).

"(Y/n) look", Thor shouted as he looked up at the sky. Stark was flying into the wormhole holding what looked like a bomb.
"What is he doing", (y/n) asked the God of Thunder.
"They've fired a nuclear bomb. They believed it was the only way to save New York", Natasha explained.
"By destroying it", (y/n) asked, she couldn't believe what she saw.

Natasha tried to bring the sphere to the Tesseract and close the portal. (Y/n) saw her struggle and ran over to help her. She looked up at Stark. He had entered the dark space on the other side and the bomb hit the alien ships.

There was some relief, but Stark still had to return. His body looked unconscious and that's what worried (y/n) the most. Will he make it back?

"Close it", Natasha heard Steve shouting in her earpiece.
"(Y/n) help me close it", she shouted, and both the women pushed the sphere a bit further.

The portal closed. Stark fell down from the sky.
"He made it", Natasha cried from joy.

(Y/n) looked back to Loki who was being put in handcuffs by Thor. She ran over to her friend and gave Loki a passionate kiss before he was taken away.

"I still don't understand how you can love him", Natasha joked as she followed the gods inside.
"Me either", (y/n) sighed.

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