A new mission (James Conrad)

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"Welcome to the team", Randa shook my hand followed by Brooks. They walk away and I looked to the sky.

This time it's a bit different than photographing a war (y/f/n).

I was expected at the seaport the following night. I had packed my bag filled with camera supplies and personal items to survive if we survive. There were already some soldiers loading their stuff onto the ship. A man, a captain or officer of some kind was standing at the beginning of the stairs to walk onto the boat. He was encouraging his men to make haste. Then a tall blond-brown haired man approached the stairs as well.

He had a powerful look in his eyes. I am sure no one commands this man.  He was rather goodlooking and I believe around my age. His arms were tanned, muscled and his neck and head were covered with sweat.

What a sight- focus!

He greeted the soldiers and said hello to Randa and Brooks. There was another woman with them. I believe she was of Asian origine, but I couldn't determine where from exactly.

I took my bags and walked up to the stairs but was held back by the officer.
"And who do you think you are miss", he asked me.
"I am (y/n), the photographer mister Randa has hired", I explained confident.
"Great, another woman", he muttered between clenched teeth.

I ignored his comment and went on board of the ship. I couldn't help but to search for the handsome man I saw earlier at the bottom of the stairs. He was chatting with some soldiers and then walked off to Randa. I followed his steps. 
"Ah (y/n), may I introduce Captain Conrad", Randa said as he laid an arm around the man's shoulder.
"Just James Conrad. I am not part of the army anymore", James corrected Randa, "Nice to meet you", he shook my hand.
"(Y/n) is going to be our photographer during the trip-"
"I hope she knows how to fight", James interupted.
"You would be quite surprised", I said and walked off. 

We were called inside to have a meeting where they would explain the mission to the soldiers. They listened carefully, but couldn't quite get the actual point of going to the island. They were not the only ones. It was quite weird that for a simple research of an uncharted island we would need so many men. Their explanation was vague and difficult to fully believe.

Let's figure some things out.

James knew more. His expression held something mysterious and he was constantly analysing everything and everyone, including me. His eyes would wander in my direction. I caught him a few times because I was inspecting him too. His physique, his flair, his everything. He attracted me.

"Right, back to your stations", The colonel shouted to his men and they left the room. I walked with them and headed to the cargo room. I held my camera close and tried to find anything suspicious. The problem is: everything looked suspicious. I walked around, reading the signs on the boxes. 
"Interesting", I mumbled to myself. I turned around a corner and found another man reading the boxes as wel, Conrad.

"What are you doing here", he asked a little startled by my presence.
"I can ask you the same thing", I said while stepping closer to him. 
"Why does a geological mapping mission need this many explosives", I questioned him. He backed off and putted his hands in his pocket while following my steps. I walked past the other boxes while he said: "You weren't listening in class miss (y/f/n). Seismic charges for the geological survey."
"And you believe that", I teased while I looked around.
"I didn't say that", he defended himself.
"Have you met that colonel yet?"
"Packard? Yes."
"That guy is a very strict type."
"The man's a decorated war hero, that's the package they come in. And you", he asked as he stopped following me. I turned around, listening to what he had to say.
"Isn't shooting a mapping mission a step down for a photojournalist?"
"The right photo can help shape opinions", I defended myself now, "What about you captain Conrad? How did British special forces get dragged into this?"
"Just Conrad", he said irritated, "I am decommissioned."
I hummed.
"They offered me money", he said.
"You don't strike me as a mercenary."
"You don't strike me as a war photograpgher", he shot back at me.
"Anti-war photographer."

There was a look in his eyes, I couldn't determine what. He looked straight through my body and my soul. It was as if he could read my mind. His voice and his appearance made me weak. He was so dashing, if I didn't know better I would faint right away. His voice sended shivers down my spine and made me ache for something I hadn't been aching for in a while. I had a feeling this man knew exactly what he was doing in a mission, but also towards women. He knew exactly what he wanted and when he wanted it.

Suddenly he moved closer, his hand brushing my arm. His breath teased the skin on my face. He longed for something, he wanted something from me, or was I just imagining it? Was I the one craving for him, his touch. His nose brushed mine, but he pulled back.

"Focus miss the photographer, we need a good photo to shape the right opinions." Then he walked off and left me alone. I sank down on the ground, regaining my focus and strength. He had made me weak. He knew exactly what effect he had on me. I tried to get up and left the cargo room to get to my cabin. 

It's been days since we have been stranded here on the island. We survived our first night, but the second one has fallen now. The sky was dark blue, the stars lit it up. James and I were walking around, searching for nothing but safety. Our path led to a cliff that gave us a view over the river. I took my camera and took some photos. In the distance I saw a tall creature walk towards us. I automaticly took James' arm out of fear.

It was Kong. He stood right in front of us. His eyes drilled through ours. They were wattery and held strength and power. They were also fragile and afraid. He looked at us and his angry expression softened into a loving one. I stepped closer, reaching my hand to touch him. He didn't pull back nor protest, instead he came closer. I laid my hand on his nose and felt the warmth of his skin meeting mine. He let out a soft whine and closed his eyes. I stepped back and gave him a final look.
"Come on (y/n) we need to find the others", James pulled me back, away from Kong. He roared and walked away from us.  

"Brooks, go to the others and leave by dawn. If we don't make it then, just leave", James told the group.
"What about you two", Brooks asked.
"We're going to save Kong", James said heroïc. 

They ran off and we went to the river. We had to save Kong from Packard and his men. We arrived at the side of the river and looked at one another. James looked into my eyes. He laid his hands on my cheeks and pulled me closer. His lips crashed on mine and I closed my eyes. My arms threw themselved around his neck and pulled him closer to my height. 

This is what I had been craving for since the moment I saw him walking on that boat. His lips on mine. Our bodies melting into one another, forgetting for one second the dangerous game we were playing. Time stood still, Kong didn't exist, Packard left my mind. Now the only thing I could think of was James.

"I wanted to do that for a while", he chuckled as he pulled back.
"James I-"
"Now's not the time. Get on those rocks and fire a flare, Brooks must see it-"
A sound came from the bushes.
"We'll buy you time."
I ran off and went to the rocks he told me to climb on top of. I couldn't see James nor the group, only Kong fighting a ginormous Skullcrawler. I fired the flare as told and looked around. Kong took the creature and smacked it against the rocks I was standing on. I fell into the river, James shouting my name. My sight turned black as I felt my body being consumed by the water.

I woke up in a puddle of mud, James his arms ankered around me. He looked at me, tears in his eyes as he calmed me down. I was coughing the water out of my lungs. He held my head and pulled me against his chest. In the distance I saw Kong looking at us and then walk away. James' arms rested on my hip as I looked at him.
"He saved you", he whispered. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
"James I-"
"I love you too", he whispered. I pulled back and let our lips meet once more. He held me close and wasn't about to let me go. 
"I though I had lost you", he said.
"You you aren't getting rid of me yet", I teased him a little.
"I don't want to either", he smiled.

"Is this fun to you? I promise I won't tell the Russians-"
"I promise I will tell the Russians", I interupted him.
"She's going to tell the Russians", James sighed as he sat down next to me. He threw a pencil against the mirror and continued asking his questions.
"Why are you keeping us here?"
"I wanna go home", I said angrily.
"We get it, there was no island. There never was an-"
"Island? What island", Brooks entered the room.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Kong is not the only king James", Brooks told us as he started to project photos of other creatures that have been discovered, enemies of Kong.

I took James' hand in mine and looked at him. He was worried, worried for what is coming next...

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