Protecting you (Thomas Sharpe SMUT)

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"Lady (y/n) I have to tell you something I'm afraid", Thomas said. I looked to my left, into his eyes and gave him a questioning look.

"I have found myself thinking a lot, unable to sleep, daydreaming and- forgive me, it's hard to say."
"Please Sir Thomas you can talk to me", I said to comfort him.

I shoved a bit closer to him and laid my hand on his tigh. His breath got caught by my touch and he was quite nervous.

"Right. (Y/n) I-", he stopped talking and looked up at the sky. Suddenly he took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!", I heard someone shout in the distance. I ignored them and held Thomas close to me. I was pulled away by my father who was shaking my shoulder.

"(Y/n)?" Father was leaning over me. I opened my eyes and groaned at the sunlight shining in the room.
"What is it", I asked him.
"I have a gift for you", he answered.
"It's not my birthday?"
"Can a father not spoil his daughter?"
I giggled and sat up on my bed.

Our servants entered the room and we're carrying a box. Inside was a gown in my favourite colour. They took it out and presented it to me.

I gasped as the colours were braught beautifully to live by the sun.
"Do you like it", Father asked.
"I love it, but what's the occasion?"
"I was hoping you would wear it tonight at the party."
"I knew it!"
"You're the best my dear."
"I know", I winked.

It was a sunny midday and father and I were walking through the park. There were children playing and little groups of parents having a picknick.

My father waved to a man all in black coming from a distance. Next to him was a young woman also all in black with raven black hair. She was very beautiful.

"Sir Thomas", I exclaimed when I realised who it was. I had met Thomas before, but I didn't know he had a wife!

"(Y/n) please keep it down. We don't want to scare them off would we", father said while laughing.

"Sir and Miss (y/f/n)", Sir Thomas greeted us formal.
"Sir Thomas", my father shaked his hand. I looked at the woman and said hello.
"We haven't met. May I ask for your name", I asked her.
"I am Lucille Sharpe", she introduced herself.
"Sharpe?" I raised my eyebrow.
"How long have you been married", I asked her. She was surprised and Thomas started laughing.
"We aren't married. I am his sister", Lucille said.

I felt my heart sink in my body. This was so embarressing and good at the same time. I didn't want to lose Thomas! Hearing he would have been married would break my heart. But he isn't and that's good!

It's been clear to me that I have been having feelings for Thomas since the day we met or at least I am attracted to him. Who wouldn't? He is the handsomest man walking around and he's very intellectual. He knows what he wants and is a bit of a flirt himself.

I often had the feeling he was flirting with me too, that's why my feelings for him have been growing. I am sure I am only imaging things out of the blindness that comes with love. Thomas was probably just being kind and polite, nothing more.

"Miss I hope I'll see you tonight at the party", Thomas asked me.
"Of course Sir. I wouldn't want to miss it", I smiled.

He took my hand and gave it a little kiss while looking in my eyes. Another thing that drives me crazy: his eyes. They're the most purest pair I have ever seen. They carry the storms and wildness from the ocean along with the beauty of the cristal clear waters.

"I am happy to hear that", he said.
"I'll see you tonight", father greeted and we left.

"He's quite charming isn't he", father asked me.
"You have no idea", I said softly, thinking about Thomas' touch, his eyes...

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