Meant to be (Loki)

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(Y/n) laid awake at night. She couldn't fall asleep. The mischievous god kept wandering through her mind. She tried to distract herself by listening to the fireworks outside, the music, the people having fun, but that didn't work.

She met him at the party for his mothers' birthday, queen Frigga. Both the princes were there together with their friends and family. Odin was sitting proud on his throne. The queen danced all night long and the princes happily joined their mother.

Of course, they had to pick their partners and to (y/n)'s surprise the youngest brother asked her to be his. She was startled at first, intimidated that too, but he had a soft expression that made her feel something down her stomach. If she didn't know better, she'd say she felt butterflies.

The prince accompanied her the entire evening. He took her to the gardens, danced with her, but most of all he showed interest in her. He asked her about her life, her friend, family, what she does throughout the day, her hobbies, and passions...

"Milady, can I have your name", he asked her.
"(Y/n)", she shouted at him before she ran away.

That's when she left the prince behind. She left him alone at the party because she wasn't allowed to be there. Not because she didn't have a good status. No, in fact she was close to the royal family, but because her father had forbidden her to ever go to an event organised by them or on which they would attend. Even just to meet them...

Since she was a little girl (y/n) was locked up at their house. Her father often had to go to the palace to speak with the royals, but he never invited (y/n) with him. He always told her they were bad; they brought no good to the Nine Realms and he despised Odin. Not to speak about one of his sons: Loki.

But tonight (y/n) didn't listen to her fathers' request. She knew it was going to be dangerous and if she would have been caught by her father or someone he knows, she would be in serious trouble.

She had promised herself to be home before midnight and so when she saw it was getting late she ran away from the prince and went back home.

She climbed through her window into her room. She changed clothes and hid her dress under her bed. She sneaked under the covers and pretended to sleep. She heard his footsteps approaching. Her heart started beating in her chest.

Close your eyes (y/n). I am with you.

What was that?

The door swung open and her father entered her room.
"(Y/n), sweetheart", he called her. She looked over her shoulder and groaned.
"Yes father", she asked.
"I wanted to let you know I am back home", he said. He looked at the window and saw it was left open. He walked over and tried to close it but (y/n) stopped him.
"No, please, leave it open", she asked him. He looked at her, confused, but did what she asked him.

He walked back to her and gave her a quick kiss before saying goodnight.

I am here with you.

Where was this voice coming from? She kept hearing someone say it in her head. (Y/n) had the feeling she had heard this voice before. Or was she just dreaming? Could it be? Could it be possible that she's dreaming about the prince?

She turned around in her bed, pulling the blankets close. She can't have these dreams about him. She can't think about him, yet here she was. She turned once again, laying on her back, staring at the ceiling.

She saw him in front of her eyes. His gentle smile that made her smile as well. A kiss, she longed for a kiss. A simple touch of his lips against hers would light her world up.

"I can't do this", (y/n) mumbled to herself. She knew what she wanted: the prince. What if he was able to hear her? He knows magic, he's known to use his magic. Maybe he can use it now too?

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