Mystery girl (Tom SMUT)

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"Hello love", Tom said as he walked up to (y/n). She turned around and saw him approaching. She went to him and gave him a tight hug.
"It's been so long", she said as Tom pulled her close.
"Too long."

He pulled back and held her hand.
"I want you to meet someone", he said. He pulled her along and he stopped at a trailer. He knocked on the door and Chris opened the door.

"Hello", he said with his low voice.
"Chris I want you to meet (y/n)", Tom introduced her.
"Hi", she said as she shook his hand.
"(Y/n) as in (y/n)", Chris asked.
"Yes", (y/n) said carefully.
"You're the girl he has been talking about all this time", Chris realised.

(Y/n) looked at Tom in confusion, but she felt flattered.

Oh he'll get bullied with that...

"You know sometimes it drove me crazy", Chris told her. She giggled and looked at Tom. He clearly didn't like what Chris had said.

"You know (y/n), you should come and watch our scene in a couple of minutes", Chris suggested.
"I'd love to", she smiled.

They said goodbye and Tom took her to his dressing room. She fell in the couch and looked at Tom as she started laughing.

"Did you miss me so much", she laughed. Tom slowly approached her.
"Be careful pet", he threatened her.
"Famous Tom Hiddleston, always talking about his secret girlfriend", she quoted as if it were a title from a magazine.

He stepped closer and slowly towered over her. She looked at him with puppy eyes, afraid of his reaction yet also slightly turned on.

His breath teased her skin as he ran one finger along her jawline.
"Mock me if you dare", he threatened her.

He leaned down and started to kiss her passionately. She ran her hands along his neck and let out little moans. He took the opportunity to let his tongue play with hers.

He started to unbutton her blouse and slowly let his hand slid to her breasts. He took one in his hand while the other hand caressed her cheek.

A knock came from the door and both of them quickly got up. Tom ran to the door while (y/n) putted her blouse back to its place.

"Yes", she heard Tom say to someone standing in front of the door.
"You need to change costume and then we'll start shooting", she heard a woman say. Tom thanked her for telling him that and closed the door.

He looked over at (y/n) who just got finished with her blouse.
"Duty calls", he says while approaching her.
"I've heard", she said dissapointed.

He leaned down and gave her another kiss. She moaned a little as he pulled her close. He pulled back and whispered: "come with me."
She nodded and they left the trailer. Tom quickly took a water bottle for her and they went outside.

Another member of the crew asked Tom to follow him and told (y/n) where to watch the scene. Tom gave her another kiss and left. She wanted to use the bathroom so she quickly went back into the trailer.

As she sat down on the toilet she started to think how she could tease Tom a little. She flushed the toilet and before the putted her skirt back on she stopped.

She took off her panties and then putted her skirt on. She tucked them in her bag and left the trailer.

That will drive him crazy.

She wandered around on set. She saw props that she recognized from the other films. Then she bumped into someone.

"Hello you", he said with his low voice.
"Oh hi Chris", she smiled. He was already dressed and his makeup was perfectly done.

"Waiting for Tom", he asked as he took her to the set.
"Yes, he's getting changed", she explained. He showed her around and then told her she could sit on Tom's chair.

She did what was told her and waited for Tom. Meanwhile another makeup artist and her assistant did the last checks on Chris.

"There you are", Chris exclaimed as Tom walked up the set. They hugged and took their places. First they rehearsed a bit then the director wanted to start filming.

Tom's eyes wandered over the set. He looked around and spotted (y/n), sitting on his chair. He smiled and trailed his eyes along her body.

They stopped at her skirt and Tom couldn't believe what he saw. She opened her legs carefully to give him a better view. Tom looked up at her and of his eyes could kill, she would have been dead as hell.

She quickly closed her legs again and they started shooting. Tom was a bit distracted and Chris noticed that. He looked over to (y/n) who was just sitting and watching them.

He looked back at Tom and smiled. He knew that her presence was the thing that distracted him.

They did the scene a couple of times and then got told that the director was satisfied.

Tom walked off the set to (y/n), anger in his eyes.
"You're going to be the end of me", he said barely audible.
"What, I wanted to make things a bit exciting", she said innocent.
"Oh you're gonna wish you didn't do that."
"Promises, promises", she teased him a bit further.

"(Y/n) what do you think of that scene", Chris broke their conversation.
"It was really good", she answered him. He looked at Tom who was still angry at (y/n).

They went back to the trailers and said their goodbyes. Tom opened the door to his and pushed her inside. He closed the door and locked it.

(Y/n) crawled back up in the couch, afraid of what's going to happen, yet also curious and excited.

He lifted up her skirt without a word and immediately pushed two fingers in her entrance. She moaned from a pleasurable pain down her core and quickly bucked her hips more.

Meanwhile Tom had opened the zipper of his costume. He took his cock in his hand. He took his fingers out of her cunt and pushed them in her mouth. She could taste herself on them and licked them dry.

Tom used the distraction to let his cock slide into her. She moaned his name as he went deeper. He took his fingers out of her mouth and laid his hand on her throat.

He started to thrust. (Y/n) whined out all different things: his name, how good he felt, how much she loved him...

The grip on her throat got tighter and now Tom started to moan as well. He was enjoying himself and couldn't stop looking at how good she was under his grip.

"Good girl. You feel amazing", he whined.
"I want more Sir", she begged as she was nearing her release.
"You look so cute when you're begging", he laughed. He gave her what she asked and got rougher, his pace quickening.

"God Tom-"
"That's it pet. Moan my name", he ordered her, "Let the people outside know who gives you this pleasure."
She did what was told and cried out his name over and over.

He felt her walls clench around his cock and he was sure he was going to cum any minute if not seconds. Her lips parted and a moan left her mouth.

Tom kept pounding into her, overstimulating her.
"Tom- Fuck-", she cried as she threw her head back. She looked back at Tom and saw he was closing his eyes.

She grabbed his face and said: "Look at me."
He opened his eyes and held eyecontact with her. The veins in his neck started to get bigger, his breathing heavier then ever and now he started to moan.

She felt his cock twitch inside her and knew he was cumming. She pulled his face close and started to kiss him passionately. His breath got back to normal together with hers.

He slowly pulled out and laid down on her body. She started playing with his hair, which was still his wig.

"Now I can say that I had sex with Loki and it was never so good", she joked.
"Oh so you're saying that the times before this weren't good", he got up and got back dressed.
"You know what I mean", she winked, he smiled.

"I love you."
"I love you more."

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