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Khari and Nyasha are upstairs in his room me and Prince are still in the living room. I glanced up from my Chemistry boom seeing Prince staring at me.


He shook his head and I smacked his teeth.

"It's something Prince you can tell me."

"Ion know how to put it in words without fucking up."

I sat my book down intrigued with what he have to say.

"Do I make you nervous?"

"As fuck."

"Why we've known each other all of our lives because you and Ky are friends," I asked.

"I like you a lot like it's to the point that when I close my eyes I see your face, when I open my eyes I see your face, I see your face when I'm in the shower and I close my eyes for a few minutes you're all I think about and I-," Prince sighed in frustration.

"I-I want to take you out on a date not just one but several and then I want to ask you to be my girlfriend. Honestly it may sound crazy to you but I really don't see myself with no one. Give me a chance please Shanee," he asked.

"Okay I will."

Prince smiled.

"But I already knew that you liked me because you stayed coming in my room just to aggravate me before you even went to Ky room."

"Do you think about me as much as I do you?"

"I do but it's worse."

"Just nasty."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Can't control my thoughts that much when it come down to you."

"Is Saturday cool with you I gotta help my dad clean the garage and do some yard work?"

"Yeah what time?"

"8:00 I'm making reservations so please be ready on time."

"Okay I will."

Prince smiled and nodded.

"Alright let's get back to studying."

Prince picked up his Chemistry book and I just continued to stare at me. I got closer to him then I took his book out of his hands and he looked at me as I sat it on the table.

"Shanee what you doing?"

I didn't say anything I straddled his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. I stared into his eyes then I leaned down and kissed him.

"Give me another one?"

We kissed again.

"Alright let's get back to studying."

"I'll be back."

I got off of Prince lap and made my way upstairs to my room to change. I can not have sex with him and we haven't even made it official yet. Once I finished with changing I made my way back downstairs.

"Are you still a virgin Shanee?"

"I am why," I asked as I sat down.

"That means that when it's time everything have to go right I want your first time to be perfect."

"Oh okay."

I grabbed my textbook and started back studying.

"You don't think that I'm a virgin do you," Prince asked.

I looked back up at him.

"I know for a fact you're not I heard Jayda talking about you two having sex."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Feel about what you and Jayda having sex?"


"I don't care just as long as you were safe about it."

"I definitely was."

"Then we're good."

The doorbell rung I stood up and walked over to the door I unlocked it seeing my daddy.

"Hey daddy."

We hugged.

"Hey babygirl."

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to talk to you and your brother."


I stepped aside and let him in.

"Daddy you remember Prince right."


"How you doing Mr. Alsina?"

"I'm good.

"We can study later okay."

I nodded Prince grabbed his chemistry book and kissed my forehead and he walked towards the door.

"Lemme go get Ky daddy."


"If you need anything you know where the kitchen is at."


I made my way upstairs to Ky room I knocked on his door then I walked in.

"Ky daddy is here and he said that he need to talk to us."


"We can study later Ky plus I gotta go see my grandma."


I watched as Nyasha and Khari interact then she walked out and we followed behind her. Khari let her out while I made my way to the living room. Khari walked in and sat next to me.

"So wassup pops," Khari asked.

"I'm moving."

"Moving where?"

"I've been looking at houses out in Texas, California, Florida and Louisiana."

"What does mama has to say about this?"

"I haven't told her yet but it's time for a change for me and I think moving to a different state is one of the steps I need to take."

"What about you and mama?"

"What about else Ky? We're divorced now your mama is dating and she's enjoying her life she has moved on it's time for me to do the same."

"So you're going to start dating again too?"

"Nah I'm cool on love for now I'm going to focus on me and figure out the next steps in my life and find a new career path."

"But you started Melly B's with Uncle Mel."

"I know and now he's the owner and not co-owner I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on before my flight."

"Your flight?"

"Yeah I'm going to Anguilla for a few weeks and then I'll be back and will be moving."

"Does Zuri and Lani know what's going on?"

"Yeah I talked to them this morning before they went to school they're not happy but they understand also I gave Kenzo a kiss."

"So mama is the only one that doesn't know?"

"Yes and once I return we'll have a conversation."


"I love y'all and I'm sorry for everything."

"Daddy you don't have to keep apologizing."

"I know."

We both hugged my daddy then we walked him to the door gave him one last hug and he walked over to the car and got in we waved and made our way back inside. This is a lot to take in and process.

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