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Malani in m/m

The workers at Kayden's warehouse are working on my fall line to add to Kayden's collection and I have been sketching my own collection for my own line which will be launching soon and I can't wait.

"Hey Malani."

I looked up from my assignment.

"Hey Carissa."

"I was wondering where did you get your top from?"

"I made it."

"You made it?"

"Yeah I did. Why?"

"Because I want one I'll pay you $200 just to make me a shirt just like yours no wait I'll pay $400 to have the pants to match."

"That's way too much money for me to make you an outfit but if you're serious about it then yeah I'll make you."


"Yeah it'll be ready by the weekend."


"Is there a specific way you want me to make your outfit?"

"No I just want it to look amazing like yours that's all I ask."

"Okay and it'll let you know the price."

She nodded and walked away I went back to doing my work on my way to my next class I have to let Kayden know the good news and ask her how much I should charge since I'm new to this and I'm learning everything from her.

A few hours later
School is officially over and I'm waiting on my parents to come and pick me up.

"Lani what is this I'm hearing about you having 50 orders to do?"

"More than 50 actually the entire school wants outfits made by me."

"That's good congrats sis."

"Thank you KayKay also said that she's proud of me and she told me how much to charge everyone too."

"Okay good."

Carissa really went around the school telling e everyone that I make clothes and pretty much everyone has walked up to me asking them to make them clothes. My phone literally has been vibrating all day from DMs on Instagram with everyone placing their orders. Now that school is out I can work on launching my website I was going to wait but since so many people are ordering from me I might as well go ahead and have models to model the clothes and post them to the website.

My mama Mercedes pulled up we got in and we greeted her.

"I thought daddy was coming too?"

"No he's back at home working on something."

"Oh okay," Zuri spoke.

"Mama one of my classmates wants me to make her an outfit and she went around and told the entire school and now they want me to make them outfits too."

"Oh wow that's good baby."

"Yeah it is I already let Kayden know so she's going to come by after I do my homework and pick me up so I can get the orders done with her workers since it's a big order I also have to launch my website too."

"Okay baby girl."

My mama drove off and I unlocked my phone going straight to Instagram and checking my DMs.

We walked into the house in complete silence about what just took place. I sat down on the couch and placed my legs under me.

"Did that just happened?"


"You know as soon as mama and daddy hear about this they're going to want the officers name and badge numbers."


After classes was over me, Prince and Nyasha went out to eat and on our way back we got pulled over by 2 cops who claimed like we look suspicious then after he checked Khari license he had asked all of us to get out of the car and they searched the car I already had Nyasha recording the entire thing. I was also recording as well then they said that the car was clean and I said of course it's clean.

They never saw black kids riding in an expensive car without thinking that they sell drugs or do some illegal activity and that's not the case at all.

"Shanee I already done sent a text to mama and pop so don't be surprised if they pop up here within the next couple hours."

"I'm not."

"You good."

"Yeah I'm just happy that we stayed calm during the entire situation or things could've been worse."


Our parents had a conversation with us about this happening and what we should do if it were to ever happen to us and I'm glad we both remembered what they said. Just because we're celebrity kids don't mean that we will get a pass from the police they still see us as individuals who are drug dealers, prostitutes, drug addicts any degrading name that they use against us they see us as that and not just African American people who are just trying to make a way in this world just like them. I'm glad I chose the major that I did. Our generation is the voice today and we have to make a change because the older generation who learned racism from their generation isn't changing and won't change so we gotta be that change and make a difference in the world.

No matter where we go in the world we're going to come across racist people who think that we don't belong but in all honesty they don't belong.

"You know what I find crazy."


"White people really think that they're the superior race when they're not."

"Exactly because for a long time they didn't know how to read, write or even bathe we taught them all of that," I spoke.

"A lot of the Egyptians wasn't white either while they're trying to make it seem like they were."

"They want us to be suppressed and bow down to them how the way they made our ancestors did but that's not gon happen at all."

"Sure the hell not," Prince spoke.

"And it's crazy that we gotta teach our kids about police brutality against black folks just because of the color of our skin as well as explain racism to them."

"It's a fucked up world we live in."

"It really is and it's sad that we gotta bring our kids into this world."


I'm really debating whether or not I even want to continue to live in the US when this shit is corrupt and it's one race over all of the other races but we'll see what the future holds.

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