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I woke up and checked the time I let out a yawn then I made my way to the bathroom to fix my hair and freshen up. I don't even remember falling asleep once I was finished I walked out of the bathroom seeing that Kenzo was still sleep. I smiled and walked over to the bed I placed pillows around him and covered him up. I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs I walked into the living room and stopped when I saw Prince.

I quietly backed out of the living room and went into the kitchen to try and gather my thoughts

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I quietly backed out of the living room and went into the kitchen to try and gather my thoughts.

"Oh hey Shanee," my mama spoke as she walked in.

"Hey mama."

"Did you put pillows around your brother?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay and Prince have been asking about you."

"How long have they been here?"

"About an hour no one wanted to disturb you while you're sleeping because we know how you are about your sleep plus him and your daddy been talking."

"Oh okay."

"Are you going to go in there or continue to hide?"

"I'm not hiding."

"Mhmm sure you are."

My mama walked out I took a breath and followed behind her. Prince looked at me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful."


Prince walked over to me and hugged me I wrapped my arms around him and let out a sigh of relief.

"I miss you," he whispered.

"I miss you too."

We pulled apart.

"Follow me so we can talk."

"Where y'all going?"

"Aug she's grown leave them alone."

My daddy smacked his teeth and folded his arms we walked upstairs to my room I walked over to the sliding door and opened it we stepped on the balcony and sat down.

"You thought I wasn't going to come?"

"I did."

"I'm very persistent on what I want and I want you so your pops wasn't going to keep me away from you too long."

I smiled.

"I'm happy that you're here."

"Me too so later tonight we have a date."

"Okay do I need to go shopping," I asked.


Prince went into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and passed me his card.

"I don't-," he cut me off.

"I know you have your own money but I want you to use my card matter of fact you can keep that card and use it whenever you want."


"You're my girlfriend and the next step is going to be fiancé and then my wife and lastly the mother of my children."

"What if things don't go in order like we want them to?"

"It doesn't matter you're still going to be my wife no matter the order."


"I got a confession."

"Is it bad?"


"Okay well what is it," I asked.

"I love you I'm in love with you been this way for a long time and yeah I had to get that off of my chest."

"Say it again."

"I love you."

"One more time."

I got up and straddled Prince and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed and I deepened it Prince pulled back.


I smiled sheepishly.

"You kissing me like you want more."

I looked off to the side and Prince made me look at him.

"Are you ready for that?"

"I am."

Prince nodded he tapped my thigh and I stood up he adjusted his pants and grabbed my hand and we walked inside I closed the door behind me. We walked out of the room and downstairs I walked over to my mama and asked her would she got shopping with me and of course she said yes.

We're in my car on the way to the mall I looked over at A'Shanee as she typed on her phone.

"What are we going shopping for?"

"My date tonight with Prince and maybe lingerie."


I looked over at A'Shanee.

"No he's not pressuring me mama I think I'm ready."

"Okay make sure that you two use protection I'm not ready to be a grandma."

"And I'm not ready to be a mama so if we even do decide to have sex protection will be used."


"I want to graduate college first and start my career before I even have a baby but I do know that things don't go how we want them to go."

"You're absolutely right."

"Mama I have a question."

"Alright what is it."

"Hypothetically speaking if daddy was to propose on Thanksgiving what will your answer be?"

"Yes without a doubt yes I know your daddy messed up in the past and he have gotten his self back right and I love your daddy I tried dating other men but that didn't work out your daddy have my heart he will always have my heart. Even though he hurt me I still love him and that's not going to change."

"Was that just a hypothetical question or is your daddy planning on proposing on Thanksgiving."

"It was definitely a hypothetical question daddy isn't proposing and if he was I wouldn't tell you anyways."

"Oh I would've gotten it out of you."

"I don't think so but daddy do love you and I want to see y'all married again I know y'all are happy but I want you to be an Alsina again."

"And I will be whenever your daddy decide to propose there's no rush in him proposing to me again."

A'Shanee nodded we pulled up to the mall I parked and we got out. I locked the doors and my phone rung I looked down seeing that August was calling. I answered the phone as I followed behind A'Shanee. I wasn't planning on buying anything but just like the typical man August is he gave me his credit card and I know he's only calling to see if I have his card on me and that I didn't leave it in the car.

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