The redhead stranger

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Everyday consists of the same thing, the same timetable. I wake up at 6am, I go for an hour run or I spend an hour in the gym. I then have a shower to wash away the sweat and sooth the muscles. Which leads to me getting changed for work. I make myself breakfast, that's about the only thing within my life that changes. After that I drive myself to work, I do have a driver but that's more for when I'm getting drunk and not planning on scratching my car. I spend a minimum of 9 hours at work, it's my own company and I love the work but I only get two days off as the CEO you can't really just take two weeks off. After work I drive myself back home where I walk into a large, empty penthouse. I have a maid that comes every Saturday. Alfred who's my driver/assistant/friend is only around when he needs me or vice versa. I have two siblings, Wanda and Pietro but they're with the Avengers and we hardly see one another.

Pietro is dating a girl called Carlie, I've met her she's a stuck up bitch but we have to let him experience the pain of not finding the right one. Wanda is dating a robot... a robot, his names Vision and I'd like to know how they're 'Soulmates' because the guys a mechanical being and she's a witch. They're happy so I just smile and wave, he is a nice guy who cares about her, he cares that much that they're engaged and the parties tonight. I have yet to find anyone, my love life is non existent due to the fact I either want them for the sex or they want me for the money. There's never any feelings involved which apparently is a big thing in a relationship, it's a must have but no ones ever 'Sparked the flame' as everyone phases it.

The party is the first time I'll be meeting any of the Avengers, I've meet Tony due to business deals and meetings plus we've had a couple of drinks together and a few nights. We consider one another as best friends but I've never meet the others due to us agreeing that we'll keep our work lives separate and plus I never have to time to sleep let alone hang out with people.

Alfred dropped me off at the compound and parked up. I offered for him to come inside but he just wanted to stay in the limo, luckily there's a TV and drinks in the back so he shouldn't be to bored.

I wore a skin tight, black dress that knocked off the shoulders. I matched it with a pair of black stilettos. My hair was kept the same as I've had it all day, loosely curled pony tail. I touched up my makeup and kept the same jewellery on. To complete the look I put on a dark blue denim jacket.

I walk into the compound and for an engagement party, there's a lot of people here to celebrate. I bet my sister doesn't even know more that 15 people here. I scan around the room to find either of my siblings or Tony.

I spot Pietro and make my way towards him. I'd usually hit the bar first but I've been told to watch my liquor intake, I could drink for all of Sokovia.

"Sister" the silver haired boy greets me with opened arms
"Pietro" I hug him before greeting his girlfriend "Where's the bride-to-be?" I questions once again looking around
"She was on the floor" Pietro scans around
"Y/n!" Wanda shouts upon seeing me, she was behind us
"Hey" I greet her with open arms
"You made it" she embraces me into a long hug, I grew a little uncomfortable, I was never one for hugging. Even after sleeping with someone, I'm was nice enough to not kick them out straight away but they want to cuddle, I just can't do that so I started sending people back home once we'd finish.

"Sorry" Wanda steps back as she felt me try wiggle out
"Vision" I move the conversation on, he goes in for a hug to but I block it with my hand in which he shakes upon "Happy Engagement" I congratulate the pair
"Thank you" they smile lovingly at one another before sharing a kiss, I turn around to see Pietro making-out with Carlie, I sigh and walk towards the bar.

"Mini Maximoff" Tony stands with his friends gesturing for me to join in, I quickly grab a glass of champagne that was being offered around
"Hey Stark" I stand next to the long hair blonde and Rhodey
"Mini Maximoff? I was unaware that Wanda had a sister" the blonde speaks in a husky voice
"She's mentioned Y/n before" Tony reminds him
"I'm Thor" he introduces himself
"Nice to meet you"
"I'm Maria" the brunette next to Tony greets herself.

After a little while of talking my gaze travels up to the upper level of the floor where I spot a lonely redhead standing by the glass looking over everyone with a martini in her hand. The girls red dress fixating on every curve, her hair showering over her shoulders portraying her face with elegancy. Her steady hand holding the railing while the other allows her to replenish her thirst.

I excuse myself from the group and walk up the stairs heading to the upper floor. I watched her place the glass upon the side table as she finished it. This was the first time I felt nervous talking to a girl, that's never happened before but I grow a pair and walk closer towards her.

"Hi" no flirty comment, no pointing out on the obvious just a simple greeting
"Hi" she greets me back with a smile, I stand next to her but no words are exchanged "So you're the other Maximoff" I catch her looking me up and down
"I'm the better looking one" I say confidently
"I can see that" she lightly bites her lip "Are you here with anyone?" She inquires
"Nope all by my lonesome. Yourself?" I ask
"Nope all by my lonesome" she mimics me, I roll my eyes unamused by her mocking.

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