Movie night

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~Natasha's POV~

Wanda informed the team that Y/n was joining us for the weekly movie night but for some weird reason, I was nervous to see her. We've texted and contacted one another since the day we agreed to call it quits but seeing her in person was making me anxious and sweat a little at the thought of seeing the beauty she wore so perfectly.

I was helping Carol sort out the snack and drinks for the evening, she's been staying a lot longer than usual which was nice "How are you and Bruce doing?" She questions
"Same as usual" I answer in a sad tone.

We had a talk about stuff but he's still choosing work over his own wife, but it's only been two days. I still have over a week left.

We both carry bowls into the main room where everybody's waiting and huddled around the big screen. Watching a movie would be a better experience in Y/n's cinema room but I can mention that. Bruce sat next to Tony and didn't save me a seat but just as I was about to sit down on the two-person couch that had nobody on it, there was a knock at the door. I was the only one standing so naturally I went to answer the sound.

"HI" Y/n greets me with her sweet smile making the butterflies unleash within my stomach "Sorry I'm later. Work was hectic" she apologises, stepping out of the pouring rain
"That's okay. We were just about to start the movie" I inform her
"Made it just in time then" she laughs to herself, walking towards the main room
"Hey, Y/n" everyone greets her as they spot her walk in
"You're going to have to sit next to me" I mention to her
"That's okay"

Y/n and I take our seat upon the couch and Peter put the movie on as it was his time to pick, he chooses Back To The Future. During the film, Y/n placed a blanket across us as the air started to gain some coldness. I glance over to Bruce; my smile drops before I felt Y/n's hand interlock with my own under the blanket. Her form of comfort.

The film comes to an end and my hand was still in the warm embrace of Y/n's "I'm off to bed" Bruce stands up and leaves the room not even giving me a kiss or any sort of attention. I sigh and take some empty bowls into the kitchen, little to my knowledge did I know Y/n would follow me "He's still being a dick?" She asks, startling me
"God-" I hold my chest not wanting my heart to jump out "Yeah he is"
"Tomorrow, swing by my place we can watch a movie and get take out. You can relax, we can have some friends time" Y/n offers
"I'd like that"  I agree
"Perfect. We can watch whatever it is you would like to watch" she assures me
"Pretty woman" I suggest.

~The next day~

"Where are you off to?" Bruce walks into our bedroom seeing me getting changed
"Off to hang out with a friend" I inform him, slipping my jacket on but just as I was about to leave, Bruce grips my arms to stop me
"You didn't tell me" he states
"Funny how when you're not around I don't tell you stuff" I break out of his embrace and walk out of the room.

I drive to Y/n's gate but I buzz in waiting for her to answer "Seriously? You're doing this to annoy me. Get in" She answers, opening the gates allowing me into her driveway.

Y/n was already waiting by the open door, saves me from knocking "Did you enjoy that?" She asks
"Very much" I grin smugly walking past her, stepping inside the building "I do forget how big this place is"
"You and me both. Dinners already in the room, we're just waiting for you sweetheart" she informs me.

~Carol's POV~

I walk down the hall wanting to see if Natasha will do some hand to hand with me as I'm very much bored but when I walk into her room, I see Bruce sitting on the edge of their bed, twisting his wedding ring a round his finger "Where's Tash?" I ask
"She said she's going out with a friend" I roll my eyes knowing exactly where she was.

I pull out my phone as I go to leave "Carol. Can I ask you something?" Bruce calls out
"Sure" I turn back around
"Do you think Natasha's cheating on me?" He questions, slipping the ring off and onto his finger
"Why do you think that?" I turn my phone off, giving him my full attention.

"She doesn't have friends outside of this" he states
"So now she's making friends and you automatically think she's cheating? You're a dick" I scoff
"She's arguing about our marriage but it's perfectly fine and now some mysterious friend has appeared" Bruce stands up from the bed
"Your marriage is far from fine. You've got Natasha doubting herself, thinking she's the one in the wrong, but all she wants is a husband that doesn't pick work over her every god damn time!" I defend my friend before I leaving him to those words.

That felt good but I needed to call Natasha.



"Hey Carol" Natasha answers
"Seriously? You're hanging out with her now?" I question with a slight judgemental tone
"Friends. I assure you nothing will happen" she says not so confidently. I decide not to tell her about the Bruce argument, hoping tomorrow he'll change his act and treat her right.

"Better not. Have fun tho" we say our goodbyes and end the call... I don't have much faith within her words but I just hope she's sticking to these two weeks.

~Natasha's POV~

I have no faith in my words. Every minute we're together, there's a form of touching that eventually leads to bigger, more exciting things that I've been deprived of for the past 2 years. Y/n made me feel good, she made me feel wanted and her tongue inside of me was something to crave everyday.

I walk into the room in where Y/n was waiting for me "You put Pretty Woman on" I smile
"This is the film you wanted. I said we'd watch it. Now sit down and relax" she encourages me by patting the seat next to her.

This was going to be a long night of controlling myself.

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