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~Natasha's POV~

"Morning" I watch Y/n's eyes flutter open as she begins to wake up
"Hey beautiful" She offers a soft, early morning smile "It's early" a cute, little yawn leaves her mouth as she stretches out her limbs
"I know but the drive is 3 hours and they want us there at 11" I inform Y/n.

"You're cute, you know that?" She complements
"Shut up" I push my lips against Y/n's keeping her quiet. My hands rest either side of her head as Y/n holds onto my hips. Just as our kiss is re lite, the door swings open "Morning!" Yelena greets us.

"We forgot to lock the door" I sigh, my head falls into the crook of Y/n's neck
"Up! We've got a road trip to take" Yelena claps her hands together "We don't have all day!"
"We will meet you downstairs for breakfast" Y/n suggests.

"No sex. I swear to god if you're late because you're boning each other, I won't hesitate to shoot you" Yelena threatens, making her way out of the room.

Y/n chuckles lightly "Best not keep her waiting" I groan, falling back onto her lips "B-baby" she tries to push me off
"3 minutes" I state, moving my kiss along her jawline
"If we meet your sister now, I'll give you all the 3 minutes you want tonight" Y/n offers.

"You better keep your word" I warn her, taking a stand from the bed
"When haven't I?" She asks
"Yesterday when you said you wouldn't be late"
Y/n rolls her eyes
"Seriously holding that against me?"
"Yep" I reply, lifting my shirt over my head, disregarding it upon the chair.

Y/n harshly grips my hips, spinning me around. My back pressing against her chest "3 minutes"
"Yay" I cheer quietly as Y/n pulls me towards the bed. I sit in between her legs.

Her hand palming the fabric against my core causing me to roll my head back, laying it upon
Y/n's shoulder "So weak under my touch" she whispers into my ear, turning me on more than she already is.

Y/n pushes the fabric aside and without teasing or me having to beg, she slips two fingers into my entrance and begins curling them inside of me. My hand grips onto the back of her neck as my other harshly, bruising her knee.

"Let them know who you belong too" Y/n commands as I try to muffle my moans. I let go of my bottom lip "Ahh!" My fingers intertwine within her hair.

Y/n's teeth grazing against my neck, thrusting her fingers in and out of me "B-baby!" I express through a shaky breathe
"When you're ready, sweetheart" she mumbles against my skin.

With the final hit upon my G-spot, my walls unclenched, the tightening sensation that occurred in my stomach loosened and I came down from my high. God, she was good.

"Go have a shower. I'll meet you downstairs" Y/n stands me up
"Or you could join me?" I suggest
"This jealously is making you very horny" she states "But I won't be joining you" Y/n pecks my lips.

~Y/n's POV~

I walk downstairs and arrive in the dining hall, seeing Yelena flirt with one of the waiters "About damn time!" She complains "Where's Tasha?"
"In the shower" I answer, taking a seat.

"Ready to meet the parents?" Yelena asks
"Yeah. Anything I should know before stepping inside?" I question
"Vodka is the only thing you'll be drinking. Moms very protective along with dad so you've just got to win them over before they trust you" Yelena informs me
"Good thing I grew up on vodka then" I cheers to that.

"Morning" Natasha joins us at the table with freshly wet hair
"If you're going to have sex and then proceed to lie about it afterwards, don't leave marks where everyone can see them" Yelena states.

I look at Natasha's neck to see my mark covering most of her skin "She looks hot" I compliment
"Would you stop?" Yelena demands
"Why don't you get that waiters number?" I suggest
"Who's number?" Natasha questions.

"No ones. Shut up!" Yelena glares at me
"Tell me" Natasha encourages her little sister
"Nope because you'll make a big deal out of it, like you always do" Yelena sighs
"Y/n, who?" She places her hand between my thighs, slowly squeezing them.

I mimic a zip locking my lips and than throwing away the key to signify that I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Just as Natasha was about to speak, the said waiter of the topic and handed Yelena a piece of paper, to which she opened and smiled "Him? No don't go wi-" I cover Natasha's mouth, making her shut up
"Be supportive" I state.

"This is why I don't tell you things" Yelena mentions, standing up from the table and leaving
"Baby-" Natasha cuts me off
"Don't give me a speech. I'm just trying to protect her. You wouldn't understand" she then proceeds to leave the table, leaving me alone.

She'd be surprised how much I understand about the situation.

"Damn, shes already running away from you" his voice heckles behind me
"Josh, what do you want?" I question not even looking at the man
"Thought I'd let you know. Your girlfriend hitman is here" Josh picks up a piece of bread from the basket.

"Where?" I inquire but he just shrugs "Seriously? You just told me but don't know his pin point location?"
"Yep. Would also like to thank you for getting my ass fired from the agency. Obviously Sharon couldn't pull the trigger so now I'm 'Dead'" he air quotes
"I wasn't going to kill them" I state, standing from the table.

"Who was your target anyways?" Josh questions
"Doesn't matter" I begin to walk out
"It's wasn't Natasha so who else would they have you target to make you run from Elle?" He pounders the question everyone wants to know the answer to.

"My target was..."

Cliffhanger! 😂 I love doing this to y'all.

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