Beach day

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~Natasha's POV~

"Y/n!" I squeal as she spins me around in the air. I held onto her arms not wanting to fall but knew she wouldn't let me. Y/n puts me down and my feet bury themselves into the sand below. The sun beaming down on us once again, shining a light on something amazing, her.

"You're staring" Y/n states the obvious as she removes her shirt and shorts, revealing the black bikini underneath
"Admiring" I answer, taking a seat on the blanket we brought along with us.

"Cheesy" Y/n pecks my lips before laying next to me. I rest myself upon my elbows, watching the waves wash up onto the shore then go back out to sea. Witnessing the boats along the horizon disappear within a blink of an eye. I didn't want this trip to end but we can't escape from our problems, they'll soon catch up to us.

"What's going on in the pretty little mind of yours?" Y/n asks putting a comforting hand on my back, I sigh
"This weekends go by fast" I state
"You're not wrong" Y/n chuckles lightly.

I sit up, crossing my legs and pick at the sand until I felt Y/n wrap herself around me from behind, resting her chin on my shoulder "Probably going to get sweaty by doing this but... you'll be okay" Y/n assures me "You're halfway there" I nod gently "How about this? Once everything's done and the divorce is final, you and I should go on a trip to... Budapest" Y/n suggests.

"You pronounced it correctly" I laugh to myself
"What do you say?" She questions
"I wouldn't mind going back" I admit
"Then it's settled" Y/n turns my chin to face her so she can press her lips upon mine, softly.

Right now, I wanted to say those three words but I wasn't going to confess them just in case my divorce takes longer and she's left waiting. I wanted to be hers when those words were shared between the two of us.

"Coming in with me" Y/n stands up, readjusting her bathing suit
"I'll watch" I wiggle my eyebrows
"Creeper" She pecks my lips before making her way down to where the water meets the shore.

"Hello" I answer Y/n's phone thinking it was mine
"Nat? What are you doing with my sister?" Wanda's voice comes from the other end, my eyes widen and my heart wants to rip out of my rib cage "Nat?" She questions whether I'm still there.

"I told you I was going to Spain and just so happened to run into your sister" I lie, hoping she'll buy it
"Oh, okay. Where is she?" Wanda inquires
"She went to the bathroom" yet another lie "I can take your message and pass it on to her if you'd like?" I offer.

"It's okay. I'll call her later. Just wish her a safe travel home, along with yourself" Wanda states. We say our goodbyes and I end the call. Gaining back all of the oxygen I lost during that conversation but I soon forgot how to breathe when I watched Y/n getting out of the sea.

Her brown locks now darkened, pushed back. The water dropping back into the ocean. The sun making the water droplets covering her body, gleam with every step, she was like a disco ball. The hickey from two nights ago became more visible when we both noticed, most of the sun bathers watching her like I was.

"You okay?" Y/n asks, blocking the sun out of my view of vision "Look like you've seen a ghost"
"Your sister" is all I mustered up to say
"... is this you telling me you wanted Wanda not me?" She questions jokingly, I shake my head
"She called. I answered. She probably knows now" I wasn't faithful in my lies, especially when a five year old could have come up with better ones.

"Only fair. Your sister knows" she states, taking a seat next to me on the blanket
"My sister walked in on us" I remind her "Your sister called and I stupidly answered"
"... no argument there" Y/n sighs "No matter what she's say, the trip is still on" she assure me.

We head back to the hotel, Lena called saying they had to cancel the plans for tonight due to the fact Kara had to rush home after getting some news about her sister, Alex. She apparently got into an accident with her girlfriend Maggie.

We both wanted another quite night in as it was the last one we'd get before going back to the divorce and work drama. Now there's Wanda drama on top of that.

I rest between Y/n's legs as we take a nice, hot bubble bath to wash the salt and sand off our bodies. Y/n begins to trace flower like patterns on my hand as it rests on the side of the bath.

I could feel my eyes shutting, the calming tone of the situation was relaxing. Y/n's embrace was safe. My heart felt the flame it first got when I started dating Bruce that soon got blown out.

We had to take in these last moments with one another before we go our separate ways. The divorce would take up most of my time and work would take up Y/n's. Calling and texting is going to be our only form of communication until those papers are signed.

Could we make it till then?

Ohh, shit! Wanda might know!

I made a TikTok account... don't know why but it'll have little edits and trailers for the upcoming chapters within the books I write. If y'all wanna check it out my account is @wandswife

Otherwise, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

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