A 'Friends' date

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We were sat at the bar. We looked at that apartment over and over again, but we didn't find one bit of justifiable evidence that could lead us to the potential killer. Not even one fingerprint, it's like they knew we would go back over everything with a fine-tooth comb.

"Nothing" Wanda sighs "We were so sure"
"Hopefully the boys have found something useful. Let's consider this our one-night vacation" Carol suggests
"What a great vacation" I smile sarcastically.

One drink after the other, the three of us get to our alcohol tolerance before heading back to the quinjet and setting it on autopilot as none of us can think or see straight. It was a silent journey back, Carol and Wanda fell asleep. I sat in the pilot's chair, watching the clouds pass by and the flickering lights of the cities below.

Once we land, I went straight to my room and it was empty despite it being full. I notice a box on the bed labelled 'Natasha'. It looked to fancy to be from Bruce and the hand writing was neat. I open the card taped to the top

"Wear this tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 7 for a 'Friends' date"

I pull the dress out of the box, it was dark purple and a slimming fit with a pair of black stilettos. Everything was in my size and beautiful but definitely expensive but it felt nice to be treated to something.

~The next night~ New York~

I touch up the lipstick making it perfect. I smooth out the dress, removing any creases that might be seen. My phone buzzes on my night stand as I tie up my hair. I walk over to the lite up screen seeing it's from Y/n.

"I'm outside, sweetheart"

"I'll be there in a minute" I reply.

I put on my black leather jacket, grabbing my clutch before leaving the room. I walk out the back way so I don't get bothered with questions. I make my way down the driveway being greeted by a emerald mustang and a very presentable Y/n Maximoff. She was wearing a dark navy dress with a black denim jacket and a pair of black boots.

"Not to give myself all the credit but I picked out a sweet dress" Y/n wears a smug grin "Although the body that wears it, I can only thank her parents for that"
"I can only say the same thing about you" I compliment
"Are you ready to go?" Y/n questions
"Of course" she opens the passengers side door
"Thank you" I take a seat before she closes it behind me.

Y/n drove us out of town to a semi-fancy restaurant but this one doesn't have the stupidly expensive food just for a small serving.

"How have you been?" Y/n asks, taking a sip of her wine
"Okay. It's been a stressful week" I sigh "Yourself?"
"Work is work. Doesn't get any better" she laughs to herself "How's... Bruce?" She questioned, almost struggling to say him name.

"I wouldn't know. He's on a trip and hasn't arrived home yet" I huff, I drank the whole glass of wine "Sorry"
"Don't be sorry. I'm not one to judge" she assures me.

Could she be anymore pure?

"How do you not have a partner?" I question, looking into her hazels
"With work and trust issues, not everyone wants to sign up for that" she shrugs "They'd either want me for the money or I'd have them for the sex but I was never one to keep someone around" she explains
"So why have you stuck around for me?" I ask as she pours me another glass
"You're someone I want to get to know. Behind the past I see someone who just wants to live. Reminds me of myself" she mentions.

"How'd the mission in Russia go?" Y/n asks
"We didn't find anything at first but we went back and went over every inch of the scene but... the killer knew... she cleaned that apartment to the last spec of dust" I sigh
"She? Good for the girl" Y/n smiles behind her glass
"Your really giving her credit?" I question with a raised brow
"She's smart. Clearly smarter than the Black Widow herself. Bet she's got a smug look across her face knowing you're struggling to figure this out" Y/n had the same expression.

"Who's side are you on?" I inquire
"No ones" she answers.

As the meal draw to an end, Y/n pays for the check despite me offering to split it two ways "It's my treat" were her words.

"Where to now?" I questions, hoping for this night to carry on
"My place. I have drinks" she offers a hand for me to stand
"Lead the way" I take her offering. Y/n interlocks her fingers with mine which made my heart burn.

We make it back to the mustang, Y/n takes the keys out of her pocket unlocking it before opening my door "Such a gentlemen" I tease
"I've got a bigger dick than any of your friends" she jokes, closing the door making her way over to the drivers side.

Y/n allowed me to have the aux. I played my liked playlist on Spotify, it varied, going from country to rock. Right now, Getaway Car by Taylor Swift was playing. I was mumbling along with the words, embarrassed to sing them out loud.

She pulled up to the garage, parking the car before leading me into the building I might as well call home as I'm here more than I care to admit.

"Wine?" Y/n offers
"Please" I nod, leaning against the kitchen island, watching Y/n pour with such elegance "Thank you" I take the the glass from the counter.

~Time skip~

"I'm not joking. Pietro ran through the door of my office" I found that funnier than it should have been and spat some of the wine that was in my mouth
"Oh no" I look down seeing the wine on the dress
"It's okay. I did get it for you so I could take it off" Y/n admits flawlessly.

...spice next chapter?? 👀

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