An old friend

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~Natasha's POV~

I agreed not to dig around in Y/n's past and I haven't but I can't sit around and act like I don't know something about her. We were going to call but I needed to do this face to face, mainly for her reaction to the situation. I didn't want to bring up bad memories for her to not be comforted right there and then.

Y/n gave me the code for the gate after our phone call last week. I type it out before allowing myself in, parking outside her door. I get out of the car and knock upon the glass in the wood. My phone starts to buzz, I take it out and the doors open "No need to call me" I decline it
"I mean, this is better than having to imagine every lip bite and eye roll" Y/n steps aside and allows me in her house, closing the door behind me.

We make our way into the kitchen "How was work?" I ask, trying to create small talk before diving into the pain of her past
"It was okay. It's work. How was your day? Did you talk to someone?" Y/n questions passing me a glass of water
"I did. I spoke to Carol and I've made the decision that, I'll give Bruce two weeks and if nothing changes then I'll talk to him. She made me consider a divorce" I answer honestly
"How do you feel about that?" She leans against the counter
"She's right. I should at least put the idea on the table. I don't want to stay in a relationship that isn't making me happy" I reply, taking a sip of the water
"Told you talking to someone would help" Y/n's expression changes to a smug looking grin.

We got lost in conversation, that I forgot the whole reasoning as to why I pulled up to her house but I snapped back to reality and thought of ways to say this without saying it in one go. I wanted to settle the blow.

"You okay? You're uncharacteristically quite" Y/n asks
"Yeah. Umm... I have something to talk to you about" I sigh, sweat forming on my brows
"What is it?" Y/n takes a seat next to me, taking ahold of my hands giving them a reassuring squeeze
"You might not like what I'm about to say but... hell you might even hate me for talking about this" I fumble with my words
"Baby calm down. Just tell me"

~Y/n's POV~

I was waiting for natasha to speak up and the conversation she wanted to have but I didn't want to pressure her into talking, so I stay quiet until she was ready.

"I know something"
"Ooo... like what?" I question not being prepared for the next answer she was about to give me
"Your past"

My heart sank. My mind runs wild with thoughts. My breathing increasing wit every inhale. I clench my jaw not appreciating the fact she didn't wait for me to tell her, she found out alone.

"What about my past?" I ask, not wanting to accidentally confess something she doesn't know the truth too
"That you were raised in an abusive home when you were taken from Wanda and Pietro. I also know S.H.I.E.L.D tested you and your aim is never off" she explains and in her eyes I could see she was telling the truth.

"How did you come across this?" I question, concerned of how they know some key, important information that only I know
"Carol saw your file in the S.H.I.E.L.D-" I interrupt the girl
"S.H.I.E.L.D have a file on me? I'm not bad. I'm not my sister or brother. I don't have powers to be on their system" I huff
"I don't know why they have a file on you but you should tell Wanda or Pietro or even both. They'd understand" Natasha advises me, I scoff
"Just because you read some lines on a screen doesn't mean you get to tell me what I should do" I stand up in frustration.

"I know" she admits quietly not wanting to anger me more
"I might have told you some points about my past but... god, why couldn't you have trusted me!?"

The next thing I knew, a pair of arms wrap around my neck as Natasha's chest pushes against my. I was stiff like a brick wall, taken back by the gesture. I try wriggle out but it was no good she had a tight grip on me.

"Natasha please stop. I hate this" I feel her lips press against my neck
"Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you, in fact I'm going to run you a bath and we're going to breathe" she kisses my lips before making her way upstairs.

I had to shut my eyes and shake my head hoping the memories would leave my mind but they were so clouded that maybe a bath would do the trick but I need to do something first.

I walk into the music room as it's soundproofed. I take out my phone and dial the number.



"Hello?" The woman answers
"You have 4 seconds to tell me why the hell S.H.I.E.L.D still has a file on me" I reply
"Y/n, lovely to hear from you too. The only thing Fury would let me do, was to put your file in the confidential folder so no one could read it. I couldn't erase it from the system, believe me I tried" she explains
"It's not very confidential if someone can read upon the file and then tell others, Sharon" I snap
"I don't work for S.H.I.E.L.D anymore and I'm not hacking the system. It doesn't explain your whole past" Sharon points out, I sigh "Only high ranking people can access your file. Do you know who read it?" She questions
"Carol" I answer, not knowing her last name
"She's Fury's best friend. Carol has a higher ranking that Maria Hill" she states
"But why read my file? I'm not that interesting"
"Sometimes when you're bored, you just read upon files. I did that a lot" Sharon mentions
"I'll just ask her myself. Anyways, you have a lovely holiday" I wish before ending the call.

I make my way upstairs, walking into the bathroom to see Natasha leaning over the bath with everything exposed "Strip" she commands as she stops the water and mixes the bubbles properly.

Do you understand my love for Sharon!? She's underrated as fuck! I hate that she was a love interest for Cap.

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