Karaoke & Swimming

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Y/n was right, this meal was boring but I stayed put and nodded occasionally, then laughed when necessary. Her hand would either be on my thigh or interlocked with mine but she remained professional and didn't pursue the ideas that were running through my mind. The meal was coming to an end, I think they made a deal with the other guys but I zoned out when they started talking about their jobs.

The men left the restaurant, leaving the four of us at the table "We'll meet you outside" Y/n informs them as the two make their way to the bathroom "Sorry. It ran over time" she apologises
"I don't mind" I assure her, tucking my chair under the table.

I link arms with Y/n as we make our way outside, the brushed over orange that painted the skies was now covered black with white specs "I would also like to apologise for suddenly making you my girlfriend. If I introduced you to them as a friend, they'd think I was paying you" Y/n explains
"That's okay. I can play your girlfriend for the duration of this trip" I suggest.

Y/n pulled me in by my waist, my body now leaning against hers "Yeah? I'd like that" she admits, ghosting her lips over mine
"Me too" I confess before pressing a meaningful kiss upon her lips. Y/n's arms rest on top of my ass as mine wrap around her neck.

"Told you she's not a stone cold bitch" Kara blurts out, making our romantic moment stop, I groan quietly as the contact was lost
"The fact you said I'm not, is hurtful" Y/n states
"You love me really" I watch Lena roll her eyes at the interaction
"I deal with this every time they see each other. I'm so glad to have someone else here" Kara scoffs
"We're not that bad"

"Karaoke?" Kara suggests with a childish smile
"Of course" Y/n agrees
"Don't worry Tasha. We won't have to sing, they never share the mic" Lena assures me
"Sounds good to me" I nod.

We walk along the streets, I cling onto Y/n's arm as me make our way to a karaoke bar. Kara held onto Lena's hand practically dragging her along "What is it you do Tasha?" Lena asks
"I work for S.H.I.E.L.D" I inform the woman
"Oh cool!" Kara expresses, I smile at her excitement.

We make our way into the bar and Kara asks for a private booth "Scared?" Y/n teases her
"To save you from embarrassment" she replies
"To save us from having witnesses to their murders" Lena whispers to me making me chuckle lightly
"What was that?" Kara questions
"Nothing, dear" Lena just smiles while she received a cold glare from her fiancé.

I sit next to Lena as Y/n and Kara fight over what song they're going to sing "I've never seen her this happy before" Lena informs me "We've known each other a good 7 plus years and this is the happiest I've seen her"
"She's pretty great" I smile, watching her battle over the song choice.

"You're also the first ever plus one she's ever brought" Lena mentions. First ever? Now I feel included.

"Have they always been like this?" I question, pointing at Kara and Y/n's child like behavior
"Ever since they met" Lena replies
"Finally! We have a song" Kara informs us
"This'll be fun" Lena mumbles.

The two started to sing Can't Fight The Moonlight by LeAnn Rimes, it wasn't a song to duet but their voices overlapping one another was angelic. They both could sing. Kara gave up a little into the song, as she wasn't the one who picked it and left the floor to Y/n. The high note was coming up and she hit it without a flaw.

A few rounds went ahead and Lena was right, they don't share the mic. We made our way out of the bar and into the windy streets of Spain "We'll see you the day after tomorrow?" Lena questions
"Just say Sunday but yes" Y/n answers, placing her jacket over my shivering body
"Have a good mini vacation" Kara wishes as the two make their way to the hotel they were staying at.

"We're seeing them again?" I question
"Shit, sorry" Y/n mentally slaps herself "I forgot to ask you"
"It's okay" I assure her "Lena needs company. You and Kara are a handful" I mention making her laugh at my statement
"It's just for a night" Y/n states

We begin to walk back to the car but Y/n heads towards a hotel that isn't the one we're staying in "What are you doing?" I question her sudden change of course
"Having fun" she replies, stepping inside the building
"This isn't where we're staying" I remind her
"We're not sleeping here" she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

We go down a dimly light hall that had a 'No enter' sign at the front "Where are we going?" I whisper
"Every been skinny dipping?" Y/n questions, taking off her shoe by the pool beds
"I can't say that I have" I answer, watching Y/n take off her suit trousers
"Tonight's your lucky night" she smiles, pulling off her tank top.

Once she was stark naked in front of me, Y/n canon balled into the pool causing a large splash "Come on" she motions for me to join her
"We're going to get caught" I state
"That's the fun of it. You're not telling me that The Black Widow is scared?" She teases, bopping up and down in the water.

That pushed the button. I place her jacket onto the chair, adding it to the pile of clothes already stacking on top of it. When I removed my dress, it revealed my body with the lack of underwear on. I catch Y/n's daring eyes as they scan my body.

Once my heels were off, I dived, head first, into the pool joining Y/n. My legs wrapped around her waist. Y/n's hands on my bare ass cheeks, keeping me afloat. The water droplets covering her face, shone in the moon lite room.

"Thank you for coming with me" Y/n smiles shyly
"Of course. Anytime" I assure her "Thank you for letting me be the first ever plus one" I smile smugly
"Lena and her big mouth" Y/n sighs
"Yours is bigger" I joke, ghosting my lips over hers.

Y/n pecks them quickly "Oh yeah? Want to test that?" She swims us to the edge, lifting me onto the side of the pool, separating my legs apart.

Teasingly kissing up my thighs, edging herself closer to the area I was craving her the most. I hum in appreciation but then soon turned into muffled moans as Y/n kitten licks up my folds. I grip onto the walls edge, my knuckles turning white.

"Y/n" I pant as her tongue works it's way inside of me. I rest a hand on top of her head, gently pushing her further into me. I bite my lip trying to not let a moan echo through the hotel "Baby!" I cry out "I'm going to... oh, please let me-"a moan replaced the end of the sentence.

Y/n gave me the signal and within a matter of seconds, she was swallowing everything that was coming out of me. Y/n pulled her tongue out and locked onto my pleasured emeralds "You're beautiful" she compliments my messy state.

After we dried and redressed ourselves, me made our path to the exit of the hotel "M'Lady" Y/n opens the door for me and I let myself out
"Hope you enjoyed your stay" the security guard wished us
"Very much" Y/n replied, making a quick get away.

We got back to the car and Y/n drove us back to our hotel "I love you" I say mentally to myself, not ready to admit my true feeling to her, just in case she doesn't feel the same way towards me, which would break my heart more than this divorce is already doing.

Once at the hotel, Y/n carried me bridal style to the elevator "To which floor am I dropping you off?" She jokes
"64th" I press the button. We make it inside our room and with a squeal of surprise, I was thrown onto the bed before she jumped next to me.

I crawl on top of Y/n "Best..." I kiss her left cheek "...night..." I move my lips over to her right cheek "...ever" I press a kiss onto her nose.

Oooo... she said the 'L' word ;)

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