Mistakes and Regrets

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"What do you mean I can't visit her?" I question Ross. My fists clenched ready to throw a punch. My nostrils flared. The vein popping out of my forehead. It's safe to say I wasn't happy about anything that has happened within the past two days.

"Y/n isn't to have visitors. That's a treat, something that she does not deserve" Ross states
"A treat? A treat is getting out and starting over your life. This.." I point around me indicating the situation ".. is bullshit!"
"I understand but I shall stick to my orders. You should thank Bruce for locking your little girlfriend up" I stand back in shock.

I never knew Bruce would step this low, Y/n's never done anything to him. She tried helping us. Okay, yeah I slept with her while still married to him but he didn't know that... did he?

"Bruce told you?" I repeat, hoping I heard him correctly before storming into he compound and accusing the wrong man
"Weren't you two married?" Ross questions
"What's it to do with you?" I inquire, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Bruce is smart. Y/n's a psychopath" he puts forward his opinions
"You do know the weapons you use come from Stark, who buys them from Y/n, who designs and builds them herself?" I leave the man standing dumbfounded within his office.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, dialling Tony's number "What's up ninja?" He answers
"Is Bruce still in the compound?" I question, stepping inside of the elevator
"That he is. Why? You're not gonna sleep with him due to the fact Y/n's now in prison?" He sighs
"What!? God no. I'm gonna kill" I state.

"Whoa! Slow down there grim reaper. What do you mean kill him?" Tony questions, taken back by my sudden threat.

"He's the one who told Ross about Y/n. I wanted to cut a deal before everyone knew Y/n was the assassin on those jobs" I mention, stepping out of the elevator
"I understand that but killing him isn't going to help Y/n's case" he states.

"You want to join the kill list, it's getting longer by the second Stark. I will easily add you to it" I threaten
"Nope. I'm good but just talk to Bruce, don't go adding more red to that ledger of yours. Not even Y/n would want this" Tony points out the obvious.

I sigh "I'll make sure he stays within the compound for when you get here" Tony assures me
"Thank you" I end the call, slipping my phone back in my pocket, making my way back down the street, towards my car.

~Y/n's POV~

I lay upon the prison bed, looking at the white ceiling above me, hoping for it to change colour so I'm not as bored as I care to admit.

It's not the worse prison I've been held in. Russian prisons are not nice. Dampness in every corner. Diseases within every human of the place. None of the woman there were good looking so it wasn't a place I wanted to stay long.

"Lunch!" The guard knocks upon the glass window of my cell "Want me to set up a 5-Star Hotel looking meal for you?" He jokes
"You're hilarious. I'm actually dying of laughter" I reply sarcastically, making my over the the hatch held within the door.

"You know she can kill you with that fork" his
buddy warns him
"No she couldn't" the guard looks at everyone around, even the prisoners within their cells nodded their heads. He looks back at me and I display an innocent face.

He shivers, trying to disregard the coldness running down his spine before handing the pallet over and walking away.

~Natasha's POV~

I arrive at the compound. The drivers side door was open before the car even parked. I walk inside, trying to keep my cool and keep to Tony's advice but all I could picture was punching Bruce across the face.

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