Never on time

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~Y/n's POV~

As Natasha's hug was growing longer, I laid myself on the bed not wanting this moment to end. Her lips began to leave sloppy kisses along the skin of my neck. She lifts her head out of the crook and her emeralds were glowing with lust as she moulded our lips with one another.

My hands slip into her back pockets of her shorts as hers cup my face "I'm going for a shower" Natasha got off in an instant before I had time to process
"What! You can't just- that's not fair!" I express, jumping off the bed and running into the bathroom before she locks the door.

"Without you" She points to the door
"Oh no. You don't get the privilege of that" a smug grin crosses my face as I lift my top over my head. Natasha rolls her eyes and begins to undress along with me.

I step into the shower, turning it on and allowing the water to switch from cold to warm before Natasha finished removing her clothes. She soon joins me, I turn us around so the waters hitting her. My hands on her waist as her arms wrap around my neck.

"I don't have a dress for tonight" Natasha mentally slaps herself
"That's okay. I brought you one" I inform her making the girl smile
"What colour?" She questions
"Oh sweetheart. You'll have to wait for that surprise" I peck her lips but she pulls me back into a longer, more heated kiss.

I run my hands up the divot of her back. Her fingers weave through my hair as I kiss her neck, due to the fact we have a meeting later I didn't mark up her neck to much.

I press Natasha against the shower wall to keep her stable as my left hand reaches her core. Brushing through her folds and over her entrance. Breaking gasps leave her mouth.

"Y/n" she pants, bucking her hips wanting more
"Patients baby" I mumble against her neck. I push one finger into her hole, making her nails dig into the back of my neck.

Natasha's cries of pleasure surrounded the room as she came down from her high. Her walls un-clenching around my fingers allowing them to be free "I forget how good you are" she sighs.

I pull ourselves back under the shower head and begin to massage the shampoo into her hair, getting every inch of her scalp. Natasha hummed in appreciation as my fingers rub against her head.

Once we were finished within the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and left the bathroom to get Natasha's outfit for this evening. I walk back in with the box "I'll be outside" I assure her and close the door, giving her some privacy.

~Natasha's POV~

Once the door clicked, I remove the lid from the box. I unfolded the tissue paper, revealing a dark emerald dress. This girl knows how to treat someone.

I pull the dress down my body and, again, it fit perfectly but my underwear was showing within the fit of the dress, so I made a bold decision and removed them, now going commando to Y/n's business meeting. I keep my hair down, having it flow over my left shoulder.

I walk out of the bathroom and to Y/n wearing a black pantsuit with a white, slim fitted, vest top on underneath her blazer "Yet another dress that I choose perfectly" Y/n blows her own horn
"Pipe down your ego. You forgot shoes for the outfit" I mention
"No, I didn't" she pulls out a shoe box from the closet and hands them to me.

I take out the silver stiletto heels. I slip them on and examine the outfit in the mirror "You look beautiful" Y/n compliments, standing behind me
"You look smart" I return the compliment
"Well... hopefully it'll win them over. We're late" she says so calmly, smoothing out any crease within her suit
"Why didn't you say anything?" I huff, gathering my things together.

"Because I didn't want to rush you" Y/n replies, walking over the door
"I'm ready now" I walk out of the room and wait for Y/n to lock up. We make our way into the elevator and her arm wraps around my waist holding me closer to her.

We make it outside where the car is waiting for us, Y/n takes the keys off the valet and we begin our drive to wherever it is that we're meeting her work colleagues.

"It might be boring and if it is, let me know and we can leave" I shake my head
"No. I'll stick it out until the end. It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me" I explain
"It's honestly not a problem" Y/n assures me
"We're staying"

Y/n pulls up the restaurant and had to park the car. She had her arms over the back of my chair and turned her head to watch where she was reversing to. Boy, did she look hot doing that.

We make out way into the restaurant, hand in hand. Y/n walked us to the table which had a few unfamiliar faces sitting at it, I felt like a child who's mother starts talking to her friends in the store.

"Natasha, this is Lena. Friend and business partner. Lena, this is my girlfriend Natasha" she introduces us, I was a little taken away from the title she gave me, but I didn't hate it
"Nice to meet you. Kara should be back soon" Lena informs us as we take out seats.

Y/n introduced me to everyone else sitting at the table "Y/n!" A girl expresses from behind us, I turn around to see a blonde making her way towards the table
"Kara!" Y/n expresses the same excitement the other girl showed.

Y/n stood up and embraced Kara into a deep hug "They're like this" Lena assures me but I couldn't help the twinge of jealously coursing through my body as I watch the encounter
"Nat, this is Lena's fiance Kara" I was relived "Kara, this is my girlfriend Natasha" I shake her hand
"Nice to meet you" Kara sits in between me and Lena.

Ooo... girlfriend status! You're moving a bit fast!

Kara doesn't have powers in this book. She's just a regular girl!

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