Office meeting

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~Natasha's POV~

He forgot! Bruce forgot that he wanted to make amends to our relationship and went on yet another business trip. No texts. No calls not even a note. I contacted him every night while I was away and once did he answer to have a five second phone call.

We spent three days in Russia trying to find one clue but whoever killed the agent knew what they were doing and didn't leave a single bit of evidence. Not even the neighbours saw something. Tony called us back as it was a dead end and I find out by Carol he left.

I was done. I needed a way out. More like a distraction. So I did what I knew best, I went to
Y/n, knowing she'll be in her office today. I don't care if we're not supposed to fuck each other another more. I need her. I want her. I crave her. She's like a drug running through my veins and I can't get rid of it, no matter how hard I try to.

I walked over to the front desk "Hi. How can I help you today?" The lady asks
"Is Y/n in?" I question
"She is. Do you have a meeting?" She looks through her piece of paper in front of her
"I'm a friend" I hope that gets me a ticket to go up to see her.

I was in a black trench coat which was covering the matching red I brought a while ago but never used before. This isn't the warmest outfit to wear in a rainstorm.

The lady picks up her phone "Miss Maximoff a-" she places her hand over the speaker, looking at me to tell her my name
"Natasha" I inform her
"-a Natasha is down here to see you" she nods "Very well" placing the phone back "Miss Maximoff will see you now. Level 32" she motions to the elevator
"Thank you"

I press the lift button as I step inside, going up to the 32nd floor in this building. I bite the skin of my cheek, waiting for this elevator to stop, which eventually it did.

I walk down the hall, a little nervous. I knock upon the door before entering "Hey" Y/n greets me with her sweet smile that makes me cave even more
"Hi" I shut the door, turning the lock keeping us trapped within the room and prevent the outside world from coming in.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Y/n questions, watching me put my bag onto the floor
"I need you. Only you" I admit, dropping the coat down allowing it a pool around my heels.

Y/n presses down on her phone "Darren. Cancel all of my meetings for today. No one is to disturb me for the next three hours" she warns him before pressing a button on her desk "Now we're sound proof" she grins.

I walk towards her with such desire that I felt like I could trip and make a foul out of myself but I didn't.

My thighs either side of hers. Y/n's hands resting on my hips as mine get tangled within her hair "Tell me what you want" She mumbles, running her finger in circles upon my skin
"Whatever you desire" I give her full control.

The lust covering her eyes and the hunger hiding behind them, turned me on even more.

~Y/n's POV~

I place Natasha upon the desk, moving everything back causing some things to fall. Removing her heels, I rest Natasha's feet upon the arm rests, giving me a view down between her legs.

I run my hands down Natasha's thighs. Pulling at the lace, snapping it back into place "I need to take this off sweetheart" I refer to the panties of the outfit, running a fingers around the waistband.

Natasha lifts herself up, allowing me to remove the lace blocking me from the main event of this evenings meeting. I kiss down her right thigh, edging closer to where she needs me but move my lips to her left thigh, brushing past her core.

She whimpers under my delicate touch. I bring my movements to a halt, looking at the panting mess sitting on my desk, I haven't even started yet.

Natasha's emeralds look on mine with such desperation that I caved. I stride my tongue up her folds before pecking the area. Natasha's fingers tangled up within my hair, trying to gain more contact then she was getting.

I push my shoulders against the back of her thigh, until the desk stopped me from getting any closer. Natasha's grip on my scalp tightened with every ripple my tongue makes while inside of her.

My hands on her hips in which she began to rock forward. Her moans circulating the room as I get her closer to the first orgasm of the evening.

"Oh!" She pants "I'm close... Y/n, I'm gonna-" She was cut off by her own moan. I tap her thigh, keeping the rhythm going not wanting to lose the momentum.

"BABY!" Natasha screams as her orgasm arrives. I swallowed every last drop she could give me before cleaning the area up for another round.

I bring my face out from between her legs. The hot mess, panting on my desk was a sight I'd never want to miss. I pick her up and take her over to the couch placed inside my office.

Just as we were about to connect our lips for the first time in nearly a week, Natasha's phone begins to ring in which she groans "I have to answer that" I rummage through her bag as she sits up. I hand her the phone to which she answers "Hello?" I couldn't hear the other end of the call but that didn't matter, what mattered was her exposed core that needed to be treated.

"I'm with a friend" I run my hand down her stomach, reaching her clit to which I being to palm. Natasha's eyes lock onto mine "I won't be home for a while" I run my middle finger between her folds, a moan leans her mouth but she covers it up with a cough "W-we determined it was... a woman" she pants.

With the wetness still presents from just a minute ago, I slip in two fingers causing Natasha to cover her mouth to suppress the moan "I'm fine... we-we're at the gym. Running machines are a bitch" she laughs to make her statement real while the hand holding her phone was about to crush the device "I-I'll be home when I can. Bye!"

She ends the call tossing her phone onto the floor before connecting her lips onto mine "I hate you"
"I know" I curl my fingers, hitting her G-spot several times.

Just like that, her second orgasm came around "I've missed this" she admits while trying to regain the oxygen back into her lungs as I clean her up
"You and me both" my tongue explores the inside of her mouth and Natasha moans against the sensational feeling.

"Miss Maximoff. Your sister is on her way up" Darren intercoms through


I made a playlist for this book! The Spotify code is below vvvv If you'll have requests for a song to be put into it... let me know.

Stay frosty my dudes 👌✨

Stay frosty my dudes 👌✨

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