Accidents happen

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~Natasha's POV~

We landed near the crime scene but considering the fact it's night-time, we all agreed to call it a day and check it out tomorrow. Tony sorted out us a nice, pricy hotel to stay for the nights we are here. I walk into my room and lay on the bed, it's been a while since I've left the compound as every other mission is more for the 'Stronger' members, they don't need much of my mindset with them.

I pull out my phone and dial Bruce's number, but he doesn't answer, then I figured he might be asleep. I call another number.

~Y/n's POV~

"Are you going to join us?" The man questions as I pour him a drink along with a glass for each of the girls
"Drink up" I had the glasses to the three in waiting
"I want her" he points to me; I roll my eyes
"You can have the starters first. I'm more of the dessert" I wink before slumping down on the chair in the corner of the room "Proceed" I gesture for the three on the bed to get on with it.

Bra's thrown onto the floor. Robes hanging over the end of the bed. Quiet moans filling the room, it's best to say I was getting bored, but I had to be patient for the alcohol to set into their systems, then my fun begins.

After 10 minutes, the man began to cough along with the two girls. Their eyes lock onto my grinning face "I don't like working with other people I can't trust" the original Russian accents lacing my tone, I show them the bottle they poisoned for my to drink "You should have tried something else"

The man was holding his throat as the two girls try gather a weapon of some sort to harm me but the toxin within the drink, I supplied them, took their last breathes from them "Not the first people to try and kill me" I lay the two girls bodies next to the man, using gloves so my prints don't cover them before making my way out with the bag I brought.

My phone begins to buzz within the bag, I rummage around trying to find it. I pull it out but the call ends and the notification pops up saying I missed Natasha attempt at contacting me, I swipe of the name and wait for her to answer.



"Hi" Natasha answers
"Hey. Sorry, I was trying to get to my phone before it ended" I apologise but as soon as I walk outside, the music was heard clearly, I fucked up by answering.

"Where are you?" She questions
"I'm out in town with Lena. She wanted to celebrate the deal we just made" I lie, although Lena and I did make a deal and were to celebrate later on in the week
"Sorry, I'm disturbing you" she apologises
"Not even. I was going back home" I lie again
"Are you sure? I can call another time" Natasha suggests
"Sweetheart, it's okay. I called you back didn't I?" I question, crossing over the street

"How has your day been?" She asks
"Boring. Didn't have much fun" I sigh "How was yours?"
"Okay. I kept thinking about you" Natasha admits, making my cheeks burn a little "And Bruce apologised for being a dick for the past 3 years" I roll my eyes
"Finally!" I act happy, I should be happy, I shouldn't be faking it.

"I know! We're going out for dinner when I get back" Natasha informs me
"Where are you?" I question, walking down an ally
"Russia. We're on a case for a S.H.I.E.L.D agent who was killed"

My mind didn't click when she said that.

"Sounds fun. When are you back?" I ask
"Whenever we find at least one clue, that's what Tony said but I'll text you when we're coming home" she informs me
"Okay. I best let you get to sleep so you're fit and healthy for tomorrows investigation"
"Alright. Get home safe" she wishes. We say out goodbyes and she ends the call.

~The next morning~

I was soaking within the bath. A blanket of bubbles covering up my body. A condensed flute of champagne in my hand. The front door slamming shut, shaking the apartment.

"Two agents killed" Josh reminds me, walking into the bathroom
"Oh what a shame. Please send my condolences to their families" I take a sip out of the flute
"And say what? That you were the killer?" He rests his hands on the side of the bath
"If you'd like to add that part be my guest" I state.

"One mission. That's all I ask for" Josh mentions
"You didn't ask. You order me. There's a difference" I take another sip
"Drop the attitude before I make you" he commands
"Tempting" I grin behind the glass.

"I should also let you know. Your sloppy kill in Russia is now being investigated by the Avengers. Your girlfriends on the team" I roll my eyes
"Not my girlfriend" I state
"You're still sleeping with her when I order you not to" he huffs
"Go fuck your wife and relive some of your anger" I advise.

"Sharon isn't coming home till tomorrow. I've already asked" Josh sits on the toilet seat, pouring a glass for himself "Work with a team once. That's all you needed to do"
"Accidents happen. I did the job plus I heard them talking shit about me behind my back" I explain "Also they tried to kill me first so technically self defence"

"How did I ever love you?" Josh questions, I shrug
"I don't know. We were teenagers"
"We were dumb. Remember all those plans we made?" He laughs to himself
"Yeah. The three kids. A house in the country side. Two dogs, we get the kids to name them" I remind the pair of us
"Now neither of us can have kids" he sighs
"Hey. You got your two. Be grateful for them" I snap
"To think, we thought we could be one of those 'Forever' couples" he air quotes
"Now were best friends"

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