The search

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~Natasha's POV~

I watch Y/n walk out of the lab, wanting to run after her but my body was frozen. I could feel Bruce's smug grin covering his lips and without thinking or reasoning I pushed my fist across his face before making my exit out of the room.

Everyone's eyes capturing the moment, not saying a word as I walk past. I heard the screeching of rubber coming from Tony's garage, Y/n hijacked one of the cars and made her getaway.

Knowing I missed her, I went straight to my room. Locking the door, then leaning back against it. I sigh, allowing the tears, that were hanging on for dear life, be free, hitting the floor below. The more I let my emotions emote, the more weaker I became in my knees which caused me to slide down the smoothened wood, reaching the not so fluffy carpet.

I bring my knees closer to my body, hugging them like they're the only thing to bring me comfort. Crying into my legs like there's no tomorrow, making my heart break more than it already did the moment Y/n called me out on leaning into Bruce's touch. I felt pain before but this was worse than the Red Room's torture or fighting on missions.

I had craved Bruce's affection for so long that when I finally got it, he made me realise I didn't care for it. Y/n has every right to be mad but if only I let a single word escape my mouth, then maybe we wouldn't be over.

~A week later~

"Tasha, you have to go to bed" Bucky advises as he walks into the main room
"Not until I find her" I state, looking over the same screen I've been staring at for the past week.

I thought I found her but when I went into the apartment she left a note with the words "Better luck next time, sweetheart" written on it.

"You've not been to sleep in three days. You're hardly eating. We always find you here looking over everything that's already been read through. When was the last time you showered?" Bucky questions my well-being
"I can get back to normal when I talk to her and... explain everything" I sigh.

"Tash, stop this" Carol walks into the room
"I just want to know if she's safe" I state, slumping down in the chair placed behind me
"It's Y/n. That girl can take care of herself" Carol mentions.

"I don't want to leave things like this... I hate this! It hurts and I'm the one who caused it!" I express.

~2 week later~
~Y/n's POV~

I make my way up the dirt track leading towards the place I've been calling home for the past week and a half. It's not much but it'll keep me safe for now. On the run from S.H.I.E.L.D, Twelve and now Natasha has proven to be a test but I'm neither dead or back in prison so it's working out for me.

I push past the lavender bushes as catch the glimpse of the metallic caravan standing tall in the middle of the field located somewhere in Norway. It's a nice, relaxing place. It's freeing and allows one to really clear their mind and figure out what exactly will happen next.

Every night I go to sleep and I think of her. I close my eyes and her touch is everywhere upon my body. Her scent roams around the room likes it's her own. I'd usually sleep with someone to get rid of this feeling but I feel like if i laid next to someone else I'd be cheating, despite the fact we're no longer together.

Sometimes in the morning, just as I open my eyes, her body lays in front of me. Her emeralds would still have the same glow as they always would when the rays of sun would reflect off of them. Her hair would be tucked behind her ear. The covers would barely be covering her hour glass figure so my hand would glide down her waist, pulling her body closer to me so she could embrace me in her warmth, but then, when I go to reach for her, she's gone and I lay alone within my empty bed.

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