Alone time

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~Y/n's POV~

I press her against the wall. My body lunging forward, connecting with hers. Our lips dancing with one another as our hands roughly search each other's bodies. I move my kiss to her jawline "You got here in a hurry" Natasha pants
"That's what happens when a hot girl is alone and needs me"

I drop to my knees, she bites her lips at the sight below her. Natasha was only wearing a long/baggy sweatshirt and underwear, I run my hands up the back of her thighs before running my fingers around the hem of her panties. I pull them down, disregarding them behind me.

Lifting her right leg over my shoulder, allowing me better access to her core. Natasha's hand rests upon my head, weaving her fingers through my hair. I kiss up her thigh, brushing past her core with a cool blast of air. I kitten lick before she starts begging and her grip gets a little tighter. I push past her folds, licking over her entrance a few times getting her rilled up before pushing my tongue inside.

Natasha begins to rock her hips into me as her hand pushes my head more into her. I run my left hand up her toned stomach, reaching her chest. Natasha's moans grew louder with her pinch or squeeze of her breasts and every deepened lick that happens inside of her.

Getting Natasha closer and closer to her orgasm, her grip gets tighter and her moans become my new favourite sound. Before she asked, I tap her thigh knowing she was at her breaking point. Within a matter of seconds, I swallowed every ounce of her before she stopped and rode out her high.

Putting her leg back down, I stand up to be face to face with her again. Natasha's thumb swipes my mouth cleaning the access before she licked it off. Our lips found each other again, fitting perfectly like a puzzle.

As my hand lifts up her sweatshirt "Tasha!" A man calls out and she pushes me off her
"Under the bed!" She whispers aggressively, I roll my eyes before shuffling under the bed frame. The door opens and I see smart shoes and some business trousers.

"Hi, honey" he greets Natasha. It's her fucking husband, wonderful. He sounds like a prick.

"Hi, sweetie. How was the business trip?" She questions in a sweet tone
"It was okay. I apologise that I haven't called nor did I leave a note. I hope to make it up to you with dinner tonight" Bruce offers.

Now this dick treats her right.

"I'd love to" she agrees.

~Natasha's POV~

He's trying again, which feels wonderful but I feel guilty, not for sleeping with someone else but for making Y/n listen to this. It's not like we've developed feelings for one another, I don't think but if he's willing to make up for the lack of communication then she'll understand, I hope.

"Wonderful. I just need to put everything back in the lab and then I'll be back within the hour. I'll book a table at Le'fous" he kisses my cheek before walking out the room.

Once the door clicked, Y/n peered out from under the bed "Finally! The guys doing something right. Maybe not best to start his apology in a place you're not a fan of but hey it's a start" She offers a soft smile
"You're not mad?" I question her sudden supportiveness
"Why would I be mad? I was here till he started being a husband again, I don't do this 'Dating' thing so me just being your anger outlet was perfectly comfortable for me" she explains.

"He's trying" I express with a wide smile
"I'll leave you too it. Have fun Natasha" she salutes and make her way over to the window
"Why not use the door? The labs on the bottom floor" I state
"Because if he's home that means Vision is back. If I bump into him, he'll tell Wanda then Wanda will scold me with questions as to why I'm here and I'm not in the mood to argue with my sister. She's a witch, slightly scared" Y/n opens the window
"I hope we can be friends" I suggest, I wouldn't mind keeping her in my life
"Friends... don't have many of those" she chuckles to herself "We will see Romanoff. For now, go have sex with your husband" she wiggles her eyebrows before making her way down.

I took the hour to get changed and ready for when Bruce would come and collect me. I put on a navy, off the shoulders, skin tight dress. I tied my hair up in a loosely curled ponytail. I went light on the makeup, putting on a nude lip. I put black stilettos with a red under coat. My wedding ring on my ring finger and a few other rings dotted around. I put on a necklace Clint got me that had an arrow charm upon it.

I hear a wolf whistle when the door opened "Someone looks hot" I chuckle lightly at Carol's compliment
"I do that naturally" I send her a smirk before putting the last earring on
"Yeah you do. It's been a while since Bruce took you out, about time" I nod
"An apology dinner for leaving without leaving a message this weekend" Carol hums in acknowledgement
"I'll let everyone know you're going out. Have fun babe" she kisses my cheek lightly not wanting to rub off the makeup.

The hour had gone by so I began to wait for Bruce but had time moved further, there was no sign of him coming anytime soon "F.R.I.D.A.Y, where's Bruce?" I ask the A.I.
"He's in the lab, Miss Romanoff" I roll my eyes and make my way down to see what's taking him so long.

I walk in to see that he has his nose stuck in work, like usual.

"Bruce" he ignores me "Bruce!" I shout out but he's still lost in his own world. I snap my fingers in front of his face finally gaining his attention "Are you okay?" He asks, I scoff
"Dinner" I gesture to my outfit while reminding him
"I'm sorry love but I have to finish this off. Maybe tomorrow" I roll my eyes and begin to leave the lab
"Forgot about it"

I had my keys in my clutch, so I made my way to the my car and got behind the wheel. I didn't want to stay in compound any longer. I just needed to leave.

~Y/n's POV~

I was figuring out what to make for dinner tonight, contemplating whether to just order in or to actually cook but a knock at my door snapped me out of the decision making. 

I didn't plan on having a guest nor did I call Alfred. I unlock the door and open it revealing a distressed redhead "Nat, what's wrong?"
"He cancelled on me" she sighs not trying to allow her tears to escape
"Dickhead" I mumble "Come in. I'll cook for you" I gesture for the girl to make her way into my house.

What are you going to cook her??

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