Lawyers and Paintings

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I need a lawyer. I need a good one. Someone who's not going to screw this over but having never been through a divorce before, I have no idea who's good nor do I know who's bad.

It's been about three days since the argument. I had done some research in that time but couldn't decided on who to choose.

In the course of time since that day, his question still ponders through my brain along with Yelena's.

"Who will love you once we're done?"

I have friends and family... they love me. I think.

"Do you love her?"

Do I love her?... No?... Yes?... Maybe? I don't know.

Y/n's kind, sweet and someone I've grown to care for even if it has only been a couple of weeks but love? That's a strong word to use against someone who was only meant to be a hook up and is now someone I want to spend the whole day with.

Speaking of wanting to spend the day with her, I decided to visit her at work, maybe she could help me with the whole lawyer situation.

I walk down the halls I've once visited before, with the intentions of not having to walk back down them in shame. The front desk lady wasn't in so I just walked to the elevator and went up to Y/n's floor.

"Miss Maximoff isn't in today" Darren informs me as he spots me around the corner
"Is she okay?" I question
"Something about being ill" he explains briefly
"Thank you" I retract my steps and go back down the hall.

I could feel Y/n's assistants eyes watching me leave with the same grin he gave me as I walked out of her office after Wanda nearly caught us.

~Y/n's POV~

My body felt like it could break with one touch. Let's just say the mission in Dubai was successful but didn't go the way I planned. Going up against a Widow I can deal with but when 6 of them come out of no where, kinda taken off guard.

"Miss Maximoff, someone is at the door" Karen informs me while I sit in art room
"Who is it?" I question, putting the brush down
"Miss Romanoff"
"Tell her I'm not in" I order.

"Miss Maximoff is in the art room" I sigh as I hear the door close
"I hate you" I whisper aggressively to the A.I.

I scramble around the room trying to find something to hide my face but it's no use "Y/n?" I freeze
"Hey. What's up?" I pretend I'm looking out of the window
"I need your... help- is everything okay?" Natasha questions, walking closer to me.

"Nice weather today" I compliment the grey skies of the day
"How ill are y- what happened?" She notices the cut and bruises in the window then turns my face to look at her.

"Bar fight. I got bored and went to the rough part of town" I lie
"Have you cleaned it?" She worries
"Of course I have. Not an idiot" I laugh, trying to humour the situation.

"What do you need help with?" I question Natasha's sudden visit
"I need a lawyer for the divorce but I don't know one. Was hoping you could recommend a good one" She answers, now looking around the art room
"You can borrow mine" I offer "He's good"

"Are you sure?" I nod
"Yeah. Let me get you his card. Bare with" I leave the room and head into my office where most of the useless junk is.

When I arrive back in the art room I wasn't expecting Natasha to be laying across the couch, naked.

Am I dreaming?

"I... wow" is all that leaves my mouth, scanning over every inch of her body with my eyes
"Paint me" she requests. No words leave my mouth, I just nod and put the card in her jacket pocket.

"Is this one of those 'Paint me like one of your French girls' thing?" I question, replacing the canvas that was on the easel
"Sure" Natasha agrees.

I grab my paint brush from the desk next to me and begin the painting. Capturing every curve around her body. Every mole, dotted around her figure. Every scar that covers her skin. Every freckle that is displayed on her face. Every loose strand of hair that comes out of her head. Every sparkle within her shining emeralds.

I've seen her naked a few times and can picture it within my head but this moment was something else. I could take time in appreciating the hour glass figure she'd been working on for years. I could admire the flaws and the beauty's of her body. She was precious.

I get closer to the end, I was finishing up the shading as the sound of the brush running over the canvas filled the comfortable silence that engulfed the room.

"Done" I push the wheelie stool back, making sure the picture was the same as the reference in front of me. I grab my pen and sign it at the bottom along with a date.

Natasha stands up and wraps the blanket around her body, walking over to look. She stares in aw "It's amazing" she complements
"That's just you sweetheart"

~Natasha's POV~

I had no idea what came over me. I'm not a body confident person but around Y/n I could be me and without judgement. Her painting was amazing. Her concentration was a turn on. Herself is something to want.

"I'm going on a business trip next week... would you like to join me?" Y/n offers
"You want me to come?"

If only Bruce would have done something like that.

"Yeah. You need a break from the drama and I could use a plus one" she suggests
"I don't want to be a burden" I shake my head. Y/n stands up, her hands on my hips bringing a sense of comfort.

"You won't. I swear. You... and I. It'll be a meeting over dinner then we can do what every you want for the days we're free" Y/n explains
"Where is it?" I question
"Spain. Please, I want you there"

"I could use a break" I admit "And you're not terrible company. I'll go with you"
"Perfect" Y/n smiles.

Without thinking, I press my lips against her and in that moment I felt at home.

Maybe I do love her.

If y'all are having a tough time or a shit day just remember... baby seals exist!

Stay frosty my dudes 👌✨

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Stay frosty my dudes 👌✨

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