Figuring it out & Confessions

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~Wanda's POV~

While Natasha was away with Y/n, the team made the decision to re look over everything that this killer in Russia, Dubai plus other countries has done. We kept hitting dead end after dead end but we were so sure that something would be found this time.

~Y/n's POV~

We walk down the cobbled streets hand in hand, Natasha clinged onto my arm with a small smile. We arrive at the apartment complex we were staying in on our visit to Budapest. I open the gate, allowing her inside in the building. We step into the elevator and go up to the fifth floor. Walking into the apartment, I lock the door as Natasha scouts out the place. I walk up behind her, moving a section of her hair behind her neck leaving me the exposed skin, in which I press my lips against.

Natasha leans back into my touch as I tilt her head to the side allowing me more access. Her fingers weaving through my hair. She turns herself connecting our lips together, into a heated kiss. I pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist as I cup her ass. Natasha pulls on the back of my neck as she pushes her lips more onto mine.

I walk us over to the bedroom where I lay her down upon the mattress, without breaking the kiss. Natasha's hands push off my jacket to which I disregard on to the floor. We break apart for air as I untuck her shirt from the jeans she put on. Natasha takes hers off as I cross my arms over my body to remove my top.

Once the item of clothing is thrown onto the floor, the fiery kiss was reignited. My lips trail down her body, leaving a mark on every surface I touch. I run my hands down her back, un-clipping her bra allowing her breasts to spring free. Taking each nipple within my mouth giving them the same attention before moving down to her stomach.

I unbutton her jeans and peel them off her body revealing the matching red lace. I kiss along her thighs before kissing the fabric against her core. I loop my fingers around the waistband and pull them down. Natasha was now stark naked upon my bed. Her breathing hitched in her throat as I kiss her folds before running my tongue between them.

~Wanda's POV~

We were looking through files and old documents to get to the bottom of this, new to us but old to the world, terrorist group "Anything?" Tony questions as he walks back in with coffees and teas for everyone, including snacks to keep us going
"Nothing yet" Steve answers.

~Y/n's POV~

Natasha's walls began to clench around my tongue as I get her closer to her orgasm. I tap her thigh to signal for her to release, in a matter of a few seconds she came. I swallowed every inch of her orgasm before I kiss back up body to reach her weak spot underneath her earlobe. My knee resting against her core in which she proceeds to buck her hip up and down hoping to gain friction.

~Wanda's POV~

"I've got something!" Bruce expresses, walking over to Tony "They're call the twelve. They recruit kids from a young age, train them up to be killers and wipe out what they consider to be 'World threats'" he explains
"Great. Vision hack into their systems if you can. We need to know exactly who they are and who their next target is" Tony states and everyone gets back to work, hoping to find out more information.

~Y/n's POV~

Natasha's moans leak into my ear like music leaving your headphones. I keep my knee rubbing into her clit as I lock her wrists above her head. I kiss down Natasha's arms as her eyes follow my every move and her hips continue to rise and fall back down. I get her closer and closer to having her second orgasm "Y/n!" She moans, rolling her head back as her stomach tightens and she suffocates my knee in between her thighs
"Cum for me baby" I command in a whisper before kissing the outer shell of her ear. I felt her cum against my knee as she released a cry to pleasure, filling the apartment.

~Wanda's POV~

"I hacked it" Scott beats Vision at getting into the twelves system
"Okay, so who's the next target or do any names stand out to you that we should be concerned about?" Tony questions looking over Scott's shoulder
"Looking" silence filled the air as Scott scrolled through the system
"Targets" Steve points to the file, he clicks upon it and reveals the next few targets that are in progress
"Natasha's a target" the room filled with silence once again as the shocked expressions cross over everyone faces
"Can we get the hitman on the job?" Bucky inquires.

~Y/n's POV~

I run my hand down her toned stomach as Natasha's tongue explores the inside of my mouth. Without teasing or warning, I slip one finger into her entrance in which she gasped, her hot breathe cascading down my throat. I slip two more fingers inside and begin to work on getting her to her third orgasm for the night. Our lips were still on one another, Natasha's moans fill my mouth every time I hit her G-spot "Baby- oh baby, right there!" She expresses as her hands grips my shoulders, creating crescent moons into the skin as she digs her nails in. Natasha's walls closing around my fingers, her grip getting tighter that I was going to have bruises upon my shoulders "Cum for me one more time baby" I command against her lips
"Y/N!" Natasha screams out as her orgasm hits for the third time. I pull out my fingers licking each one clean as Natasha regains some oxygen back into her lungs.

I look into her emeralds that were gleaming with joy and out of the blue she confesses "I love you" she scans my eyes waiting for an answer
"I love you"

~Wanda's POV~

"The killer for this job is..." Scott shares the file of the assassin onto the big screen.


That's the end of this book!

As always, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌



There is a sequel to this 😱

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