Bath time

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I undress myself item by item, being left in the same state as Natasha. I step into the bath and take a seat before she gets in, laying between my legs with her back resting upon my chest. The mellow music she had going through the speakers made the mood a little more relaxing as my skin soaks up the warm water and relaxes every inch of my body. Natasha's finger creating small, flower like patterns upon my knee. The silence between us wasn't uncomfortable, it was safe and peaceful.

"I didn't search for it" Natasha mumbles
"What do you mean?" I question her sudden breaking the silence moment
"Your past. I didn't go looking" her emeralds locks on to mine with such innocence "Carol just told me when I mentioned you" I sigh, leaning down to press my lips against hers, Natasha kissed back with such love and care.

We fell back into the comfortable silence that engulfed us at the start. Natasha sits up, detaching our bodies. I notice a few scars covering her back, instinctively I grabbed a cloth from the sink and soaked it before applying a little pressure onto the wounds of her past. Natasha hums in appreciation, moving her hair to the side exposing more of her neck and shoulder. I sit up more and place a kiss upon the newly exposed skin while still soothing her clenched muscles in her back.

I begin to massage the water more into her skin as I place another kiss upon her shoulder. Natasha turns around causing the water to splash against the sides while her lips press onto mine. Her hand resting on the plastic behind me while the other pulls my neck deepening the kiss further. I wrap my arms around her waist bringing her body further into mine. Natasha's hand that was resting behind my head, makes it's way down my stomach, running along my folds earning a small moan.

Her kiss falls down to my neck allowing my vocals to circle the room. She slips her middle finger into the hole, starting a slow circular motion, stretching me out before slipping in two more fingers. Curling them and hitting my G-spot multiple time while biting my pulse point found within my neck.

My mouth hung open as my voice suffocated the room, ringing through Natasha ears. My nails digging into the divert in her back. My walls begin to clench around her fingers as my moans are more vocalised.

"P-please... can I cum?" I ask in a shaky breathe barely keeping myself together. The heat from the bath water and the strenuous activity we were currently occupied in wearing me down.

"Cum for me honey" she whispers, kissing the outer shell of my ear. With my walls unclenching, my cry out as the orgasm arrives, the bath water got contaminated by my erousal.

Natasha helped me with getting rid of my high before pulling out her fingers. She washed them off within the water and looked at my worn out state before giggling quietly. She grabs the cloth I had used on her, cleaning up my face from sweat and sorted out my hair before washing the rest of my body, but her movements soon came to a halt as she reached the exposed skin underneath my rib cage. Natasha traces her finger along the, not so small, scar but she doesn't ask about she more admires it before cleaning the rest of me.

Once we both washed each other's hair. Natasha got out and dried herself off, using the only towel within the bathroom "Spare ones are in the cupboard next to the desk" I shout after her as Natasha looks around for one. I get out and drain the water, Natasha walks back in with a towel and hands it over to me "You know if you're willing to give Bruce two weeks, maybe having sex with me doesn't give him a fair advantage" I state, she sighs and nods
"I know but we can still talk right?" She asks
"Of course. My phones always on, just call... I'll be sure to pick up. Unless I'm in a meeting then that'll be a little bit of a problem" I answer
"That's okay. I'll be sure to try not to call you between your work hours" Natasha assures me
"If you do, I'll call you straight back" I offer a smile before walking into the bedroom.

"You can talk to me you know? I'm here for you" Natasha walks towards me, cupping my face with her gentle, warm hands
"You keep doing that I'll want to kiss you" I warn her, earning a small chuckle from the girl.

Once we both got changed, we made our way down to the kitchen "What would you like to eat?" I open the fridge, hoping to find something worth cooking
"I should head home if I'm to give Bruce another chance" Natasha suggests
"Let me walk you out" I close the fridge and usher the girl towards the door, opening it for her to walk over to her car
"Can I do one last thing?" Natasha questions, slightly biting her lip

Natasha wraps a hand around the back of my neck, closing the gap between us. Her lips ghosting over mine for a second before interlocking them together. I press her against the car as the kiss got a little more heated than she originally planned.

"Just in case we never get to do that again" Natasha runs her thumb along her lips still looking at mine
"Smart" I nod, opening her car door
"See you around Maximoff" she gets behind the wheel
"See you around Romanoff" I shut the door and watch her drive away from my view.

I walk back inside and sigh at the once again emptiness that has surrounded me for all these years.

Will their marriage work out?? 👀

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