Past memories and lunch

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~Romania, 2011~

It was winter. The snow falling on the already snow covered ground. The trees covered in a blanket of white. My breathe being visible every time I exhale. My feet making an imprint into the snow every step I take. The sun being the only source of warmth while outside. I walk into the apartment complex in which I'm staying at. Walking up the stairs due to the elevator being broken. I walk up to the front door and unlock it, making my way inside. I set the food on the table before preparing it to be ready for cooking.

I take off all the warm layering of clothing, leaving me in a tank top and jeans. I turn the radio on, keeping it quiet so I don't wake up sleeping beauty found within my bed. I prep the pancake mixture, pouring two spoon fulls into the frying pan. Whilst those are cooking, I cut up the fruit and sort out the bacon.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist "Morning" I greet him, flipping the pancakes over as he kisses my neck "Baby, you're going to distract me" I warn him
"That's the point" he states, tightening his grip around me
"You won't get breakfast" I mention, trying to break free from his strong embrace "Matthew, we can do this later" he sighs
"I left my jacket in the car. It has my phone in it with our mission brief. I'll be back" he kisses my cheek before making his way over to the door and goes downstairs.

I finish preparing the fruit and place it in the bowl. With the last couple pancakes in the frying pan cooking, I set up the table for us to eat breakfast and Matthew comes back into the apartment. As I turn around from setting the pancake plate down, he embraces me into one of his warm, safe hugs.

I hug him back with the same lovable feeling "I love you" he mumbles into my ear
"I love you too" just as the words trail off my tongue, I notice his jacket upon the stool in the bedroom. From him entering the apartment and hugging me, Matthew didn't have time nor did he have the throwing range to get the jacket into the bedroom.

"Babe-" my words get cut off when I feel a sharp sting underneath my rib cage. Matthew twisted the blade around causing a tear to fall down my face "I'm sorry" I could tell within his tone he wasn't
"Don't pull it out" but he did. I stumble back, reaching for the chair behind me. Applying pressure upon the freshly cut wound as a pool of blood gathered on to my shirt. I lock onto his now devilish eyes that used to be so innocent whenever I looked into them. The barrel of his gun pointing towards my pleading eyes "You know, you're a fool" he spits "I was told you were smart but I had you believing my fake love"

"Never piss me off" I warn him, reaching under the table and grab the gun from its holster, placing a bullet into his chest and head. His eye widened as he fell back causing a thud to fill the building. I put the gun upon the table, the amount of blood leaving my body makes walking difficult. I get to the stove and turn it on, placing a knife onto the raw flame, heating it up. I drop to the floor, weak and lightheaded. I press the hot blade upon the wound, my cries of pain filling the apartment as it burns together. I look over to Matthew's body laying in a pool of his own blood as my eye lids grow heavy and begin to shut.

~Present time~

I was sat at my desk, running my finger over the scar underneath my shirt as the memory replays within my mind. I snap out of my trance when Wanda walks through the door "Sis, how can I help you?" I question her sudden appearance at my place of work
"Lunch. You and I" she reminds me
"Shit, yeah" I bring myself fully back to reality before standing up and shutting off my computer
"Are you okay?" Wanda asks
"Yeah, sorry. Was in a world of my own" I answer, putting my coat on before ushering her towards the elevator.

We arrive at the cafe and get seated outside "How is the wedding planning going?" I question, taking a sip of the water provided
"Stressful. If someone mentioned how much stress I'd be in, I would never have said yes" Wanda answers "How's love life going with you?"
"Still happily single. Not looking for anyone to be honest with you" I reply, thanking the waiter for bringing our drinks, she nods in understandment.

"Will you be my bridesmaid?" Wanda asks before taking a bite of her sandwich
"Sure. What's the colour theme?" I inquire
"Red" she answers
"Not to bad then. Who's your maid-of-honor?" I take a sip of my sprite
"Natasha but I have yet to ask her. Pietro is also a bridesmaid, he already called dips" Wanda informs me.

"Who's Vision's best man?" I question
"I think it's either Tony or Bruce, maybe both of them" she shrugs
"Do I have to bring a date?" Wanda shakes her head
"No. As long as you bring yourself, I'll be happy" she answers
"You love him right?" Wanda frowns
"Of course I do, why?" She asks
"I don't want you walking down the aisle for someone who doesn't have you full heart" I reply
"I'm the one who's supposed to worry about you. I'm the big sister, so let me be the big sister" we share a laugh together.

After we eat up and finish at the cafe, we walk back to my company as Wanda's car was in the garage "Everyone seems to like you at the compound and want you to stop by soon. We're having a movie night tomorrow, swing by?" She opens her car door
"Sure. I have nothing else to do" I agree as Wanda sits behind the wheel
"6 o'clock, don't be late" she warns me
"I'll see you then"

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