Its final

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~Natasha's POV~

The drive home was silent but I could feel Yelena's judgement "Just say it!" I snap
"There's nothing to be said" she states, taking a left turn
"Then stop with the judgement" I command
"You're whoring around. That's not like y-" I interrupt her.

"No. I'm not whoring around, I'm finding pieces of me that have been taken away while married to Bruce" she goes to stay something but I don't let her "I've spoken to him. More than once, over the 3 years of our marriage. I can't divorce him because I'm scared to but I'm more scared to stay" I explain "He keeps trying and then I stop. Y/n respects that but every time I expect him, he fails to show and she's the only form of comfort I want. So no, I'm not whoring around, I'm trying to find myself" Yelena sighs.

"I just wish you would have spoken to someone about this. I hate that this is killing you but talking would have been better. I'll stop judging, if she hasn't hurt you or forced herself upon you then she's nice and I'll respect her" she states
"She's kind. Caring. Makes me feel things I haven't in my relationship with Bruce. Y/n is something else" I smile to myself, looking out of the window watching the city lights flicker by.

Yelena eventually pulls up into the drive way of the compound "Before you go in..." she stops me and rummages through the back of her car
"What are you looking for?" I ask
"Something to cover your neck" I pull down the window blind, opening the mirror placed on it seeing the few mark Y/n left.

"Here" Yelena pulls out a scarf, I wrap it around my neck covering every inch of it "Do you love her?" She blurts out of no where
"What?" I laugh nervously "No. I don't love her. Maybe as a friend but nothing more" I think.

"Does she love you?" Yelena changes the question
"I don't know... no, I hope" I lie
"I'm here for you. All the way" she takes ahold of my hand, reassuring me
"I've fucked up haven't I?" I question, letting my walls down.

"Talk to him. Get the papers. You know I've never liked your relationship, so I'm not doing the sisterly thing of saying make it work because as you've said, you've tried" Yelena explains
"Yeah. How long are you staying?" I question, getting out of the car.

"Until this is over. The Red Room is done and the Widows are free so I've got nothing going on" Yelena answers
"It's good to have you around sis"

As we walk into the compound, everyone's eyes lock onto us "You promised!" Steve expresses, embracing me into a hug
"I know" I return the gesture.

I look around the room, he's not here.

"Bruce is in the lab" Carol sighs
"Best go say 'Hi' to my husband. Let him know I'm not dead" I suggest, walking out of the living room and to the elevator.

As I arrive down to the labs floor, Bruce was deep in his work. Nothing new there. I walk further in "Bruce?" He hums in response "Don't you want to see your wife, alive and well?" I question
"I can hear you" I scoff.

"We need to talk" Bruce makes no attempt to pay attention to me. I do the one thing that'll piss him off, I shut the power to the lab down. Now I've got his attention.

"What are you doing?" Bruce stands up
"Wanting a conversation with my husband" I answer
"I was in the middle of work. We can talk later" he informs me
"No. You say that every time and every time I wait but I get nothing. So you're going to shut up and listen"

"I'm done. With you, with us. This isn't working anymore and you're doing nothing to prove me wrong. I wait and wait but nothing. You just push me aside because 'Work' is better than having an actual relationship with your wife. We promised till death do us part, well congratulations because you're killing us" I explain "I'm getting divorce papers and you're going to sign them. I've given you multiple chances but you're taking the piss" he scoffs.

"Who will love you once we're done?" Bruce questions "You'll have no one. So no, I don't think we'll get a divorce"
"What happened to you? What happened to the Bruce Banner I fell in love with?" I inquire, looking in the eyes of a completely different man.

"I got married" was his simple answer
"You're going to sign and I want nothing to do with you after" I got to leave but he grabs my wrist
"You're being dramatic" Bruce tuts
"You're being a jackass" I try to wiggle out of his grip.

"Who are you sleeping with?" Bruce questions
"No one" I lie
"There has to be a reason for all of this" he states
"Yeah. You. You're the reason I'm doing. I've been unhappy for years and you're to blind to notice. You choose work over me, every god damn time. You never say 'I love you' I don't even get a 'Hi' from you anymore. You've changed and I'm not sticking around to get hurt even more" I pull my wrist away from his hand.

"I'll get the papers to you as soon as I can" with that I leave the lab. A weight left my shoulders, I felt lighter but at the same time I felt broken. He was my first love, he was the one I saw my future with now it's a just a blur.

All I have to do now, is get the divorce papers. Shouldn't be to hard, right? It'll be a smooth divorce, we can only hope.

She's doing it y'all, you might get your chance ;)

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