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"Y/N JULIAN MAXIMOFF!" Wanda screams as she enters my house
"Your middle names Julian?" Natasha questions with a slight smirk
"Yes, but I didn't tell her we were home" I gently push Natasha off my body and get out of bed "We only got back last night"
"Yeah. She texted to see when we were coming back, I told her we were already home" Natasha informs me.

"Y/N!" Wanda shouts out for me
"I'm on my way down!" I yell back, slipping on a pair of shorts that were on the floor
"Good luck. She sounds mad" Natasha wishes me
"Yeah, you think?!" I sigh, bracing myself for whatever it is I have done to anger my sister so badly.

"Hey, sis. What's up?" I question her sudden appearance at my house
"You work for them! I was your target!" Wanda yells, scaring the birds out from the back yard
"Worked. I worked for them. Yes, I was meant to kill you but as soon as I got that mission report, I quit" I answer honestly
"Does Natasha know?" Wanda inquires
"Yes. I told her after John spoke a few words I would have liked him not to have said" I reply.

"She knows everything?" Wanda asks
"Yep. She knows I worked for them. She knows you and I are not biologically related" I mention
"Why did you keep this a secret from us? We told you about H.Y.D.R.A" Wanda questions
"This doesn't compare to that" I state "I'm a trained killer from the age of 7, you're an experiment from the age of 21. You signed up for H.Y.D.R.A, I was brought into the twelve" I continue to explain "My mother was the one who adopted me that day"

"Elle?" Wanda raises her brow
"Yes. So don't you dare compare our pasts to one another as if they're the same because they're not"
"You still could have told us. We would have helped you" Wanda mentions
"How!? How on Earth were you going to help?" I wait for her answer "Please, enlighten me on that idea"

"Y/n, that's enough" Natasha walks down the stairs "She's your sister. Biological or not, she is your sister. Sisters worry and want nothing more than to help. Sure, you may bite each other's heads off but that's siblings for you. Wanda wants nothing more than to make sure you're safe and okay" I sigh as Natasha runs her hands down the sides of my arm, taking ahold of my hands.

"I'm sorry" I apologise to Wanda, not meaning to snap towards someone who cares
"It's okay. Just know, I'm always here for you, whenever you need a shoulder to lean on" Wanda assures me
"The same goes for you" I offer the same kindness back.

"Y/n Maximoff, you're under arrest for the murders in Russia, Cuba, Dubai and many more" Three S.H.I.E.L.D agents walk through my front door "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you"

"You can't do this!" Natasha states
"Natasha, this has to be done" an older gentleman walks in behind the agents
"Nick, please. Did you do this?" Natasha questions Wanda
"No" my sister shakes her head "Scott told me, I told Pietro but that's as far as my word went"
"I don't know who told Ross but he's the one that order for this to happen" Nick informs everyone "Natasha, Y/n has killed several S.H.I.E.L.D agents, plus others"

"It wasn't her fault. She was made to do this" Natasha tries to defend me
"Babe, stop. This was always going to happen. I have to pay for the wrong I have done" I state
"No, you can pay a different way. Nick, please" she begs but he nods his head towards the agents signalling for them to take me away.

They sat me down within the S.H.I.E.L.D van "Could one of you let Alfred know that his service is not required until further notice?" I ask but all of them remain silent "Bit rude" I mumble to myself, readjusting my position so I'm more comfortable.

~Natasha's POV~

"You gave me a second chance, why can't you give Y/n one?" I question
"Natasha, Y/n continued to lie about all of this to everyone. We found you and brought you in" Nick states
"She was protecting herself. My sister would have never chosen this path in life, if she hadn't been taken that day. Give her another chance, please" Wanda begins to beg for hope.

"This wasn't my order. Ross is higher than me, I follow what he tells me to do" Nick informs us
"Then fight with him. I'm not having a relationship with someone where the only thing that gets between us is a glass wall" I state
"I'm sorry" Nick walks out of Y/n's house, leaving myself and Wanda to stand alone in defeat.

"We'll get her back Tash" Wanda assures me
"You don't know that" I sigh, making my way into the living room "Ross hates us. He'd never let us win, so you don't know if we can get her back or if she'll spend the rest of her life in the raft. Oh my god, who's going to call Alfred?" I panic, sitting down on the couch, laying my head within the palm of my hands.

"Hey, calm down" Wanda kneels in front of me "I have Alfreds number I can call him. I can also manipulate someone's mind so I could get Ross to do what I want" she states
"Whoever told Ross... I swear I'm going to kill them" I threaten.

Ooo... who ratted you out?

I'm back! I'm not dead! I took a longer break then I wanted to but that was due to the fact I had no wifi within my house. Hope y'all are well :)

As always stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

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