The divorce

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~Natasha's POV~

We are here, after 3 years and a lot of encouragement, we made it to the court room and getting the divorce finalised. Everyone who wasn't on a mission or with family were in the room with the two of us. Carol, Bucky, Wanda, Yelena and Sam came to comfort me after all of this, as it turns out none of them liked the idea of Bruce and I.

Tony, Steve and Vision came along to comfort Bruce, despite Tony hating our marriage, they were still friends.

I asked Y/n to come along but she agreed it would be weird as only three of them know our true relationship with one another. It's been two weeks since Wanda found out. The two of us have texted and called but she seems distant, I don't know whether that's to do with me or because of work either way I'll find out tonight.

"Shall we proceed?" The judge inquires, we both agree and get on with finishing these long three plus weeks.

Compromise after compromise we finally made it to signing. Bruce's lawyer handed the papers to mine but when they were in front of me that's when it finally hit. I'm leaving my first love.

I hesitated a little before knowing it's the right thing to do. I couldn't go through with the down grading Bruce was doing everyday. With the fresh ink now written on the page, I was able to be me. A weight had lifted off my shoulders and I couldn't be happier that I'm no longer restrained by something so toxic.

"Miss Romanoff. Mr Banner, you're no longer married" the judge announced, I could hear silent cheers behind me as the boys comfort Bruce.

"You did it" Bucky rocks my shoulders, I sigh and stand up with a smile that I couldn't shake off
"I did" I praises myself. We made our way out of the court room and on to the cold streets of New York "Let's party!" Sam suggests
"One drink. I have to drive later" I warn them
"To being single" Bucky cheers, Wanda clears her throat "What? I mean what I said" the six of us walk down the street towards a bar that was nearby.

As soon as we sit down in a booth, Bucky and Sam turn to me "So are we going to know who this secret hookup is?" They questions, I look towards Wanda
"I said once the rings off" she reminds me, standing up to get our orders
"Huh?" The boys look at everyone confused
"She's been sleeping with Y/n. Wanda's sister" Yelena steals the thunder.

Audible gasps leave the pairs mouths as the sit back "How long?" Bucky questions
"Since the engagement party" I answer
"Whoa!" Sam nods with an amused smile "Shes hot. I'd do her" he admits
"Me too" Carol seconds the idea
"Me three" Bucky chimes in
"I've meet her once and yeah, I'd fuck her" Yelena confesses
"That's my sister!" Wanda smacks the back of our heads after putting the drinks down.

"Go get her" Wanda's encouragement as we all get to the parking lot
"I'll see you all next week" I get into my car, placing the key into the ignition and starting it up. My friends become a blur in the rear view mirror as I drive away.

~Y/n's POV~

"Who is it?" I asks through the intercom of the gates speaker
"The FBI" the girl on the other end jokes. Shit!

"Come on in" I press the buzzer allowing the gates to open. I look back at the body laying on my hallway floor "Shit!" I repeat as I drag the soulless girl across the marble with Alfred cleaning up the trial of blood I leave behind
"Miss Romanoff is at the door" Karen announces as the girls knocks upon the wood

I wash my hands within the bucket of water Alfred was using, drying my hands on his clothing "I'm sorry" I apologise. Running to the door and opening it "Hi" I say breathlessly, embracing her into a deep hug. I carry her into the living room and crash on the couch but when I looked into Natasha's eyes she seemed to have something on her mind.

"What's wrong?" I question
"Are... we..." Natasha points between us "Okay?"
"Of course. Why would you think otherwise?" I move a strand of the wild hair, tucking it behind her ear
"You've just seemed off recently" she states, quietly
"Works been a bitch but I promise you. Nothings wrong especially now you're single" I grin, smugly.

"I've really missed you. Calling is nice but this... I've missed this" Natasha admits as my lips press against her neck
"You have no idea" I mumble into her skin
"When's the flight?" Natasha asks
"Tomorrow morning" I inform the girl underneath me.

"I'm off home" Alfred walks into the room
"Thank you" I nod allowing him to leave
"Miss Romanoff" he greets Natasha

Goodbyes are shared and now the house is left to Natasha and I, plus the girl that's stashed in the cupboard. Alfred agreed to get rid of her once Natasha and I were away.


One: I'm not dead. Don't worry!

Two: y'all are getting another chapter tonight 😏

Three: here's an apology picture for the late posting. She looks so cute 🥺

 She looks so cute 🥺

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