Talk with the siblings

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Y/n allowed me to keep the clothes as there was nothing else for me to wear. I sat on the bed watching Y/n get changed for work, walking from the walk in closet to the bathroom, I swear I could get whiplash from her movements.

"You look hot" I complement as Y/n sorts out her hair into a high pony tail. Her body was boxed in by a navy blue suit that curved in all the right places with a black shirt that had three buttons undone exposing some of her chest area.

"Thank you" she smiles within the mirror before turning around and giving me her full attention "What are your plans today?"
"I have training with your sister. I'm teaching her hand to hand" I inform her
"Have fun with that. Trick is she has weak knees, one swift kick to the back she's down like a sand castle" Y/n jokes "Okay love, we best get you home before they send out a portal team to find you" I sigh "You're going to be fine, like I said, I'm a phone call away" she reminds me
"I know" I nod.

We make our way downstairs and into the garage. Y/n walks over to the Ranger Rover and opens the passenger side door "Thank you" I place a kiss upon her cheek before getting myself in. She closes the door and makes her way to the drivers side and sitting behind the wheel. The garage door opens by itself and Y/n drives our before shutting it again. The front gates open by driving up to it but on the other side you have to enter a code.

"Can I ask what's with all the cars?" I question, leaning back in the comfy chair I'm sat on
"I was always a car person growing up. I worked hard to be where I am and rewarded myself with the cars that I've always wanted. Believe it or not I do drive all of them" Y/n explains
"They're very nice" I compliment, looking back on the road.

After a while of driving which seemed longer than the limo drive last night, we arrived outside the driveway for the compound. Y/n gets out and insisted on opening the door for me but I deprived her of the satisfaction and got out myself "I was going to do that" she whines like a baby
"Cute" I place a sweet kiss upon her lips, she pulls away and says
"If you keep doing that I won't be going to work and you'll be a missing person to your friends" she states, I roll my eyes and go in for a hug but was stopped when Y/n shook my hand "Have a good day" she kisses my cheek then gets back into the car.

I'm confused to say the least but brush it off as I walk down the driveway, Y/n waits till she can't see me then drives off to work.

I walk into the compound ready for the questioning but when silence hit me I was a little worried. I scout around but see no one. I check my phone and see three missed calls, 1 from Steve, 1 from Wanda and the other was from Carol but they were last night and I didn't even get a call from my so called 'Husband'

I walk into our shared room but to see his suitcase and some clothes were missing, he's gone and I didn't even get a note nor did I get some sort of message.

I get changed for training before I head to the gym where I'm met with the twins having a a sibling argument "Natasha!" Wanda yells "Where the hell have you been!?" She embraces me into a hug
"I went for a walk" I answer
"All night?" Pietro questions
"We were calling" Wanda informs me
"My phone died" I lie.

As we train I get curious as to why I never met Y/n before and how come she wasn't with the twins at H.Y.D.R.A "Can I ask you guys something?" I look between them, they nod in unison "Why wasn't Y/n with you at Sokovia or the base?" Pietro sighs
"When our parents died Y/n was only 6. So foster homes would want a younger child, she went from foster home to foster home because no body could take care of her, no one knew why though" Wanda begins to explain "When she turned 7 a woman who couldn't have children adopted Y/n and that was it, she never came back nor did she ever come and visit but we couldn't visit her either. We tried but
Y/n was unreachable until the orphanage finally gave up and told us that they didn't even have an address for the woman. We were only 13 when they told us so Y/n's had been gone 2 years, we thought the worst"
"Even after turning 18 and getting out, we still tried searching for her but no body knew her name nor did they know her face, she was a ghost" Pietro further explains "Y/n was 21 when we found her with the help of Tony's equipment"
"When we first saw her, she looked warn out and beaten but despite us opening up to her and telling her the stories of our past, she never, not once, told us about hers. We have little details but nothing to give us an indication as to why she's so closed off" Wanda finishes
"I'm sorry, that must be hard. On both of you and herself"
"We just hope she finds someone who can show her that love is important, she just has to let herself be vulnerable to it" Wanda sighs.

~Y/n's POV~

I made my way to the airport after dropping Natasha off. I put the car on auto-drive and got changed in the back. I pull up to the jet and get out with the bag hidden under the boot compartment "If I see so much as one scratch I-"
"Yes Ma'am, we've done this enough times for me to know not to hurt your car" the man takes my keys before getting into the Range Rover and driving off
"Where to this time Alfred?" I walk to the staircase

Oooo... What's Y/n up to??

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