Reporting for duty

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Her lips were battered. Her touch was intoxicating. Her fingers were pleasurable, along with her tongue. Her arousal was sweet with a hint of saltiness. Her body was something to drool over. Her aftercare was the care all girls wanted.

I sit in the meeting room with the thoughts and images of last nights events as Tony takes his time getting into the meeting.

"Tasha!" Sam snaps his fingers in my face, snapping me back to reality
"Sorry" I look back at the screen.

"As I was saying" Tony gets back to the point "This morning, S.H.I.E.L.D found an undercover agent killed while he was on an undercover op" he puts up the portrait of the agent "He was hung first but the thing that killed him was the slit in his throat" Tony displays the photos of the corpse on the screen "This body is a week old. Whoever killed him knew what they were doing"
"Any finger prints?" Steve asks
"Nope. The weapon used was his own kitchen knife found within the apartment" Tony shows the picture of the weapon
"Why do we have this case?" I question
"S.H.I.E.L.D believe there is a bigger threat out there then H.Y.D.R.A or the Red Room. This murder connects to a few cases they've gotten in the past but were never able to pin point the killer or their actual motive" Tony explains, turning off the screen "I'm sending, Rogers out to Russia where the body is found and he'll be accompanied by Romanoff and Barnes"
"How long?" Bucky inquires
"Until you get a clue on whoever did this" was his answers "You three leave in an hour. The rest of us will go over the old cases and connect more dots"

Everyone agreed and spilt off into their own worlds. I was in my room packing, getting ready to leave when Bruce walks in "Be safe out there. Call me when you land" I sigh
"I will" I agree
"I know I've been a shit husband for the past 3 years. I didn't see it until Carol smacked some sense into me" Bruce admits "When you come back I hope to take you out and make up for everything I've put you through"

I was shocked but annoyed that me talking to him about it didn't trigger this kindness before. Carol had to yell at him in order to get my husband back.

"I'm willing to give us another go" I agree "I'll see you after this" I zip up the bag
"Thank you. Again I'm sorry" I sigh, giving into the guilt.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his grip around my waist. It felt nice to finally have him give me some sort of attention.

Bruce walks me to the Quinjet, giving one of he sweet, soft kisses I so much crave every morning. The ones I feel in love with "Keep her safe for me" he looks at the two boys already in the jet "I love you"
"I love you" I step onto the aircraft and sit next to Bucky as Steve pilots the jet.

~Y/n's POV~

"Really?" I question, pointing at the two other girls within the room
"The bosses request. You need supervision and get the job done properly" Josh explains, I scoff
"You're questioning my technique now?" He rolls his eyes and hands me the file on the target
"Your outfits are in your rooms" Josh mentions "I can help you all get changed" a grin crosses his lips
"What will Sharon think?" I inquire, closing the doors and locking them so Josh doesn't walk in or anyone.

I open the closet to see the silk robe and a matching set of black lingerie. It is the red light distract after all. I swapped my clothes for the new outfit and walked back outside where Josh had his hands all over the two girls 'Helping' them as he would call it.

I clear my throat and Josh practically jumped away from them "You look hot" he complements
"I know" I say with no emotion
"The death has to look natural" Josh states, he eyes piercing into my skull
"Yeah, Yeah. Boring death, got it" I huff. Josh says his final goodbyes and then leaves the little house we were in for the mission.

The two girls stay in the room, probably planning on how to kill me after this so they get the credit. I wait at the door, looking out for the suspect. Not my first time being put in this position, I was 13 when I started working like this. 14 when I lost my virginity to a 35 year old man, what a fun experience that was.

"How much?" A mans voice asks further down the street, he wasn't quite about it but the girl shooed him off, luckily he's the guy we needed. I make myself more 'Feminine' and use it to my advantage. The man walks further down the street to our door, looking me up and down "Looking for some fun?" He questions
"I wouldn't be standing here otherwise. 450 for the hour, plus two other girl" I inform him, masking my voice in a dutch accent
"I'll take it" he goes to walk past but I stop him
"You've got to pay first. Can't risk you running away" I state.

He laughs to himself before pulling out a bundle of cash, placing it in my hand before slapping my arse and making his way up stairs "Pig" I mumble to myself, closing the door and turning the lock. I count the cash and there's more than I asked for, I place it into my bra as I'm not planning on getting undressed this evening.

Walking up the stairs seeing four drinks poured out on the bedside table and the man topless, he was not good looking "On the bed" I command "You two start" I look at the other girls, neither were my type so I wasn't going to have my fun for the night.

Not me getting inspired by the show Killing Eve 👀

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