A day about town

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Y/n held me close. Her front pressing against my back. Her arm wrapped around my own. I used her hand, that was intertwined with mine, as a pillow on top of the one I was using. Her hot breathe cascading down the back of my neck making the little baby hairs stand up. I made her feel safe enough that she could hug me. I didn't want to move and ruin the moment, then make her go back to no hugging. Instead, I snuggled deeper into her front.

~Y/n's POV~

I felt safe. Last night was the best sleep I had gotten in a good few years. Natasha's embrace was warm and comforting, peaceful even. I could stay here all day just being close to her. I felt her try to leave the hug, I groan at the lose of contact I had making her chuckle lightly "I'm going to the bathroom" Natasha informs me.

I sigh and roll onto my back, watching her disappear behind the door. I do the good ol morning stretch across the bed, clicking every joint holding  my body together when doing so. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes wanting to wake up for the day.

Natasha makes her way out of the bathroom as I sit up. She walks over and takes a seat in front of me crossing her legs "What's the plan for today?" She questions
"It's up to you sweetheart" I yawn
"Shopping?" Natasha suggests an idea
"Then the beach tomorrow?" I inquire, in which she nods.

We both got up and began to get ready for the day ahead "Where's the sun screen?" Natasha asks, walking out of the bathroom
"Here" I throw her the bottle after I finished using it
"Thank you"

Once we got changed, the two of us made our way down to the lobby, hand in hand. As soon as we step outside, we're greeted by the sun beaming down on us. We both put our sunglasses on then walk up the street heading towards town, grabbing something to eat along the way.

"Where to first?" Natasha licks the pastry off her fingers and looks at the shops around us
"The world is your oyster my love. You pick" I give her full freedom

We start at one end of the street and make our way to the other end. Natasha took me in to nearly every store. I'm not a shopping person unless I need it but for her I'd suffer the pain of having to wait an hour in one store just for her to say 'I don't like it'

"Oo" Natasha holds up a baby blue dress that was decorated in lace. She checks the price tag and immediately puts it down "Do you want it?" I asks
"It's fine" She gesture for me to follow her out of the store.

I roll my eyes and take the dress of the hanger then go over to the till. A few seconds later I walk out with a brown bag "What did you buy?" Natasha questions
"The dress" I hand her the bag, but before she could say something I nudge her to keep walking "Let's go"

"Wait here" Natasha orders as we stand outside of Victoria Secrets "I want it to be a surprise. Wait, please" I nod and walk over to the benches placed outside of the store. I cradle the bags as I sit patiently, waiting for her to finish.

After nearly 20 minutes, I watch a smiling Natasha walk out of the store "Food?" She suggest
"I'm starving. Let's go" I stand up and take a hold of her hand as we make our way to find a place to eat.

I sit across from Natasha at the table, reading over the menu "What are you getting?" She inquires
"The jalapeño burger with a side of fries and a beer" I answer, taking a sip of the already pre poured water "What are you going for?"
"Paella with a beer too" she informs me.

We order our food and now on the wait for it to arrive "Did you make a deal last night?" Natasha questions as I push the lime into my bottle of Desperados
"We did. I know you got bored. I did warn you" I remind her
"You've been through a lot with me. The least I can do is be with you for something you asked me to attend" she explains
"I very much appreciate it"

Could I be anymore in love with this woman?

After the meal, we made our way to the last few shops before heading back to the hotel "I don't think I'll have room for all of this to fit in my suitcase" Natasha complains
"You can put some in mine" I offer
"I'm lucky to have you" she places a kiss upon my cheek as we make our entrance into the hotel.

I put the bags down by the closet and watch Natasha hide the surprise "You'll see tomorrow" she informs me
"I'm very much looking forward to it" I take my shoes off
"What's our plans for dinner?" She removes her jacket
"Stay here and order room service?" I suggest
"Sounds like a plan" Natasha agrees.

We sit in the hot tub, watching the sunset for the end of the day. The orangey glow made Natasha hair more vibrant and made her emerald radiant.

"Why did you bring me? Of all the people you know, why did you ask me to join you this weekend?" Natasha pries before taking a sip of her champagne
"You needed a break and I wanted your company" I admit, watching her bite down upon her bottom lip trying to contain a smile "Because believe it or not" I laugh to myself "Your company is something I look forward to"

"You're going soft" Natasha smirks softly, placing either thigh next to mine
"For you? I'd be a cloud" I confess
"Wow. That's very soft" she chuckles lightly before pressing her lips against mine.

Yep. This woman has my heart and it's terrifying.

Natasha sits on my lap, despite all the seat around the hot tub and we watch the sun disappear into the darkness of the night. "I love you" I say mentally, not having the confidence of those feelings to be said out loud.

Wow, you're a simp!

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