Drowning the pain

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This Bruce guy is starting to get on my nerves and I'm not even the one married to. I'm not the one in this problem. Natasha looks hotter than the sun and he choose work over a woman that got herself dolled up to go out with him. How did he win her over in the first place? The worst part is she really thought he was changing and finally mending what he's been damaging but no, he's still a dickhead.

The girl sitting on my stool at the kitchen counter was one rip of the thread away from breaking down. She needed a friend, I doubt anyone at the compound knows what's going on, otherwise she wouldn't have restored into cheating to be happy.

I began to cook us some spaghetti carbonara as Natasha devoured the first bottle of red wine, I hadn't even finished my first glass. It was silent until I heard her muttering the lyrics of High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco which was playing on the radio.

I didn't interrupt nor did I turn it off, in fact I turned it up because I could tell she was a little embarrassed singing with me in the room. She sang lyric by lyric and finished glass after glass. She got to the end of the second bottle just as finished cooking.

I serve up the food and lay it out on the table before helping Natasha over, pulling out a chair then placing her upon it. I take a seat next to her, pouring her a glass of water and lying saying it's vodka so she'll drink it.

"Why doesn't he want me?" Natasha questions and she pushes her plate after finishing the food that was placed upon it "Am I that bad?" I see her eyes begin to gloss over
"From the four days of knowing you. I have found that you're just someone who has a difficult time loving others and that's okay, that doesn't make an excuse to treat you like shit" I take a hold of her hand, giving it a gently reassuring squeeze "Anyone would be lucky to have you"
"I don't know what I've done for him to give up on me" the tear leaves her eyelash, trailing down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb and she leans into my palm.

"Have you spoken to him about this? Over the course of your relationship" I question with genuine concern wanting nothing but to help her
"I have a few times but he just tells me 'We'll talk about this later' then shuts me out. I love him, he's the first person I loved and let in. I don't want to give that up but he's making it difficult to keep him" she confesses
"Why not explain this to... my sister or someone you know can help you. Get them to sit in the room with you so that whenever Bruce begins to shut you out they will encourage you to keep going" I suggest
"Carol knows something's not right but I hate this feeling" she sobs
"Talk to Carol. I'm sure she'll be supportive and I'll still be here for you" I assure her
"Why don't you date? You'd make a great girlfriend" she admits with a quiet giggle
"You have to trust them with your story. I don't even trust myself with it" I answer honestly
"Understandable" she nods in agreement.

After a few more glasses of water, Natasha started to sober up but it hit her like a brick wall, the emotions, the talking, the alcohol, it wore her down and she past out at the table. I pick her up bridal style and make my way upstairs. Natasha's head snuggled into the crook of my neck as I get to my bedroom.

I make her stand so I'm able to unzip her dress, then remove it. Natasha lays down on the bed as I get her some pyjamas. She was so deep in her slumber she didn't notice I changed her or tucked her into the bed "Sleep well, sweetheart" I kiss her forehead before making my way downstairs.

I do the washing up and clean the kitchen. I watch a bit of TV but nothing was really on. I find myself in the library reading Beauty and the Beast: A twisted tale.

~Natasha's POV~

I don't know how long I've been passed out for but I didn't wake up with a migraine or any banging within my head. I look outside and it was still dark. I felt the side of the bed behind me weigh down, I turn around to see Y/n getting under the covers "You're supposed to be asleep" she states in a quite tone as if she's trying not to wake anyone up
"I have been. You didn't have to do this" I assure her looking down at the change of clothes I'm now wearing
"I wasn't doing to have you sleeping in a dress or with your make up on. I'm not a bitch" she mentions
"Everyone's probably thinking I'm dead" I groan
"2 miss calls from Carol. 1 from Bucky and a text message from Pietro of all people" a sad expression crosses my face as she doesn't mention Bruce's name "I'm sorry" I shrug "I don't do hugs but I can hold your hand if you'd like comforting" she offers.

I interlock my fingers with hers, Y/n smiled sweetly making me place my lips upon it to capture the moment "Why don't you do hugs?" I question, laying back down
"A hug for me wasn't something that was a peaceful thing throughout my childhood. It's difficult to explain, I'm trying to get better but it's taking time" she explains, rubbing her thumb on the back of my hand
"I'm here when you want to talk about it" I assure her.

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