Keep your word

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I hadn't noticed Y/n moved from the bed to the couch. Only when I stretched across had I realised I was alone under the sheets. I sit up and gaze over her restless body. I watched as she tossed and turned underneath the blanket covering her figure.

Y/n huffs and lays on her back, looking up at the ceiling. Clearly something was bothering her, I didn't know whether it was me or the fact she opened up but I wasn't going to ignore it.

"Baby" I dangle my legs over the side of the bed before finding my footing upon the floor "Why are you over there?" I walk towards Y/n as she watches my every move, cautiously
"I-I... I don't know" she sighs.

Her eyes fall down to the ground, ashamed but I didn't know why "Talk to me" I encourage Y/n as I stand over her, nudging my knee against her hip
"I don't understand how you can still love me when I've been lying to you all this time" Y/n speaks out.

"Because..." I straddle her lap and place Y/n's hands upon my mine as she was hesitant to touch me "I know, deep down, you'd tell me in a heartbeat if you knew how we'd end up" I confess "I also know that behind the training and the minor lies, you've been honest and yourself around me. Your personality isn't fake. You've also had my back even when you were jealous, which by the way, is a hot look on you" I jokingly compliment, trying to humour the mood and it worked, Y/n chuckled lightly before taking a tighter grip to my hands.

"If I stopped loving you because of this, I wouldn't be worthy of love either. I'd be the biggest hypocrite you would have ever come across, because I do understand what it's like to be left due to our past but I assure you, I'm never going to leave you even if my life was on the line" I promise her
"Don't do that" Y/n shakes her head "Don't put your life in my hands. I can barely keep myself alive" she sits up with me still on her lap.

"Okay but it's 1 in the morning and you promised me all the 3 minutes I wanted" I remind her "Let me show you how much I want you"
"Your hips. Sweetheart, you're still injured" Y/n looks between my eyes with concern for my health.

"That's why I'm the one doing all the work tonight" a smirk crosses over my features as I lean forward, pressing my lips against hers to which she melted underneath my touch.

Y/n whines at the loss of contact as I stand up "Give me a minute" I walk over to my bag, pulling out the outfit I brought when we went to Spain. I had yet to show Y/n the surprise but now was the perfect time.

I walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and placing the bag upon the counter. Once I removed every item of clothing, I pulled out a black lingerie set with stockings.

Strapping it to my body, then loosening my hair over the left side of my neck knowing my weak spot was on the right.

I walk out of the bathroom after doing some final checks to see Y/n sat up on the couch, her chin resting in the palm of her hand as she looks out over the town.

"Good view?" I question
"It's not ba-" Y/n's words come to a halt when her eyes lock onto my now exposed finger with not very thick coverage "But this is a much better view. That's new" she states as I walk closer to her
"I brought it in Spain. You deserve a treat"

~Y/n's POV~

I was mentally drooling over the sight that stood before me. Natasha places her index finger under my chin, making me look into her lustfully blown emeralds as she push be back.

Lifting her body over mine before she straddled my lap. I take ahold of her hips with a soft grip, not wanting to cause pain towards the bone that's already bruised.

Our lips mould perfectly together like they always would even with the slight slit in mine. Natasha cups my neck, her thumbs resting underneath my jaw.

Natasha winces a little as I subconsciously gripped her hips a little meaner "Sorry" I mumble as she detached our lips so she could mark my neck, letting everyone know exactly who's hers'.

I let out a shaky breathe as Natasha bites down, harshly upon the pulse point on my neck. She licks it over with her tongue, soothing it before she did the same thing several times.

With anyone else, I'd be the one in control but for Natasha, I would fall under her command within a insist and without hesitation.

Natasha rocks her hips back and forth, rubbing her clit over mine in a painfully, slow motion. Natasha's hands run down my chest and stomach to the hem of my shirt. She tugs upon the item of clothing, signalling for me to remove it in which I did in one swift miniver.

Her hands lay on my bra, covered breasts as she reignites the passionate kiss. My soft moans leak into her mouth allow Natasha to insert her tongue. I don't fight for dominance, I remain submissive.

Natasha pulls my pyjama bottoms away from my waist, pushing her hand down so she can begin to palm the wet fabric against my clit. 

"T-Tasha, please" I beg like a child wanting their Christmas present on Christmas day. Natasha softly giggles against my lips as she pushes the fabric aside, running her middle finger through my folds, brushing over my entrance.

A louder moan proceeds to escape as I take in two of her fingers. Natasha begins with a circular motion, opening me up more so she can slip a third one inside.

I throw my head back, over the back rest of the couch. Natasha places sloppy kisses down my throat and over my chest. With her free hand, Natasha un-clips my bra and disregards of it as there is no use for it anymore.

With her fingers brushing my G-spot and her tongue swirling around my nipple, my moans are hardly contained and this room isn't sound proof. We'll be speaking to Yelena at breakfast, more like she'll be killing us.

My walls begin to suffocate Natasha's three fingers. The sensation within my stomach grows tighter "Baby... I'm going to cum. Please, can I?" I arch my back as the stimulation gets more intense
"Wait a few minutes for me. Can you do that sweetheart?" Natasha whispers into my ear, taunting me with my own pet name for her. The roles really were reversed within this situation.

I listen to her orders. I didn't realise, not until I got her verbal command and when I did, Natasha's hand collected a puddle.

After I was cleaned up, Natasha insisted me to lay back upon the bed. I did so and she laid on top of me. Natasha's finger running along the scar underneath my ribs.

"What happened?" She question, creating circles upon it
"Ex boyfriend. We were on the run together. Thought it was love but he stayed just to kill me" I sigh "He's the reason I don't hug. I'm scared that if I allow someone that close to me again, they'll do the same thing but this time they'll succeed"

"Why trust me?" Natasha inquires
"Because you're someone to do it then and there, no waiting around. Plus you forced me to hug you, whenever you knew I needed it, you did it. I'm grateful for that" I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you"
"I love you" with those three words shared, the two of us fell into a much needed slumber.

This ones for the subs who read this book. I got you dudes, don't worry! ☺️😉

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