Waking up

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~Natasha's POV~

An alarm rang through the room but it was as loud as a fog horn. I flipped the pillow over my head to cover my ears but it wasn't turning off. I look around for a clock but none found within the room, I grew confused until it stopped. Silence filled the whole house, not even a footstep. I rub my eyes and look to my left to see an empty side of the bed
"Y/n?" I call out but this place is massive so I doubt she could hear me
"Miss Maximoff will be home in 10 minutes" a voice from the ceiling informs me
"Um... thank you?" I look around for a speaker or a microphone but I saw nothing
"You're welcome Miss Romanoff"
"Who are you?" I question
"I'm Y/n's security system and alarm clock" the voice informs me.

Now that's just showing off!

"Do you have a name?" I inquire getting out of bed
"Y/n calls me Karen"

I'm having a conversation with an A.I.

The only clothes I have is my dress from last night and I'm definitely not doing the walk of shame into the compound like that so I do a risky move and borrow Y/n's jeans along with a AC/DC band tee.

I walk down the staircase and explore around the house. She has a pool, a gym, a huge garage with a few vintage cars, a cinema room, a living room with a wide screen TV, a library with bookshelves that reach the ceiling, a music room with a grand piano, an art studio but the best part was the biggest kitchen I have ever laid my eyes upon, it's bigger than the one in the compound.

This girl really does show off.

I hear the front doors open "Welcome home Miss Maximoff. Natasha is awake and in the kitchen"


I watch Y/n walk in wearing black leggings and a grey hoodie, her body under all that clothing was something to adore "Morning" she greets me with a bag in her hand "I got breakfast" I smile at the kind gesture
"You didn't have to"
"Yes I did. I'm not having you leave here without eating something" she grabs to plates from the cupboard and lays them out
"Why you being nice?" I question
"Because that's what you deserve" Y/n sorts out the food before setting them on the table behind me "Just because one guy is being an arsehole, doesn't mean you deserve to be treated like that" she assure me "I would offer alcohol but I gave Alfred the weekend off and I value my cars"
"That's okay. Orange juice please" she opens the grand fridge and pulls out a fancy jug of juice before pouring it into already laid out glasses.

The pastries Y/n had brought for breakfast were to die for. Despite me sort of using her, she's going out of her way to prove that maybe I do deserve to be happy or I'm just high on short crust pastry.

"Those were amazing" I complement
"The old lady down the street bakes and she has a bakery in town but I get them delivered and pay extra" Y/n explains
"Fancy" I mock her lifestyle, she rolls her eyes before her face covered with seriousness.

"Can I ask? Was this a one time thing or...?" I sigh at her questioning
"You're saying or like you're okay with it being more than once" I state
"I wouldn't say no, I'd be crazy to say no to you but I just want to know where this leaves us" she expresses
"You made me feel... alive and wanted within the night of knowing you where as I've been married to Bruce for 3 years dating him 2 years before that and I have yet to relive that feeling with him since our honeymoon" I explain with a sad tone
"Then whenever you need me... I'm here, just let me know and I'll be over quicker than my brother can run" she jokes making me genuinely laugh
"I don't want you to do that. Waiting around for a call or text, that's not fair on you" I state
"I live alone. I don't even own a pet, tell a lie I own fish but like they don't really keep you company. I'm here for you, okay?" Y/n takes ahold of my hand

I'm never used to kindness nor am I used to someone caring about me from the first day.

"Because you, Natasha Romanoff" she emphasises my name "Are beautiful beyond words and from what my sister has told me, you're someone to keep within your life. I would also like to get to know you more as I believe behind the beauty and sorrow of your past, is girl who just wants to find her fairytale ending" a tear brims my eye, I try to hold it in but that was no luck as it trickles down my cheek to which Y/n wipes it away.

"You're making me soft" I confess
"Good" Y/n grins smugly "I've already made Karen put my number within you phone"
"How?" I question
"A magician never tells" she shakes her head
"You'd tell me tho" I trail my finger up her arm with my bottom lip caught in between my teeth locking my puppy dog eyes onto hers
"Nope, I will not spill my secrets to you Romanoff" Y/n struggled to say no to me
"What if I do this?" I stand up and straddle her lap, resting my lips against hers like last night
"Karen can hack into anything, I just tell her your name and she gets everything you've done since you've been born" Y/n confesses
"Impressive" I get off her lap and take our plates over to the sink, washing them and placing them on the drying rack.

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