4 months later

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"I... love you" Natasha chocked out her final words as her soul drains from her body. Leaving the now growing cold corpse held within my arms. My tears staining her red locks as the blood seeps out of the bullet wound that penetrated her stomach.

"P-please" I beg, hoping to see Natasha's shimmering emeralds one last time but now they've lost the light that brought me such joy and love
"Y/n. Wake up" a voice calls out "Baby. I need you to wake up"

My whole body jolted up, gasping for air that I hadn't been breathing in "It's okay. It was just a dream" she assures me.

"You're real?" I take ahold of her hands, looking over her green orbs that wore concern for my sudden state "Oh, you're real" I sigh in relief as I wrap her arms around my neck, allowing me to push Natasha down so I could cuddle into her.

This has been happening a lot lately. Constant nightmares about losing Natasha. It's a new way every night but it always ends the same. The memories of the torture, the hell I went through just to stay alive, to be here at this very moment, flash through my mind especially when Natasha talks about the hitman that's trying to kill her.

John Walker. I trained with him for a couple of months until the man got into an accident. Which I raise my hand and say that I did push the button to set the bomb off while he was still within the building.

Hated the guy. Always thought he was better, he wasn't. I would beat him in training and he'd always get angry.

I have yet to tell Natasha or anyone who I really am. Wanda called while we were in Budapest and my heart sank. While Natasha was in the shower, I hacked into Scott's computer and removed myself from the database. If they're going to find out, it'll be by my own words not someone else's.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Natasha questions, combing her fingers through my hair
"Not really. I hope that's okay" I mumble into her chest
"That's Fine. I'm here for you, baby" Natasha assures me
"And I for you" she places a soft, delicate kiss upon the top of my scalp.

I drifted off to sleep, while wrapped within Natasha's warm embrace but was soon woken up by the morning alarm ringing through the house. The pair of us groaned at the sound, snuggling further into one another.

"I don't want to go to work" I mumble into the crook of Natasha's neck
"You have too. It's one last day until we go to Russia tonight" Natasha reminds me
"Can't we just... stay here today? You know, prepare ourselves for the flight. I think that's a smart idea. I'm a genius" I praise myself.

"I would love to baby but I've got to finish off mission reports and you've got two meetings today" Natasha reminds me "Then it'll be over and the next stressful thing will happen... meeting my parents"

"Hey" I place a hand upon her cheek "I know you're nervous but I assure you, I'll be on my best behaviour"
"It's not you I'm worried about" Natasha mentions.

"Ouch" I fake pout causing her eyes to roll "If they hate me, wouldn't be a surprise. I was never good with parents so I'll try my best to win over the Romanoff family. Already got you and Yelena on my side" I wiggle my brows "Three against two" Natasha chuckles lightly.

"I love you" she admits through a long breathe
"Yeah? Really? You love me? Show me" I suggest. Natasha pushes me onto my back, she sits upon my stomach. My hands resting on her thighs watching the girl twist her hair before she lent down.

We both hum against the connection "Get ready" Natasha mumbles against my lips, taking a stand from the bed. I watch her body, which is drowned by one of my shirts, sway towards the bedroom door before it disappeared "GET UP!" Natasha shouts, walking down the stairs.

I get out of bed and change into one of my black suits with a white tank top underneath before following the scented trail that led me towards the kitchen.

I mean against the archway of the kitchen, watching Natasha bop to the music she put on while working over the stove.

"So pretty" I hum as I hug her from behind, kissing her shoulder before resting my chin upon that spot
"So corny" Natasha mocks me, turning her head around. She catches her bottom lip between her teeth as she notices my work clothes.

"My favourite suit" Natasha points out
"I thought my birthday suit was your favourite" I wiggle my brows as a smug grin covers my features
"Loveable idiot" Natasha confesses before pecking my cheek and giving her attention back to the food cooking upon the stove.

After eating, Natasha went up to get changed while I sorted out the papers and files I needed for my upcoming meeting "Ready to go?" Natasha leans against my office door
"Yep" I answer, taking ahold of her hand, making our way towards the garage.

Natasha spends a few nights at mine then the rest at the compound so I would pick her up after work then drop her off.

"You're picking up me and Yelena after work?" Natasha questions, unbuckling her belt
"Yep. Unless you want Alfred to pick you up" I offer
"I love Alfred, but I'd prefer you" Natasha kissing me goodbye before getting out of the car "Don't be late" she warns me, peeking her head through the gap between the car and the door.

"I try not to be" I state
"Love you. Have a good day" Natasha wishes
"Love you too" with the door closed, Natasha makes her way inside the compound. I no longer have to be a secret so I can now finally drop her off at the door.

I make my way to work and suffer through the 9 hours before I get to go on holiday. Can't wait.

Y'all were so set that we were the hitman for Natasha, don't you look like a fool now 😂

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