A night to remember

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A few drinks down and a conversation later, I was towering over this girl, which I have yet to get the name of. My lips pressing against her neck "Don't mark me" she commands. That maybe should have been red flag number one but I do as I'm told. I kiss down her exposed chest as my knee rests against her core slowly pushing pressure on it.

My hand runs down her right thigh, hitching up the end of her dress allowing me more access to her core. Before anything could begin the limo stops "We're here" I break the contact with the girl. I pull down her dress so she looks some what presentable. Alfred opens the door to which I get out and offer a hand to the redhead.

Alfred goes back home while I escort the girl to the front door "You live here? Alone?" She questions
"Yes, I know. Sad life I live" I unlock the door and allow her inside
"Just a little bit" she bites her lips as she steps into the house. As soon as I lock the door, her lips once again find themselves on top of mine as if it was natural for them to be on one another.

My hands rest on her back as hers play with the baby hairs on the back of my neck. Her tongue swipes across my bottom lip to which I deny her any access.

I tap her legs in which she jumps up and wraps them around my waist. I carry her up the spiral staircase, which was a little trick, especially in heels but I managed.

I unzip her dress before laying her down on the bed, I pull away while removing the fabric that's sucked into her skin. Once removed the matching set of red lace was revealed and I admired her body more.

I took off my dress to reveal my matching set of black lace. My fingers loop around the fabric that gained moisture from my previous actions in the limo "May I?" I don't usually asks for reassurance, this was new.

The girl nods and I disregard the thing blocking me from her core. I place a hand on her back and sit her up, her palms resting on the bed to keep her steady as I kneeled down, blowing a stream of cool air towards her entrance.

I kiss down each thigh, edging closer to where she needs me. Her hand lays softly on top of my head as the other one keeps her up. Lightly pecking her folds, the girl quietly gasps "P-please" she begs, slowly pushing my face further into her.

I chuckle softly at the desperation I have on the woman. I kitten lick her folds before I pushed past them, licking over her entrance picking up the pre-cum already there.

Her grips getting a lightly tighter as she begins to rock her hips against my tongue. I loop my arms around her legs, massaging them as I explore the inside of this girl.

Her moan were like music to my ears, something I've been longing to hear. I smirk against her before she asks "C-can I cum?" I tap her thigh signaling for her to do it. Within a matter of seconds, I was swallowing as much as she let out before helping her ride of the high she was on.

Her fingers combed through the hair she let loose by taking off the hair tie. It was weirdly calming to have my hair played with, bringing me a sense of safety, which is beyond the strangest feelings I've gotten while like this with someone else.

"I haven't felt that good in a while" she states. How is this woman not getting laid 24/7?

I clean her up before kissing up her stomach and pushing her back down "Who said I was finished?" I question looking into to her now darkened eyes as she bites her lip.

I reconnect our lips for what felt like years since they've been apart. My hand trails down her toned stomach as her fingers pull on the waistband of my underwear.

Her hand palms my clit as my fingers run along her folds. I push one finger in as she does the same to me. Every step I take to get her closer to her orgasm, she does the exact same to me. Not complaining her fingers feel amazing.

Now with three of my fingers inside of her, she copied and now we're both at the same state. Thrusting in a few more times our walls began to suffocate each other's fingers. Our moans over lapping one another as our orgasms get closer.

"Baby cum for me" I grant her permission but she denies me the satisfaction of letting go. A few seconds go by and I'm holding mine in while my fingers gets covered in her. Once she was done and rid of her high she said "You can cum" in an instant and a cry out, I was rid of my high.

After I clean the pair of us up, I crashed next to her, panting like a bitch while she regained the oxygen into her lungs "You know, I still don't know your name" I chuckle lightly looking to my right where the girls laying
"I'm Natasha" she introduces herself but that was the major red flag.

I sit up, an expression of confusion covering my face as the name racks through my brain trying to find the file that's named 'Natasha'

"I'm sorry, what!?" I snap

Natasha, last name Romanoff. Trained spy who is know world wide to be Black Widow. One of the OG 6 who is also MARRIED!

"Natasha" She repeats with confusion lacing her tone
"You know next time you talk to someone, mention to them that you're the woman that's married to the guy who, when he gets angry, turns into the Hulk!" I state in a raised tone
"Not something I want to mention when I'm trying to sleep with someone" I jerk my head back.

She wanted this? With me? Why would she want to ruin her marriage? Unless her marriage is already ruined? Maybe she's not getting the physical attention hence why at the beginning she was so desperate!

"You wanted this?" I question making sure I heard her correctly
"The whole reason why I'm here" she awkwardly chuckles
"Mind me asking what's wrong within your marriage?" Natasha looks down clearly not wanting to think about it "Or not, whenever you're ready. I'll drive you back tomorrow" I offer
"You don't have too" she shakes her head
"Clearly you don't want to be in the same building as him and if you don't then I'm not going to force you to leave because that's not fair on you" I explain
"Thank you" Natasha pecks my lips.

I got butterflies... is this what feelings feel like??

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