Truth be told

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Y/n hadn't said a word. Yelena remained silent too. I just wanted to sit down but I couldn't, if I did I wouldn't be able to move again "Shit" I mumble
"What's wrong?" Yelena asks
"My hips. Every step I take, a sharp pain attacks" I explain
"I'll carry you" Y/n offers "If that's okay with you?" I nod "At any point you need to be put down, let me know"

Y/n picks me up bridal style and continues the walk. Her expression was crossed over with sorrow and annoyance. I want to be angry with her but I also just want to hug the devil out of her.

~Scott's POV~

I was looking over the database the Twelve use, seeing if we missed anything and most importantly to try and track down the Agent sent to kill Natasha. As I was looking through profiles, I came across one that stood out to me but their name didn't match the person, or so I thought.

"Hey, Wanda" I knock on her door, with the laptop in my hand
"Hey, Scott. What can I do for you?" She is asks
"Is Y/n your sister?" I question, looking back over the profile
"Why?" Wanda inquires
"You might want to take a look at this" I hand her the laptop.

Wanda looks over the words displayed upon the screen and her eyes began to gloss over with her red power.

~Natasha's POV~

Y/n laid me down on the bed, making sure not to hurt me more as if she was scared to even let me go. Neither of us spoke, Y/n went into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of wet cloths allow me to clean myself up. Yelena had gone to her room, leaving us two alone for a while.

"... is now a good time to talk?" I question
"I'm sorry" Y/n apologises "I know I should have told you but... it's not that easy to confess to your girlfriend that you're a psychopath" she sighs
"So you work for them?" I inquire
"Worked. I quit the day Wanda found out about us" Y/n sits down on the edge of the bed, avoiding any contact with me.

"So every time I spoke to you about tracking down that killer in Russia and Dubai, you could have given me some information about who it was?" I question with hints of annoyance lacing my tone
"Umm... funny story" she chuckles nervously
"That was you?" I clench my jaw.

"I'm sorry" I scoff
"That's all I get? I'm sorry. You were sitting in front of me while I spoke about one of your many crimes that you committed and you proceeded to act like it wasn't you!" I scream "You asshole!"

Y/n remained silent, making me more mad in the fact she wasn't fighting back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I question, lowering my tone hoping it'll get her talking
"Like it's easy. You of all people should know how difficult it is to express our past to people who we barely know" Y/n sighs.

"How do I know if any of this is real? For all I know you could just be using me!" I state.

"Not once was this" Y/n points between us "A set up, or me using you. When I met you, I didn't know who you were. I went through this with you, as myself. Not the trained psychopath I am. I love you. The love I have for you isn't bullshit, it's real. Hell I got jealous when you said you'd give Bruce another shot but I knew you wanted to try, so I said nothing"

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I question
"Yes! But I didn't know when" Y/n answers "I also knew the consequences of what would happen when I quit. Hence why I wanted you around 24/7, along with Wanda"

"What changed your mind? Why did you quit?" I inquire, lowering my voice not wanting to scream anymore
"The big reason was because they wanted me to kill Wanda" Y/n sighs "She may not be my biological sister but she's the closet thing I ever got to family"

"Wait... Wanda's not your biological sister?" I raise a brow
"No. She knows this. So does Pietro but we all felt like siblings" she answers
"So when John said "Like you did your father" does that mean you killed your real one?" I take a step closer, seeing the subject is hurting her but I needed to know more if this relationship was going to work out.

"I was 16. I had trained, hours on end. I had been with the agency for nearly ten years so I grew up with those rules. When they give you a mission you don't back down, you do it and move on" Y/n takes a seat upon the bed "My dad raised me out of my mothers care, for a year until he nearly got caught so he left me with the Maximoffs" I run my thumb along the bag under her eyes "They found him and sent me to finish what my mother wanted to be done. At the time I didn't know who I was killing, not even when he was calling me my name and the nicknames he used to call me"

"I-I shot him but his final words made me realise who I had just ended the life of. I killed my dad and I couldn't take it back" I pull Y/n's head into my chest as she breaks down from opening up this much to someone.

"I'm sorry, baby" I sympathetically apologise for the tragedy of her past "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. It's just, you and I" I assure her.

Y/n may have hid the truth but I'd be a hypocrite if I pushed her away because of it. It took me a year to tell Bruce everything or anyone within the compound.

"This doesn't change anything about us. I love you" I confess
"Really?" Y/n pulls her head back, locking her eyes upon mine
"Really. Let's get some rest because my whole body wants to lay down" I sigh.

"I love you too"

No one. Not one person suggested that our target might have been Wanda. Y'all were so set on Nat and some even thought Bruce 😂

I also rewrote this chapter a lot and in one version I did make y'all split up but I thought because you waited so long to find out it was Wanda, I'd give you and Natasha another chance.

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