Prison break

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~Y/n's POV~

"Wake up! You've got mail" I was assigned a new guard as the other one got scared away, shame kinda miss that guy
"Can't you just slip it through the hatch?" I question, keeping my eyes shut
"Do you want the mail?" He inquires
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning"

I sigh, swinging my legs over the side of the bed before finding my footing placement on the floor below.

"Where's the mail then?" I question, seeing nothing held within the guards hands. He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone. Tapping on the screen to unlock it then turning it sideways, showing me the flickering image held upon it.

"Who sent this?" I question as I watch Bruce's lips push against Natasha's. Her body was stiff like a brick wall while Bruce had his hands over her face. His fingers got tangled up within her red locks. I notice Natasha raise her hands a little, wanting to grab his wrists before placing them back to her side but then the video ends.

"I cannot say. They like to remain a silent messenger" he answers me
"Silent?" I scoff "I can keep the guy quite if you tell me a name" but the guard walks away, leaving me to my thoughts and impulsive personality.

I watch as the floor guard, who goes around checking everything, walks towards my cell door "Hey" I call him over "What time is it? My clock has stopped working" I question. She looks upon her watch, her head hanging low while she focuses on the clocks face "4:31pm, Ma'am"
"Let's hope that's not your time of death" I wish

Before she could blink, I pull on her arm, yanking her towards the glass wall, making the poor girl unconscious. I bring her body closer to the hatch allowing me to grab her key card. Once I had the card, I let go of the girl causing a thud to echo through out the room.

I reach as far as I could to the keypad but my arm was to short "Come on you piece of shit" I mumble to myself, wedging my shoulder into the hatch
"Throw it!" One of the prisoners encourages me
"Pardon?" I question his sudden input
"Throw the card close enough to the pad. It'll unlock for you" he explains
"If this fails your the first I'm killing" I warn him.

"Floor sweep done. How's your end looking, Agent Lawson?" The unconscious guards walkie goes off. I pinch the card between fingers, aiming for the keypad "Agent Lawson?" It rings again.

"Aim and throw" the prisoner with the advice explains the obvious
"No, shit. Really? I thought it was more of a yolo kinda thing" I roll my eyes towards his comment before taking a long deep breath in and-

"Stop!" The guard on the walkie talkie appears within the room
"Now!" The prisoner shouts, I throw the card and it luckily brushed against the pad. The buzzer went off Nd the door began to open "Ayyy, it worked!" I praise.

"Miss Maximoff I need you to remain still" the guard walks closer with him fire arm raised
"And I need you to not get in my way" I reach down grappling the girls gun, aiming it towards the guard, pulling the trigger a second later. The gunshot sound ringing through the whole raft.

I pick up the keycard, swiping the prisoner who helped me "Do whatever you want with the card, Glen" I advice him
"My names not Glen. It's Howard!" he calls after me as I leave the floor.

A few seconds later the alarms within the raft began to scream out, deafening anyone near one of the speakers. I make my way down a hall and go up the staircase.

Hearing the metal of the stairs below me clanging as Agents run up them. I take two steps at a time, wanting to get out faster but when I was greeted with sea winds and salty air, I was stunned "We're in the sea?!" I look around me "Lucky me" I notice a pilot getting into a helicopter "Wait!" I run towards it "Ross said he needed you. Like now. Don't leave him waiting!"
"You expect me to believe you? You're wearing a prison uniform" he points out
"Worth a try"

I punch the guy in the nose, causing him to stumble back a little "Which ways to land?" I question but he remains silent "You're married?" I notice his wedding ring
"Why does it matter to you?" He inquires
"I'm sure they'd like their husband to come home" I aim the gun towards the already injured man "Which ways to land?" I repeat
"North-East" he answers
"Thank you" I get into the helicopter, it was already turned on all I had left to do was take off.

~Natasha's POV~

"Guys!" Steve yells at us "Where have you been!? We've been calling and calling"
"We were at the movies. Our phones were off" Pietro explains
"What's up?" Bucky questions
"The raft sent out a signal that one of their prisoners escaped. That was an hour ago. We've been trying to track the prison but we need you. Tony's at the raft now"

We waste no time in leaving the room and heading towards the meeting hall "Did we at least get information on whether it's a powerful prisoner or a normal one?" Scott questions
"Nothing. We just have to find someone within the prison uniform" Steve explains.

"Sir, it appears we have an intruder within the compound" J.A.R.V.I.S announces
"Who?" Steve questions
"It appears to be Y/n Maximoff, sir" everyone looks at everyone confused
"Show me live footage"

An image of Y/n making her way down to the lab was displayed upon the screen. I rush up out of my chair, waiting no time in seeing what's going on.

~Y/n's POV~

"Hey, Banner" I smile at him, walking towards the man of the problem
"Y/n? How? You're supposed to be in prison" Bruce states
"I know but when you sent me that video of you kissing MY girlfriend, did you think I'd just leave it at that?" I question.

"What video?" Bruce plays dumb "I didn't send a video" he shakes his head
"Well it definitely wasn't Natasha" I state "Why did you do it?"
"She isn't yours anymore" Bruce spits.

"You sure about that?" I inquire "Is your name the one she screams?" I step closer to the man "Does she beg for you to touch her?" I walk behind him "Does she buy a matching black set for your enjoyment?" I stand back in front of the man "Are you the one she cums for?"

"Y/n! W-what are you doing here?" Natasha runs into the room
"I would answer my questions Bruce" I advise him "Before I take both of your eyes"
"Y/n, what's going on?" She questions, trying to gain my attention.

"Does she Bruce?" I raise a brow but he remains silent "So why the hell do you think she's still yours?"
"I'm not his" Natasha finally caught on "I'm all yours baby but you have to calm down"

"Really? All mine? Then why when he kissed you did you start to lean into it?" I finally look at her only to see Natasha's eyes widen and then look down at her feet "You went to hold his wrists. Like you do with me. So tell me Natasha, are you really all mine or does a part of you still want to be with him?"

... does she still like Bruce? 👀

Every fibre within my body prayed she would say no "I-" Natasha chokes upon her words
"Yes or no. I kinda just killed a guard and made one unconscious just so I can get here. I need an answer, Natasha!" I explain
"Y-Yes. I'm all yours. He caught me at a vulnerable moment... I pushed away"

"You really take me for a fool, don't you sweetheart? I can tell when you're lying, because you pick at your skin. You find it a weakness when you do that so it's rare but when you lie it happens" I explain "I hope you two can fix everything" I walk out, leaving the two in the room to ponder the words I left them with, pushing past the team as they were eavesdropping in on the conversation.

"Y/n, you're still a fugitive!" Yelena points out
"I've lived a lot of lives before all of this" I mention before leaving the compound.

Who doesn't love a good break up? Huh? 😏

The credit for this chapter goes to> loqovv thanks for the idea <3

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