Unwanted visit & Arguments

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~Y/n's POV~

That vacation was well needed for both myself and Natasha. We landed back in New York last night. I got Alfred to take Natasha's car back to the compound so I could drive her home and make sure she didn't fall asleep at the wheel due to the jet lag.

It was now morning. The cold start to the day woke me up while on my run, definitely a major temperature drop from the weekend to now. I took the forest route for this mornings daily run, it was an autumnal wonderland. The broken leaves creating a crunchy blanket underneath my feet. The sunrise peaking through the tree line as I get closer to the clearing within the forest.

The wildlife put their lives on hold when I ran by before they continued their morning routine. Once my feet touch the frost laying across the grass, I stop and looked out over the vast countryside. I check my watch to see how many steps I've done so far "1'214" 

It early in the morning and not everyone wakes up at the crack of dawn, so it was peaceful and relaxing, until I heard a car pulling up behind me. 

"Y/n" I sigh at the voice
"This is a bit public for you. Are you okay?" I state, keeping my focus on the scenery and not the woman walking up to me
"Thought I'd give you this mission myself. Josh is otherwise occupied at this given moment in time" she explains
"Couldn't just slip it through the letter box" I suggest.

"You're living quite the life aren't you?" She changes the topic
"Elle, just give me the file and leave" I demand
"That's no way to talk to your mother" she tuts, I roll my eyes "I thought I taught you manners. That Natasha girl is turning you into something I didn't train you into to. I'd like you to stop seeing her, or things won't be pleasant for the both of you" she threatens.

"Please may I have the file and then you can go on your merry way" I rephrase my previous demand
"Much better" Elle hands me the flash drive "I expect this to be completed by next week" she makes her way back towards her car "Don't let me down"
"Whatever you say" I whisper to myself.

The car makes it's way back down the path it came up, turning left and disappearing from view. Well that just ruined the morning, I made my way back home. Once inside, I go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee before going into my office. I grab an old laptop that isn't connected to my house's server but the neighbours. I'm rich not dumb.

I put the drive into the USB port and wait for the file to download. 1%... 17%... 34%... this was taking forever... 54%... 78%... 99%... Finally. I put my agent code in and wait for it to open.

 Coffee covering my screen and the keyboard, dribbling down my chin as I spat it out when the photo of my target appeared on the screen. I quickly pull the drive out and move faster than the speed of my brothers running just to get into the garage. 

As I drive out I'm greeted by head tilting witch who's hands were glowing the same colour as my blood when she throws me into a wall "YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH MY BEST FRIEND!" I could hear her clearly through the closed windows. Behind her was Natasha's car that nearly crashes into Wanda's car. 

I get out of the car "I can explain" I raise my hands in surrender
"Explain what? That you're sleeping with a married woman" Wanda states 
"At first... I didn't know" great way to start "It was only when I finally got her name did I know. At first yeah, I was a little annoyed because I don't do that but she just needed someone"
"Wanda please" Natasha sobs "This is my fault" she pleads.

"Don't take all the blame. I could have easily of stopped this but I couldn't" I confess
"Why?" Wanda questions
"Because as much as she needed someone, so did I. I say I like being alone, I have this massive house and no one to share it with. Natasha isn't like everyone else. She isn't calling to fuck me just so I spoil her. She calls because she genuinely wants to talk and be around me. Do you know how amazing that feels?" I pour out my heart.

"Why couldn't you stop?" Wanda turns to Natasha "You're married"
"I don't feel like I'm married. I have a ring on but at this point it means nothing, hence why I'm going through the divorce. At first I just wanted to sleep with someone who didn't know me and it felt good to get 3 years of being a virgin out of the way" Natasha sighs "Then Y/n started to care. At first, I was skeptical but when she answered every call. Always texted back, no matter how busy she was.... I began to want her around more. Even when we agreed to put a stop on everything when I thought Bruce was changing" she wipes her tears that ran down her face.

I wanted nothing more than to run over to Natasha and embrace her into a hug, telling her it was okay but I was scared to move just incase Wanda flicked her wrist sending me into the hedges.

"Has Y/n hurt you?" Wanda inquires, I was a little taken back by her remark
"No" Natasha shakes her head
"Has Natasha hurt you?" My sisters turns to me
"No" I answer.

We remained silent as Wanda wrapped her head around the situation "You have tried, I won't deny that but I'm annoyed you couldn't have spoken to me or someone about this but I know my sister is a good person deep down behind the money and trust issues" Wanda admits
"If you're worried that I'll hurt her... I would never do that. I can't imagine doing it" I assure my sister.

"Once the marriage is over... I'll allow this, but promise me" Wanda looks between the both of us "Nothing and I mean nothing is to happen between you. No sex, not until that ring comes off. I'm sorry but I'm your big sister and I have to protect you" Wanda looks at me, I nod 
"I promise" the two of us agree.

Wanda laid out some rules like: Texting and calling is okay but if we want to see one another, someone has to be with us to assure the prevention of sleeping with one another. 

The girls left and I remembered the whole reason as to why I ended up outside in the first place. I get back into my car and drive for about 2 hours till I reached my destination. I get out of the car and enter the code into the keypad for the warehouse. Walking down stairs into the basement and towards the bronzed door at the end of the hallway. Talk about secrecy.

"I quit" I put the drive onto the desk 
"What? Why?" Josh asks
"I'm done. I don't want this anymore and I'm especially not doing this next mission" I state in a pissed off tone "You can tell her" without any further explanation I walk out of the room and retract my steps into getting here.

As soon as Josh tells Elle, I'll have a target on my back. Lucky for me looking over my shoulder is second nature.

Shit. Drama! 

The woman in the header is my second favorite Russian spy. No one can beat Natasha ❤

Low-key wanna know where you guys are from, not to stalk you just to be nosy. I'm from England. What about y'all?

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