All aboard

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This week has been a drag. We got news that 7 ex Widows were killed in Dubai and not one bit of evidence, no CCTV, no prints, no witnesses. We think it's the same person that killed the Agent in Russia but we can't be sure with the lack of connection and evidence.

The divorce is stressful, if I was told how stressful it would be, I would never have gotten married. Bruce got himself a lawyer and we've been going over the agreements and terms of the situation.

The trip to Spain was the gold pot at the end of the rainbow for me. I needed this. I needed to get away from the stress of lawyers, the over working on cases.

Y/n booked everything, the hotel, the plane but she said that nothing was planned as it was up to me to pick what we were doing. It felt nice to be included. The meeting was the first night we were staying which was nice, get it out of the way. We were staying for a couple more days to enjoy ourselves.

"Don't you have a private jet?" I ask, putting my bag into the overhang above
"I do but we're going to experience this holiday the proper way" Y/n states
"In first class?" I take my seat next to the window
"I'm treating you. Stop picking at everything and allow yourself to be spoiled, okay?" She huffs, sitting next to the aisle, pulling up the shutter so no one sees in.

"How's everything going?" Y/n asks, watching me mess around with the screen
"Okay but I would like it to be stress free" I sigh, turning to look at her
"Life just isn't that kind sweetheart" I nod in agreement.

~Time skip~

"... seriously?" Y/n glares at me "You can't put a plus 2 on top of a plus 4. Remove it before I make this plane crash" she threatens but I found it cute not intimidating
"You wouldn't kill me" I take the card back
"Sure about that?" She questions
"Very" I assure her.

~Time skip~

I was watching Y/n type up some rubbish to do with her job. I had been asleep for a bit of this flight, it was nice to get some rest without being woken up.

"Thought you were asleep" Y/n saves the word document before closing her laptop
"I was but you can keep working" she shakes her head and gives me her full attention
"Was only doing it because you were in your own world" I smile as she moves a strand of my hair behind me ear.

"How can you still look so good when you've just woken up?" She questions making my cheeks burn red "Is Natasha Romanoff blushing?"
"Shut up" I smack her hand away, sitting back in my chair
"It's cute" she compliments, I lift the shutter and I hear her little soft giggle when I did so.

~Time skip~

It was quite, I pull down the shutter and look at Y/n asleep in her chair. I rested my head to the side, some call this creepy but she looked so peaceful when she's asleep. Her chest rising effortlessly. Her cute, quiet snore she does when in a deep enough sleep.

~Time skip~

"I was... 5, when Pietro made me believe that I could fly. I jumped off the arm on a chair and broke my arm" Y/n smiles at the childhood memory "Wanda ran in as I fell. They both were shocked I didn't cry"
"What did your parents do?" I ask
"Told me I was a 'Loveable idiot' I didn't snitch on Pietro for the situation" she answers
"Aren't you just a nice sister" I chuckle lightly.

"Yelena once tripped over a rock and blamed it on me" I play back my memories
"How nice of her"

~Time skip~

I was actually have a good time and it was only the flight there which was nearly over. We exchanged childhood memories. Embarrassing stories. Our deepest fears. Ex lovers. Behind the money she's just a child who wanted a family.

~Time skip~

The plane landed and we waited for most of the passengers to get off before we made a move. The sun was beating down on us like a spot light. The warm breeze hitting the exposed skin with specs of sand attacking us.

Y/n took ahold of my hand as we made our way into the airport to get our suitcases. Once we got the luggage, we went to the rental car shop. Y/n got the keys to a black jeep that she pre-booked.

Luckily it had air-con "Well stop at the hotel. Get everything sorted out then go grab some lunch. Sound good?" Y/n began the drive
"Sounds wonderful" I smile, watching the scenery go by.

Subconsciously I hold Y/n's hand as she kept it on the gearshift. She flipped her hand, interlocking our fingers together. Butterflies swarm in my stomach as my eyes watch her every movement. God she was hot while driving.

We pulled up to a 5 star hotel, Y/n gave the key to the valet once we got our bags out the back. Heading towards the front desk "Y/n Maximoff" She inquires her booking.

I look around at the water fountain in the middle of the room. The chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. The marble stairs leaning upwards. The golden doors of the elevator. This beats the motels we stay in for stakeouts or missions.

"Your suite is ready. Floor 64" Y/n takes the key from the counter and walks us over to the elevator.

We make it to the room and it's the size of an apartment. We had a view of the sea and the town below. We even had a private hot tub on the balcony. The bed could fit four people and the couch was able to fit two people laying across it. The walk in closet and the bathroom that held a bathtub and a walk in shower.

"Like the room?" Y/n laughs at my childish antics as I look around
"It's amazing" I jump into her arms, clinging onto her body.

"Thank you" I mumble into her neck
"Anytime sweetheart" she kisses the side of my head.

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