He strikes

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We were on the drive back to the hotel. Yelena was mumble the words of the song playing while Natasha drew patterns on the back of my hand as it lays on the gear shift. I look over for a brief second to see her glowing emeralds that shined with her bright smile.

"Dinner in or out?" Natasha questions
"I'm in the mood for a microwaveable meal, if you guys want something else we can go to the restaurant held within the hotel" I suggest
"Microwaveable food sounds amazing right now" Yelena drools
"Sounds good to me" Natasha agrees.

I pull into a store parking lot, turning the key to shut the car off. All three of us make our way towards the entrance of the store. Yelena was in front of us, Natasha was to my side holding onto my hand.

"Pick whatever you want" I state as we stand in front of the fridge holding the microwaveable dinners. Yelena picks up meatball and spaghetti. Natasha got herself a chilli con carne. I treated myself to a lasagna.

"Anything else?" I inquire, giving them the freedom to roam the store
"Can I order something to my room?" Yelena questions
"Yeah" I nod
"Then no, I'm good thank you" she shakes her head.

"Sweetheart, do you want anything else?" I look at Natasha
"If I get a dessert, will you share it with me?" She asks
"Depends on the dessert" I reply
"Chocolate cake?" Natasha suggests
"Sure. Get whatever one you want"

Natasha picks out a medium sized cake and we made our way over to the checkouts. I payed for everything and headed out of the store.

"How long are we staying?" Yelena inquires
"Till Monday. We have all day tomorrow to do whatever it is you would like" I explain
"I like being spoiled by a rich person. Maybe I should get a sugar daddy" Yelena states.

Natasha keeps her mouth shuts. The grip around my hand grew tighter as she tries to take my advise from earlier.

"You know you have to send them photos and even give them yourselves occasionally" I explain the situation of getting a sugar daddy
"If I get a hot one, then it's all good. Do you know any rich, single men?" Yelena questions
"... no" I had to think "They're either not good looking or married"
"Damn it. If you find one, let me know" I nod
"I will"

"Please don't" Natasha mumbles, I chuckle lightly
"Of course I won't" I assure her, kissing Natasha on the side of her head "To the hotel we go"

"What are the plans after dinner?" Natasha asks
"Whatever you guys want to do" I state, looking both way before I took a left turning
"Movie night!" Yelena suggests
"Sure, I'm down for that" I take a brief look at Natasha waiting for her answer
"Sounds good to me"

"You two have to keep it PG, you can hug and shit but no kissing or that stuff" Yelena lays out a few rules to which Natasha and I agree to.

"You could asks the waiter to join us" Natasha suggest but before Yelena or I could answer, the car was sent up into the air before crashing down on the roof like Bruce doing his Hulk Smash.

...the crackling of flames was the only sound now present.

~Natasha's POV~

The pounding within my head was unbearable. The blood was running out of my ear, sliding into my hair "Ugh!" I groan, trying to unbuckle my belt but it won't move. I look to my left, Y/n wasn't responsive. I pull out the knife from its holster strapped to my hip and cut through the thread before landing on my back and the glass impetrating my skin.

I hear shuffling in the back, seeing Yelena crawl her way out of the car. A loud cough comes from the drivers side, Y/n's alive "W-we have to get out" Yelena states "The gas is leaking and the flames will spread"
"Baby... I'm going to get you out" I try to move closer to Y/n but she stops me
"He isn't going to stop. I'll..." she takes in a sharp breathe, wincing in pain "I'll get myself out"

I hated this, seeing Y/n hurt and in pain. I never wanted this. I should have taken Tony's offer to go off the radar.

As I remove myself from the car, Yelena manages to get onto her feet. My sister offers me a support system in order to get myself off the floor. As the pair of us assure each other's well-being, a bullet hits the metal of the car.

Our training instincts kicked in due to the fact our firearms were raised and aiming towards where we think the shooter is located. A darkened figure moves towards us, shooting yet another bullet but misses... again.

Yelena looks at me confused as to whether this was the hitman or just some Russian drunk, but as he got closer it was made more clearly as to who our mystery shooter was. John Walker.

"Why are you doing this?" Yelena questions
"Because she quit" Josh answers "You never quit and leave without consequences"

"What's he talking about?" I question Yelena thinking she'd know
"Your dear Y/n isn't so innocent as you think" He states
"What's this got to do with her?" I inquire
"She's betrayed her family"

"Shut up before I kill you" Y/n threatens the man
"What, like you did your father?" John questions.

Before anyone had a time to respond, a bullet rang through the air making blood seep from his skull, rained onto the floor, followed by his body.

My sister and I look back to see Y/n's gun raised and smoke being blown from the barrel. I see her lip quivering "We best get going before someone comes across this. The hotel is about 30 minutes away" she sighs.

"Y/n" I say her name softly, wanting not to anger her more that she already is but I would also like to be filled in on what is happening
"I'll explain back at the hotel" she doesn't even make eye contact with me before she turned around and headed down the road.

Yelena and I followed.

Shit, you killed a guy! 😱

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