Hidden truths

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"Wanda!" I express as my sister walks into my office
"Why so excited to see me?" She questions my sudden enthusiastic attitude
"Just... happy to see my big sister. We should go for lunch, my treat" I stand up from my desk but Wanda sits down on the couch "...what are you doing?" I question
"I didn't come here for lunch. I'm actually meeting Pietro here, he wanted to talk to us both" Wanda explains
"Right here? Right now?" She nods "Okay"

I walk back over to my desk chair but don't sit down "Or we can meet him down stairs and go to lunch. That sounds splendid. Let's do that" I clap my hands
"What is wrong with you? Sit down" Wanda commands, I do as I'm told.

I tap my food anxiously "You seem on edge"

Maybe because I fucked your best friend TWICE and have her hidden in the cupboard to your left and want you to leave so I can continue!

"Just a little. Pietro wants to talk, must be serious" I joke
"He said it wasn't serious" Wanda mentions
"Cool. Cool. Cool" I repeat, nodding my head.

"Miss Maximoff your brother is on his way up" Darren intercoms though... again.

A gust of wind enters the room as Pietro stands by the window "Dramatic much" I mumble
"My sisters" he greets us
"What's this about?" I cut straight to the point
"Wanda's wedding" Pietro says
"What about it?" She questions
"We have to plan and be there for you" Pietro states
"And we had to discuss this within my office and not over lunch? Why don't we continue this over lunch?" I suggest
"Perfect. Let's go"

We left my office, I kept the door open so Natasha could just walk straight out. At least we didn't get caught.

~Natasha's POV~

That was the worst walk of shame I've ever done. I made it out of the building without a word from any of her employees or her assistant who was defiantly giving me the smug look on my way out. I drove back to the compound with no music on. I walk in and ignore everyone around, I wasn't in gym clothing for my alibi to work. I got changed faster than Pietro could run.

We nearly got caught but I keep thinking it was worth it. It's not. I'm using her because my marriage is falling apart but I can't stop. I think about her day and night. I think about her body, her touch, her smell, her delicate ways of comforting me.

I just stayed in bed, not wanting to talk to anyone but most importantly, being face-to-face with Wanda. I shouldn't be lying to her, she's never lied to me, that I know of, but I can't explain that her sister is my outlet when Bruce is being a jackass or not around for him to give me any physical attention. Would she understand?

~Time skip~

Tony called a meeting so the three of us who went to Russia can debrief the rest of the team on what we found "Take the floor" Tony gestures for one of us to start talking
"I went around asking neighbours what they heard or if any had seen something. One lady" Steve puts up an old ladies portrait "She said that a young, female, blonde was the last to see him. Unfortunately, no CCTV was spotted around the area" 
"Tasha and I looked around the apartment and there was no sign of the killer or even a clue as to where she might have gone to" Bucky explains.

"That is if the killer is a girl" Sam states
"Don't think a girl can do this?" I question his statement
"Don't get me wrong, all for feminism but come on" he scoffs "The man weighs 170. The rope was 50 feet off the ground and had to be pulled in order for him to die" Sam points out
"Wanna try give it a go?" I suggests, he rolls his eyes and gives up on arguing "Whoever it was knew ever blind spot and his schedule of the day while he was located there"
"So check his every move from the day he arrived to the day he supposedly died?" Scott questions
"Lets get going team" Tony claps, making everyone scrabble to their jobs.

It's bad enough lying to Wanda but Tony assigned me with her. This is not going to be easy.

"So they... took his own knife to kill him in order for us not to track it back to them" Wanda states the obvious "There's no sign of forced entry or the lock being picked, meaning-" I cut her off
"She had to have been with him" 
"Blood splattered. There's evidence of that" Wanda pulls out the image from the file "So she got some on her" pointing to the area on the floor where there is none
"She either washed it off or kept walking"
"Did we check the tap for finger prints?" Wanda questions
"I don't think so... no we didn't. Just the body and the obvious places one would put their hands" I mention
"Let's go tell Stark" 

We make our way into Tony's lab, seeing him along with Bruce and Vision working on the CCTV footage "The tap" Wanda blurts out
"What?" Tony looks at her confused
"What happens when you get blood upon you?... you wash it off. Water comes from a tap" I connect the dots for them
"Finger prints" Tony snaps his fingers "You two are to canvas that area again, tonight, along with Carol. Get into everywhere you'd think wouldn't be an obvious choice" 

"We make a good team" Wanda high fives me
"We do. Let's get packed and ready" I suggest, walking into my room
"I'm going on a mission with you guys?" Carol follows me in
"Yeah. Get packed Danvers. We're going to Russia"

Shit... you might get caught!

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